Confidently kind is a quality that evolves as we do selfless acts. Each time we reach out to another, it opens us up to being vulnerable as well. Our confidence grows as our acts of kindness are accepted. We realize that the door that we open for a deeper connection mirrors both ways. We see ourselves both in the giving and in the receiving. It is all the same gift. -- Mindy
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. -- Lao Tzu
Editor's Note: Confidently kind is a quality that evolves as we do selfless acts. Each time we reach out to another, it opens us up to being vulnerable as well. Our confidence grows as our acts of kindness are accepted. We realize that the door that we open for a deeper connection mirrors both ways. We see ourselves both in the giving and in the receiving. It is all the same gift. -- Mindy
Kindness In the News
The State of California is starting 2018 off by inviting all schools, preschools and childcare centers to join The Great Kindness Challenge January 22-26 - an entire school week devoted to kindness!
A professor introduced to Smile Cards at a conference performed a first random act of kindness at the airport, and came away with a realization that "I can do that everywhere."
What goes around comes around. This short video depicts how an unexpected moment of generosity from a stranger can cause us to take action to become a vector of goodness.
NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof tells us to have perspective on the circus around us. Let's not miss what's going right in the world - why 2017 was the best year in human history.
KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 89,520