1: 21 Day Walking Challenge: Day 1

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step." -Naeem Callaway

21 Day Walking Challenge: Day 1: Today, let's take our first walk around the block together. Open your door and step outside. Before taking your next step, stop and listen for a moment, take a deep breath. What do you hear, what do you see, what do you smell? How do you feel? Consider where you want to go and how long you want to walk but don't focus on these things. Rather, let your mind wander and your heart explore what time and distance feels right to you today. Focus your attention on the walk by continuing to check on your senses at each corner and intentionally walking as slow as you can. If you are walking with a partner, consider walking in silence. 

A quick internet search finds many reasons why walking is good exercise. By taking one intentional slow step outside you'll see how it's also our natural made tool in making sense of our internal and outer worlds.



Share your reflection on a dedicated feed on KindSpring, and by the end you'll have a collection of beautiful entries in one place! You can also read thoughts from other people and browse through additional resources and inspiration.


KindSpring Challenges: For 21 days, participants do a small act daily, and share stories and photos with the community. One small step at a time, we change ourselves and the world.

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Invite a Friend to join in the fun.

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