A good mindfulness technique is to "pay attention to what we are paying attention to". We amplify what we give space to. If our focus is always on what is wrong, then we amplify the negative. While the media tries to focus us on what is wrong in the world to grab our attentions, we must not lose focus on all that is right and good in our communities. Let's pay attention to the good. - Ameeta
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"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven." - John Milton
Editor's Note: A good mindfulness technique is to "pay attention to what we are paying attention to". We amplify what we give space to. If our focus is always on what is wrong, then we amplify the negative. While the media tries to focus us on what is wrong in the world to grab our attentions, we must not lose focus on all that is right and good in our communities. Let's pay attention to the good. - Ameeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
David Brooks explains why the media focuses on where we go wrong and barely covers the most important social change events happening - the 90% of our lives influenced by relationship and community.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
KindSpring (and Tolkien) helped this member to see beyond his immediate field of vision, and the inspirational stories of kindness renewed his outlook on life and the world.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
The Angel of Queens
Hugs Jorge Munoz, The Angel of Queens, is a community hero. He has cooked and delivered meals to 100 people nightly at a street corner for 5 years after working all day.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
As the birthrate in South Korea plummets, rural schools are opening their doors to grandmothers who dream of learning to read.
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KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 90,033

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