Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Who Can You Reach Out To Today…..

🥶 “ We can’t change the weather outside but we can keep our inner world warm and we can always warm the hearts of others with a gentle touch, a smile and an encouraging word. Who can you reach out to today?"~ Paul Boynton, Begin With Yes website

🫶🏽Reached out to delivery guy yesterday & invited him to step in to the entry hallway…it was snowing, windy & cold out and he wasn’t a stranger to me. After a little chat he left with peace doves for his daughter & I received a hug from him 🤗. Hadn’t seen him in a long while….

(21 degrees F here in NYC this morning with 13 degree wind chill 💨 )

32 Reads

Opportunity Of Kindness Visited ...

Opportunity of kindness visited me

Relatives of PapayaCare’s resident Mr. G came to meet him. There were two kids and there was an opportunity for me to serve. I offered to make personalized bookmarks for them. They gave me names, I made bookmarks for them. I also gave quote cards, MindyJourney’s peace dove with quote card and booklet on positive thinking. I shared my experiences of positive thinking with them I received smiles and thank you in return.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for all the opportunities sending my way and His help and guidance to manifest them..

37 Reads

Free Food Pantries

Many cities and communities have Free Food Pantries, where people can leave food items for others and take items that they may need.

I have been buying things like Oatmeal, rice, canned soup, bread, bananas and leaving there for people in need.

34 Reads

Received Kindness From A Friend As A Thoughtful New Year Gift!

A good friend of mine sent me a gift in the form of a book by one of my favorite authors. He was preparing for his abroad trip but he fell sick before the trip. But he found time to buy and courier me the book with a beautiful note. His thoughtfulness and kindness is amazing.

42 Reads

Brought Fresh Cookies To My Barber

Got my hair cut today and took some fresh baked, homemade chocolate chips cookies for the woman that I go to. She was quite surprised but over the moon. As usual we had a blast and the conversation was riveting. I joked at the end that she missed a spot so we could keep chatting :)

35 Reads

I Regularly Buy From ...

I regularly buy from the fish counter in my local supermarket. I'm not sure when I first spoke to the lady who staffs it on Mondays and Fridays but we have a conversation every time I go there now. A few weeks ago, she told me she would be away for a couple of weeks because it was the anniversary of her father's death and she was going to scatter his ashes at his favourite seaside town. I asked how it went and she thanked me for asking.

I've made several knitted bags like the one in the photograph. One for my daughter for her to put her passport in on holiday. One for myself for the same purpose and the others have gone to several people. Last Monday, I decided as I'd finished a number of current knitting projects it would be a good time to make one for the lady on the fish counter.

I finished it yesterday and gave it to her this morning. She replied, 'You didn't need to do anything.' I replied, 'I know but I've made it for you.' I will see her next week and I hopes she liked it.

48 Reads

'tis The Season :)

I sent another two packages to my friend in Ukraine. They have both arrived, including one that the USPS erroneously sent on a holiday across the UK (glad that one, which was classified as "missing" for several months, finally arrived!). The packages had more warm socks, sweets and treats, several other special requests that otherwise cannot be found in Ukraine, and a box of funfetti cake mix and a tub of sweet, sweet funfetti icing :) his daughter had a birthday recently and the cupcakes and special requests were most welcomed. United24, the official fundraising platform launched by President Zelenskyy, started a new fundraiser for Christmas: their goal of $1,000,000 USD is to purchase generators for schools so the children may study with light and heat ( Happily donated, and sent the link on to many others, encouraging them to contribute as well. A non-profit is collecting funds to provide Christmas gifts to ... Read Full Story >>

44 Reads

Contacted Old Boss To Say Thank You

I sent my previous co worker a message to see how she has been (haven't heard from her or seen her in over a year) and I thanked her for hiring me all those years ago.

I told her how much the job has since blessed me and how grateful I was to her.

Everybody needs appreciating and it feels good to do so ♥️

36 Reads

🫶🏽 Welcome Neighbor

🏡 New family will be moving in right next door to us in the near future. 🧶 I will crochet one of my “hugs” (prayer shawls) to welcome the lady of the house.

We met briefly when they came to look at the house & we shared hellos. I look forward to welcoming them to our block 🫶🏽

29 Reads

Kindness Opportunity GrabbedNurses At ...

Kindness Opportunity Grabbed

Nurses at PapayaCare were making pill boxes ready for the residents. They wrote names with pens on stickers and pasted them on pill boxes They also wrote, Morning, Afternoon and Night on the compartments of the pill boxes. They accepted my offer to make them labels. I am grateful to them. I made labels as shown in the image and attached them on the pillboxes too.

Whenever visitors visit their loved ones at Papayacare, I offer to make personalized bookmarks for them. They gave me names and I made them. I helped them attach stickers on the boxes too.

I also made bookmarks for staff and their families.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for all the opportunities sending my way and His help and guidance to manifest them..

30 Reads

Sharing Tea With Strangers

Sharing tea with strangers...

There is too much cold in India. Many people have to come out from for their work and other task. So we think a cup of hot tea can give them some warm and realax in cold.

So we shared a small cup of tea with strangers on the street near to hospital.


38 Reads

Helping A Senior With Directions

It was a very rainy day today.

I was walking to pick up a purchase and an elderly lady asked me for help finding her intended destination.

I stopped and was able to figure out where she wanted to go, and I walked her across the street to the destination.

I told her to be careful, due to the weather and trafffic.

It was nice to help someone.

46 Reads

Happy New Year Beanies for charity

Happy New Year to everyone. May 2025 be filled with blessings and challenges for everyone.

The photo attached shows some of the little beanies I've made for the charity (left picture) and the photo on the right side is of an otter I finished making yesterday.

37 Reads

The Cycle Of Kindness ...

The cycle of kindness

My friend and I have been talking about kindness. We encourage each other. So far we are helping each other by texting about gratefulness. We share e things each day we are grateful for. We have each started to share those with other friends. We hold each other up thru our worries and our joys.

33 Reads

Small Acts Of Kindness Matter

Small acts of kindness can make big impact.

Look for opportunities to help others.

I saw someone in the lobby of the building where I work, and I asked if they needed help. They told me which place they were looking for and I told them which floor to go to. Later, I saw him again, and i asked if he found it, and he said he did.

When I went out, I saw a delivery person entering a building with a lot of items, so I held the door open for him.

33 Reads

Kindness At Doctor's Offices During ...

Kindness at Doctor's Offices..................

During my recent visit to a Pulmonologist and an Ophthalmologist, outcome is nothing to worry about. I will get my new glasses very soon.

I gave a bunch of quote cards and booklets on positivity; I cracked jokes with doctors pertaining to their profession. They liked them and laughed.. I received smiles and thanks in return.

We all know that laughter is the best medicine for all. I add, doctors are included in that "all".

President Lincoln was keeping humorous books in his office. To get refreshed from over work, he was stopping work and reading humorous book.

I paid high fare to rikshaw driver and gave him quote cards as well

41 Reads

Happy Holidays!

Nominated a colleague for a college-wide award and was so happy when we found out that she got it! She had no idea :-) Brought lunch for my office-mate who was teaching back-to-back classes all day on his birthday, and surprised him with treats from a college holiday party. Wrote "Happy Birthday" on his classroom whiteboard and told his students to wish him---and then I could hear them singing Happy Birthday to him from the next classroom---that made my day! Apparently he was very touched by the group singing to him. A former student who took my class 14 years ago is now a faculty member (assistant prof) in our department and will be starting in January---just saw him and we had a beautiful conversation and hug! He is amazing and it just made my day. A neighbor gave me toiletry bags from flight which were really nice--warm socks, etc. and I knew ... Read Full Story >>

246 Reads

Cruelty Free Cleaning

I've posted before about using environmentally cleaning products and I received this from one of them today:

'We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Bio-D throughout November. We celebrated 18 years of approval from Cruelty Free International, a milestone that wouldn’t have been possible without your continued support.

To honour this achievement and support their mission to end animal testing, we pledged to donate 18p from every product sold on during November.

This contribution will support their vital work to create a world where no animal suffers in a laboratory. Your commitment to choosing cruelty-free products makes a real difference. Together, we’re shaping a more compassionate future for all living beings.'

It made me smile!

203 Reads

A Medical Miracle!

Our gardener's son had a medical diagnosis of a hole in his heart and that was a year ago. My wife through her services with Rotary figured that the Rotary could sponsor the fees for the boy's treatment and surgery, if that leads to. She then helped set up a doctor appointment and told our gardener and his wife that she will pay for the transport to the hospital. The gardener's wife politely declined her offer but came back from the hospital visit with detailed medical reports and a great news. The medical reports basically say there is no more hole in that child's heart and he is good. My wife was thrilled and we both felt it is just a miracle and blessings from somewhere. My wife later told me that she had prayed for the boy's welfare in a temple and upon hearing the happy news she now sponsored a free lunch at the temple for less advantaged people. We are very grateful for the miracle and happy for our gardener and his family!

361 Reads

Help To Neighbours

Yesterday, our next door neighbour was having a difficult day. She came round distressed because her phone needed charging and the only lead which would fit it had been pulled apart by one of the children. We got her to sit down and gave her a drink of water and I plugged her phone into my charger.

Around lunchtime she returned because she'd had to make a number of calls on her phone and it was out of charge. I offered her a lead and charger but at first she thought the lead would work. Five minutes later she returned and I gave the charger as well. She said she would bring it back but I told her not to worry. I knew I had a spare upstairs and I brought it down. However, it occurred to me it would help to have another spare one, so I went online and ordered one which had been significantly reduced along with free delivery.

I gave no more thought about it but this morning when I checked my email, I'd been awarded a gift voucher for some contributions I'd made to research and it effectively covered the cost of a new charger.

98 Reads