As our global problems become increasingly complex, it's easy to feel defeated. But ripples from even small shifts within our dynamic interconnected system (The Butterfly Effect below), can trigger tsunamis of change. Although a single act may seem inconsequential, we don't know how things will unfold and the impact can be far beyond the limits of our imaginations. #smallisgreat! - Ameeta
"We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa
Editor's Note: As our global problems become increasingly complex, it's easy to feel defeated. But ripples from even small shifts within our dynamic interconnected system (The Butterfly Effect below), can trigger tsunamis of change. Although a single act may seem inconsequential, we don't know how things will unfold and the impact can be far beyond the limits of our imaginations. #smallisgreat! - Ameeta
Kindness In the News
An online challenge, #trashtag, goes viral after challenging people to clean small areas in their communities and post pre- and post-clean up pictures. Imagine how much we can all accomplish together!
As a KindSpringer was reflecting on the beauty of her kind interactions earlier in the day with overflowing gratitude, she was awestruck by a full rainbow.
The Butterfly Effect: An explanation for why small acts can have such big effects. No one can fully understand the system but that doesn't mean we can't try to make it better.
KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 89,533