Research shows that kindness "glues couples together." In our featured article below, "kindness (along with emotional stability) is the most important predictor of satisfaction and stability in a marriage. Kindness makes each partner feel cared for, understood, and validated - feel loved." Kill them with kindness! - Ameeta
"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution." - Khalil Gibran
Editor's Note: Research shows that kindness "glues couples together." In our featured article below, "kindness (along with emotional stability) is the most important predictor of satisfaction and stability in a marriage. Kindness makes each partner feel cared for, understood, and validated - feel loved." Kill them with kindness! - Ameeta
Kindness In the News
A tweet by a struggling German single mom that she could not afford school trips for her children resulted in a tidal wave of sympathy.
Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity.
KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 89,530