September 21 is the Annual United Nations International Day of Peace - a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Let us allow the peace that resides within each of us to shine. Open our hearts to encircle the world in loving kindness. One kind thought, one kind act, one origami peace dove at a time. It all makes a difference. - Mindy
"Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means." - Ronald Reagan
Editor's Note: September 21 is the Annual United Nations International Day of Peace - a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Let us allow the peace that resides within each of us to shine. Open our hearts to encircle the world in loving kindness. One kind thought, one kind act, one origami peace dove at a time. It all makes a difference. - Mindy
Kindness In the News
As college season starts anew, these 9 people recall heartwarming stories of kindness from strangers during their college years that formed lifelong impressions.
The World Peace Game pits teams of elementary school age kids against each other in conflict. But the game is not won until all countries enjoy security and prosperity.
Learn about The May Peace Prevail On Earth movement - a global movement to inspire love, peace and harmony which exists in each of us.
KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 89,535