Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Babies on Planes

--by Ak47, posted May 19, 2015
The flight that I was on had these two babies less than a year old, probably twins, who were howling loudly. They were probably uncomfortable with their first flight. Everyone in the plane was disturbed with the loud crying. The poor parents were having a really really tough time and didn't know what to do to help the kids calm down. Both the mother and father stayed peaceful with the babies.
Even though almost every passenger on the plane was disturbed, no one said anything which to me was a sign of supreme patience and kindness of strangers that goes unnoticed. I want to thank all of you who have a large heart and stay patient and tolerant when facing such issues in public places. When the flight landed, I went and patted the father's arm and told him that I thought that both of them were wonderful parents. He laughed and thanked me for the compliment. His laughter made my day!

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Readers Comments

qofd wrote: Empathy goes a long way in situations like that!
brindlegirl wrote: Planes needs more understanding and compassionate people like you! You gave those parents the best gift you could, your understanding ♥
pluto178 wrote: Human beings should remember how they felt in the same situation and cut them some slack.........I always think it could be worse I could be the Mother..........always sympathetic what else can you do x
Mish wrote: Sounds like your flight was filled with kind souls. So beautiful you shared your kindness with them . Bless.
KindMyst wrote: Thank you for noticing how difficult this was for the parents. I also agree that the passengers were in a good personal spiritual place to stay calm. Thank you.
mindyjourney wrote: So dear the connection of compassion and understanding <3. Thank you for sharing with us.
sandyremillar wrote: Angelical flight??

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