What Goes Around Comes Around?
I was a Kindness/ Karma Recipient this weekend and wanted to share my story with you all. I went to the grocery store to pick up some essentials....I had placed my purse in the baby carry-on chair and had turned my back to add some loose spinach into a bag for supper. The cart was right next to me one minute then gone the then! At first, I did not panic....thinking that someone had taken my cart instead of theirs by mistake.... As I looked around, I did not see an abandoned cart nor mine...I searched the fruit and veggie area, and every cart but with no luck, no purse! I ran to look out of the store but saw no one running....my heart started pounding as I realized that someone may have taken my purse ...I just couldn't quite believe this... I grabbed a clerk explaining what happened..he ran to get the manager....she listened ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by brighteyes
- Jun 16, 2007
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Advice From An Old Man
A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and face shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready. As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window. "I love it," he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait." "That doesn' t have anything to do with it," he replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by brighteyes
- Jun 16, 2007
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A Smile Card For A Smile Coupon!
When I was at work yesterday I was cashiering, which I didn't mind because I guess I needed the interaction with the positive people who walk through our door.
There was this one woman, older in age, white hair and just full of smiles that came in. I greeted her and as she walked through our store she would find little things and wanted to know the prices, so she would bring them up to me and I would let her know.
When her shopping was over she came up to check out and with a gentle smile told me that I was an angel and wanted to give me something, and when I saw here digging through her purse I told her that I had something for her to and when she pulled out a card that read, " COUPON GOOD FOR FREE "UNLIMITED" SMILES AND HUGS, THANK YOU" I also handed her one of my smile cards.
She laughed and told me that I was truly an angel and wished me a good day. Even now sitting here I can see this angels face because she too was an angel who walked into my life if only for a moment.
My day was better after that and the rest of the day seem to pass by, but her card I will carry with me until it is my turn to pass it on.
- Posted by Babygirl
- Jun 16, 2007
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The Little Things Add Up
I have been receiving smile cards for quite some time now and take great pleasure in leaving them randomly for people around my town. This town is such a great contrast from where I grew up. The people are so friendly and always go the extra mile to be personal with me.
So every now and then I will tell certain public workers (the lady at the bank, post office, etc...) thank you for being so kind to me, then give them a smile card :) It always makes me so happy to see them blush! Communication is sacred to humanity and so few of us REALLY communicate anymore.
I love being able to use something like the cards to connect with strangers. I also like to leave them in random places for people to find. Some examples: When I do taste test for the university I always leave one in the booth for the next person to find. I like to leave them on the counter at the post office, in random spots at the grocery store and other places. I have also been known to stick one under the windsheild wipers of a car I have noticed has bumper stickers I agree with :)
I love random acts of kindness!
- Posted by janezanaddict
- Jun 16, 2007
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The Hungry Cat
This is my first story, it's a random act of kindness.
It was 9:30 am when I was walking around campus shooting pictures. While I was walking in the Courtyard I heard a "Meow". It was the University's cat. She was very hungry. When I saw her I immediately ran to the canteen to buy a milk for her. Then I went back to the courtyard, spilled the milk in the dish, and I gave it to her. It was my pleasure to feed the hungry cat :)
- Posted by Fatma
- Jun 15, 2007
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You Can Change The World
There is a poem out there about how to change the world. I couldn't find it exactly so I put what I could remember here. Everyone here IS changing the world with their focus on kindness. Thank you all very much! You cannot change the world, but you can change your thoughts. If you change your thoughts, you can change your beliefs. If you change your beliefs, you can change your actions. If you change your actions, you can change lives. If you change lives, you can change the world...
- Posted by MakeSomeoneSmile
- Jun 15, 2007
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Baggging Groceries Unexpectedly
I snuck out at lunch hour to pick up some groceries so had very limited time. I had made a list and was going to pick up only those items. When I entered, I noticed the store was pretty empty and heaved a huge sigh...now to grab the essentials and pay and be back within an hour. Had my watch on which I glanced at occasionally and was making good time....found a line with only one people ahead of me and started dumping my goods on the conveyer belt to be rung up.... There were limited cashiers, maybe three open and one was the "15 items of less" option (not me) and I noticed only one bagger. The woman ahead of me was sighing as the cashier had to bag the goods after ringing up her purchases (slowing her down) and by this time there was a good 3 people behind me.... My turn, I gave the ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by brighteyes
- Jun 15, 2007
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One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure?
I gave my assistant at work a chance to look through all of the things I didn't want.
She took it all because she can't afford to buy new things right now. She thought everything was all so cool.
It felt good knowing where my old things went and that they found a new home that they are need in.
- Posted by shelbyjm
- Jun 14, 2007
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Its Just The Way Its Supposed To Be
All my life, I didn't realize that there was a choice to be kind or not. I have always thought that that was the way everyone thought!
After a few life changing events, I have searched my soul for who I want to be when I grow up (lol I'm 40!) I want to continue being kind, even when those who don't understand attack me for it.
I don't have an ulterior motive, it's just who I am. I wish to spread kindness everywhere!
- Posted by monabr
- Jun 14, 2007
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Icecream Sundae Smile
The weather is finally warming up and so off we go to the local icecream shoppe for some yummy icrecream sundaes.
It was crowded but we finally got our turn to order. My daughter and I watched as the girl made our desserts. It's hard to scoop the icrecream and she was getting tired, I could tell her hand hurt from scooping all night. Then I thought of the Waffle House Story that Paul wrote earlier...and I told my daughter I was going to give her a nice big TIP...which nobody was doing, not even a tip period!!!
Well, :) When she handed us our icecream, I handed her $$$$ and She said "You already Paid the other lady." I said "I know, but I want to thank you for working so hard and for service with a SMILE!!! This money is your tip. " The biggest smile came across her face and I felt like a million bucks myself.
Giving feels good... :) ~Aurelia
- Posted by Aurelia
- Jun 13, 2007
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Be Like A Bird
this is a song i learned from a good friend and teacher of mine in vermont. it is sung in a round, and the lyrics have truly changed the way i face situations.
be like a bird
who halting in her flight
on a limb too slight
feels it giving way
beneath her
yet sings
knowing she has wings
yet sings
knowing she has wings.
- Posted by robbie
- Jun 13, 2007
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Surprises & Support For Sally
It was a busy and hectic week at work but I took the time to talk to another co-worker. During our conversation, she mentioned her husband had taken off the day to pick up a friend of her daughter's, Sally, from a "safe" house in another state. It seems Sally was down on her luck; running from an violent husband to escape abuse, homeless, jobless, with no money, few belongings, no food, only 18 years old and carrying a precious bundle, her 11 month old son. My co-worker was lamenting about the situation and how desperate Sally was...she had family in our state but they were either unsupportive or did not have the wherewithall to assist her. My co-worker's husband had just retired and they are still supporting a daughter in high school so did not have money to lend but her older daughter offered to take in Sally for a few weeks and her ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by brighteyes
- Jun 13, 2007
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Donuts For My Young Friends
One cold winter morning I decided to run into the donut shop before I hopped on the bus to work. As I approached the shop, there were two young boys looking through the glass window. I'm not sure but I believe they were looking at the donuts and wishing they had money to purchase a gooey delight. As I passed them and opened the door to enter the shop I turned to them and said "Good morning". And guess what! They were polite and said "Good morning." So I asked "See something you want?" They sheepishly smiled but gave no answer. So I said "come on in and get something good." They looked at each other and decided I looked like someone's grandma so I was probably ok. They followed me in, we walked to the counter and I announced "I'd like a hot chocolate and my friends can have ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by tepeterson
- Jun 12, 2007
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A Smile And A Helping Hand
I got out of my car and was headed towards the store. Coming from the store was this elderly woman with plastic shopping bags dangling from her hands and starting to get tight. I smiled as I approached her and she smiled back at me. I could see she was struggling with the packages getting heavy as she walked towards her car. (Some stores don't allow shopping carts to leave the store and that's when this problem occurs)
I quickly SMILED really big and asked her if I could help her get her packages to her car. She hestitated at first .Then she trusted me for some reason and said "OK, If you don't mind taking a minute to help me out."
I was more than happy to be able to give her a hand. It took only a minute and we were both on our way, but I know she was surprised that I offered to help her. This was a small act of kindness but it felt good.
- Posted by Aurelia
- Jun 12, 2007
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A World Of Smiles
About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History. One day while working at the cash register in the gift shop, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked closer at this girl, I saw that she was kind of perched on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was wearing a little white dress with red polka dots. As the couple wheeled her up to me I was looking down at the register. I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest smile I have ever seen. All of a sudden ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Author Unknown
- Jun 11, 2007
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I Could Have Helped Him
I went to a bank to make a demand draft. Saw this poor old man who was waiting with wonded legs and torn clothes. This is not a common site at a bank. I was wondering why he had to come to a bank. He had the account book with him. I did see him walk to the counter, spoke to the lady at the counter and got back to his seat. He repeated this process for about 4 times in one hour. He was tired and requested me to help him. That was when I got to know why he was there -- he was waiting for his pension to get credited in his account. I spoke to the lady at the counter, but she said that she could do nothing about it. I knew that he was very badly in need of money. The amount would be very ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Latesha
- Jun 11, 2007
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Returning A Shirt
Yesterday, I was at a track meet with my team. After it was over, I was packing up and ready to leave when I spotted a black shirt on the ground by the fence. I pick it up and saw that it said "Stuyvesant High School Track - EVA". My friend told me to just leave it there, that she'll come back for it. I told her that I have friends who go to that high school and are also on the track team. I'll just give it to them. So i brought it home, folded it neatly and placed it in a bag so I can give it to my friend to give it to the girl Eva when I see her. I even attached a SMILE card to the shirt. =] A lot of times, track teams don't talk to each other because they think that if they ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by bluqtgyrl
- Jun 10, 2007
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For A Little Superhero
I was talking with a woman in my office who has a son near the same age as my little 5 year old boy. I was telling her how much my son loved his Superman pajamas with a detachable cape. She laughed and told me how much her little boy would love something like that. She looked for weeks and then asked me again where I got it. She was not able to find any more there.
She loves her son so much that I decided I would find another one somewhere! Sure enough, in the age of the internet, I was able to find one on-line and have it shipped to me. The other morning I put in on her chair so she would find it when she came in to the office. She was so excited and touched that I found one for her son. I was so happy to make her and her little boy smile.
I get updates all the time on her little superhero. I'm just glad I was able to find the outfit and make them both smile!
- Posted by MakeSomeoneSmile
- Jun 10, 2007
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A False Alarm At The Bus Stop
I was driving home in the early hours of the morning after spending an evening quite a distance from home. Being a lone female, I felt very consious in the car and had locked all the doors. After driving for about an hour, I passed a public house with a bus stop right in front of it and lying on the floor, in a crumpled heap, was a man. I smiled to myself and thought he must be drunk. I had another 40 mins of so before I would be home, but I kept thinking of this man lying there, trying to convince myself that he would be ok. But I kept thinking that if he's injured, I would never be able to forgive myself. So I turned the car around and got back to the public house -- he was still there -- call the emergency services from the phone box ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by purplefrenzy
- Jun 9, 2007
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A Wallet of an Old Man
There I was, a sole-parent, walking down the street. The week had been hard and today was full with bill paying and running errangs. As I walked the street, with my head down deep in thought, I noticed something unusual in the gutter. Moving towards the object, I realised it was a wallet. I picked it up and immediately looked up and around for the first time that day. The street was bare with only one shop -- Guidedogs for the Blind. Standing there, my first thought was that perhaps someone would return to claim the wallet. But after a while, I realized I needed to be proactive. I opened the wallet to find a name or some identification. While looking through it, I noticed something like $400, all neatly stacked in fifty dollar notes! I eventually found a name but no phone number or address. My only clue was ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by SmileHiClub
- Jun 8, 2007
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