Challenge Ideas


Below are the list of prompts for challenges for which we have pre-existing decks, with prompts, descriptions and graphics. Screenshots of a sample email are also included below.

Day 1: Pay Forward A Surprise Treat

Day 2: Reconnect with An Old Pal

Day 3: Gift Your Favorite Book

Day 4: Thank A Public Servant Today

Day 5: Share An Inspiring Story With Friends

Day 6: Beautify Your Neighborhood

Day 7: Send A Handwritten Note

Day 8: Give Up Complaining for a Day

Day 9: Surprise Someone With Flowers

Day 10: Give Away Something You Treasure

Day 11: Pay-Forward A Kindness Received

Day 12: Donate Clothing Or Household Goods

Day 13: Connect With A Stranger

Day 14: Call A Loved One

Day 15: Make Something with Your Hands

Day 16: Spend 15 Minutes In Silence

Day 17: Compliment Two People Today

Day 18: Make Time To Listen To Someone

Day 19: Choose Your Own Kindness Adventure!

Day 20: Give Back To The Earth

Day 21: Start A Gratitude Journal

Each prompt will be digitally crafted into a beautiful email like this:

And the bottom of the email will invite them to engage on the feed:

You can also take a look at a complete email example (and another one :)).

Share The Kindness