Search Results for 'popular' (2975 matches)

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I See You

She sat in my class. A teenage girl. All the girls had grouped their desks but hers sat in isolation. I reformed groups and ensured that she never sat alone. I encouraged group ethos and it worked well. In this country, girls love to bring flowers and gifts for each other. Not Amani though. She had no friends to either give to or receive from. She has special needs and her communication level is low especially in English (I am teaching in the Middle East). Watching her face and it's lack of emotion pulled so hard at my heartstrings. Seeing her walk about alone during recreation was painful for me. What could I do? I couldn't be her classmate, I was her teacher. Despite this, I had to reach out. On the last day before school broke up at the end of term I brought a gift for Amani. It was a very generous gift ... Read Full Story >>

2032 Reads

Giving a Stranger Some Hope

My ex-husband gives me money to help me pay-off a joint credit card we had when we were married. Since he doesn't have good enough credit to have a bank account, he gives me $500 in cash every month. 

Once when I was returning from his place with the cash, a woman at the corner held up a sign that simply said HUNGRY.  Where I work, there are the same few panhandlers every day, but this was in a residential part of town and it was starting to snow.  I rolled my window down and passed her a bill.  She started to mumble thanks, but then smiels as she noticed it was a twenty.  I said she could get a nice hot breakfast a block away at the pancake house.

Twenty bucks isn't going to pay off my debt any sooner and maybe it will give a stranger strength and hope to go on.

2943 Reads
  • Posted by Rachelinga
  • Sep 3, 2008
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A Little Girl's Lesson in Love and Compassion

I was traveling in China a couple of years ago. We were touring some very rural areas - the particular location was the Ancient City about 40 miles outside of Wenzhou. I was the only brown skinned person in sight. People where quite fascinated with me, and would stare, and sometimes photograph me. I was getting a little annoyed, but I thought why not send my fellow travellers love in my thoughts. As we walked through this village we came upon a family making rice wine. They appeared to have very little but had such radiant smiles. As we got closer, I saw a small little figure dart into their little home and dart back out. Their little toddler, all of 3 years old, approached me. She was an adorable little thing. She wore quite tattered clothes and had dirt smudges on her face. As I bent down, she reached out and gave me ... Read Full Story >>

12.9K Reads

A Blanket of Sisterhood

I have been doing what I can to look out for someone who lives close inside my heart though the daily lives we experience are quite far apart .  In my home, I wake up to a fresh morning, experiencing the luxury and warmth of the comfort of my own bed laden with a floral quilt that my grandmother once made for me. On the opposite coast of the country, within the confines of the lonely hospital walls, my sister rests often unpeacefully and in pain on a cold and firm plaster white sterilized bed. A cancer inside her is spreading despite a recent mastectomy and three months of intense chemotherapy. Radiation was not a possibility for her and now this condition has seeped into her skull and spine. The comforter which I grip so tightly begins to unravel in my hand and the texture of the fabric begins to soil, as I feel a piece of me lying there with her in the hospital room.  In order to keep myself from crumbling, I began to send blessing blankets, little toy angels, and a book of ... Read Full Story >>

4289 Reads
  • Posted by myfbil
  • Oct 21, 2008
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The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale

Once upon a time, a long time ago there lived two very happy people called Tim and Maggi with their two children, John and Lucy. To understand how happy they were you have to understand how things were in those days. You see, in those happy days everyone was given, at birth, a small soft Fuzzy Bag. Anytime a person reached into this bag he was able to pull out a Warm Fuzzy. Warm Fuzzies were very much in demand because whenever somebody was given a Warm Fuzzy it made him feel warm and fuzzy all over. People who didn't get Warm Fuzzies regularly were in danger of developing a sickness in their backs which caused them to shrivel up and die. In those days it was very easy to get Warm Fuzzies. Anytime that somebody felt like it, he might walk up ... Read Full Story >>

51.0K Reads
  • Posted by Claudia Steiner
  • Oct 12, 2008
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Pay-It-Forward Ice Cream Coupons

A long while back, my son and I were having ice-cream at a Baskin Robbins near our home and we decided to "pay it forward" by anonymously treating a dad and his kids to ice-cream.  We left the store before they knew what was going to happen and my son and I smiled to ourselves as we walked home. Well, the other night, as I was reading Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle", a coupon for a free of pint of Baskin Robbins ice cream fell out of the library book!  Talk about what goes around, comes around.  I didn't say a word to anyone at home, and went about my daily errands.  That day, my son had been particularly helpful (doing things without being asked), so I decided to surprise him with his favorite flavor of ice-cream.  Now, ice-cream is not normally found in our freezer so this is a ... Read Full Story >>

11.5K Reads

Expired Meters And A Pockeful Of Change

Just another simple one.  I noticed that I was walking with a slight list the other day due to a large amount of change in my right pocket. Now, I know that I could have shifted my ballast just a bit and evened things out, but there were cars parked there on expired meters :-)  Oh Darn!  It was a weekday too!  So I engaged in a paperwork reduction act of my own.  I figured that the metermaid wouldn't have to write so many tickets if I fed some meters.  Welp, I made a couple of blocks and was walking on a more even trim, and didn't have to shift ballast at all :-)

2591 Reads

Feeding the homeless with my daughters

I am so appreciating my daughters today and all that we learned while we were growing TOGETHER. I am especially grateful for the activities that revolved around kindness and brought joy to us at the same time. At one time we decided to bake bread for the homeless community on the beach near our home. We took 2 days during each week to bake mini loaves of bread and also took cheese of each person. As this project went on (eventually for more than two years) one of my daughters started having short conversations with each person she gave bread to. Eventually we brought some playing cards and checkers and played with some of the people, too. Soon several of our friends got involved and we began to make full lunches once a week for this community. Years later when I would see one of the previous free lunch recipients, they would come ... Read Full Story >>

2223 Reads

Everything You Need Is Right There

I only just found out that a neighbor of mine had surgery two days ago. 

I wanted to take her a gift to cheer her up, but I couldn't go out to buy anything. So, I went out into my backyard and picked some flowers. I put them in an old glass jar which I covered with pretty butterfly paper. Then I took them over with a homemade card. 

I am planning to make some food for her family later. 

It's a good feeling, realizing that when you want to give everything you need is already there!

2480 Reads

Suckered? I Don't Think So!

One morning a week I volunteer as cashier at a Habitat for Humanity Restore. 

Last week a young mother with a toddler was excited and happy about a light fixture she was buying. She rummaged through her bag for a while before announcing she had left her wallet at home. 
I suggested she pop on home real quick and come back but she said she lived a distance away. 
My heart responded to her disappointment and I took out my wallet and paid for her items. She was so surprised that anyone would offer to do that and took my name and address. 
My husband thought I'd been suckered but two days later, after I received a check from the woman, it was his turn to be surprised by the goodness in the world!


2976 Reads

The woman who went up a mountain and came down different

I've suffered with crippling social anxiety and anger issues as long as I can remember. I never directed the anger externally but had a habit of being (retrospectivly) vile to myself. A couple of years ago I came up with what I thought was a cunning plan of positivity: every time I became irrationally angry about something I couldn't change, I'd do a random act of charity. Things like loosing money or not getting a promotion saw me donating goods to our local food Bank. At the start of this month myself and my partner went on our first holiday in years. Just a week in Tenerife but at risk of sounding dramatic, a life changing week. We climbed Mt. Teide and as I stood at the top soaking in my first taste of high altitude, something in my brain burst. Be it a life changing experience or a neuron dying through ... Read Full Story >>

3313 Reads
  • Posted by Mountainmoufl
  • Jul 7, 2015
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The Healing Toddler

A month ago,  I stepped through the revolving door  into my physician's office, feeling both afraid of being there because of what I could find out about my health, but also knowing that I would feel afraid if I didn't come there precisely to find out. So, I felt stuck. As I scurried over to a wooden chair with a plush cushion and a Home & Garden magazine lying on top of it, I noticed there were many other patients who were carefully seated on the chairs surrounding me with frightened faces buried in magazines. Amidst, these nervous readers, I spotted a little two-year old girl who was propped up on one of these seats with her short little legs sticking horizontally out into the air.  Just a moment after I sat down, I heard this little doll-like child's voice as she suddenly and fearlessly, began to sing. She was making up her own song. It was something about Santa Claus. Everyone was listening but I don't think she even was aware of how all of ... Read Full Story >>

8529 Reads

Shine Brighter

Dealing with the gal at the front desk at the doctor's office is sometimes less than pleasant. She can be quite off-putting and not at all welcoming. It can make a stressful time even more stressful. 

So, today, when we walked in the office, we were determined not to allow our light to be dimmed by her energy. We smiled at her and complimented her about the flowers on her desk. She smiled and chatted back.

We just need to shine brighter instead of being "reactive". Perhaps she's doing the best she can. We needed to be less reactive to her and more compassionate. We give away our power when we allow ourselves to be reactive.

2210 Reads

A Tale of The Missing Flowers

I allowed myself to receive. These flowers were gifted to me by our local florist. I had placed an order with him for flowers to be delivered to a dear friend overseas. For reasons unknown to both my florist and myself, the flowers were never delivered and after multiple contacts with the overseas supplier, who kept saying "tomorrow" for days on end (with no explanation!) we canceled the order. My florist called to apologize and said he wanted to send me a bouquet of flowers to make up for the mishap. Even tho I assured him it wasn't his fault & that he didn't have any control over the mishandling of my order, he insisted he wanted to send me flowers. We went back and forth on this & finally I realized this was something that would make him feel better and that I should just say thank you and let him ... Read Full Story >>

2881 Reads

Scouts Honor on a Full Flight

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Charlotte, North Carolina, to spend a week with my husband in Miami, Florida. Mike had been in Florida for five months working for an internet start-up company. We were excited about the trip because we had seen him only five times in five months, and Kallie missed her Dad terribly. As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally full. I had noticed a troop of Boy Scouts at the gate and commented to my daughter that if anything happened, we would be OK with all those Scouts on our flight! Little did I know.... Because we did not get our boarding passes until we arrived at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were separated by the aisle. That wasn't such a big deal, except that Kallie was nervous about the trip and had counted ... Read Full Story >>

5174 Reads

An Extra Step on a New England Hiking Trail

Hiking today with the wags and a friend provided yet another opportunity to move out of my comfort zone and connect. Cold with a mixture of sun and snow encouraged a quicker step than usual on the mountain. On the descent, we came across a large troop of boy scouts and their families heading down as well. The trail and people bottle-necked for a few moments before the majority of the troop was well ahead and out of sight. Left behind were a young boy and his mother who seemed unsteady and unsure on the trail. We slowed our pace for a bit to talk with them before eventually passing them. They caught up again when my friend paused to tie her shoe. The boy at that moment slipped and tumbled forward. My friend attempting to catch him as he rolled down the trail. Helping him up he was nervous, crying in his ... Read Full Story >>

4295 Reads

A Sprinkle of Love, by Mail

I have come up with an idea that i thought i would share. I am going to start to sending letters, post cards and small things through the mail to my grandmother. One each day. She has not been feeling well lately and I thought this would cheer her up a bit. I am thinking of doing it with other people as well so each week I will pick a new person to shower with encouraging word, thoughts, and love!

Just wanted to share it! You are all an inspiration to me thanks!!

2147 Reads

Getting Out What We Put Into The World

Since I have come to any kind of spiritual maturity I have believed we get out of this world what we put into it (... and then some!) Usually, the rewards are indirect and sometimes hard to recognise, but every once in a while what you give comes back to you there and then! A couple of days back my step-son, Josh, was preparing for a big event. Children from his primary school were going for their first trial day at the secondary school, so they would know what to expect when they started after the summer holidays. A big day for an eleven year old lad! I was in the middle of some stuff when I noticed him searching in a clay pot where we keep pens and pencils. In primary school they use pencils, but secondary kids get to write with pens. And Josh was looking for a pen. He came out with ... Read Full Story >>

5581 Reads

Secret Snow Wiper Will Strike Again!

After 2 false alerts the winter storm advisory today, tonight and tomorrow  is real  -- snow has been falling and accummulating.  And I'm armed!  I made sure to put an extra pairs of  gloves, 2 ice scraper (small and large), and a small hand held brush for sweeping the snow in the front seat of my car. What I'm also going to do is scout our work parking lot for a secret snow wiping and windshield cleaning, after I leave work. I started this tradition a few years ago when my hubby and I discontinued car pooling. (I did not realize that he spoiled me- I'd sit in the nice, warm truck watching/waiting while he did the cleaning then drove us safely home.) Now I do my own (ugh!).  I know how much work it involves, and  how cold you can get.  So I'm excited to be able to surprise someone with a ... Read Full Story >>

4367 Reads

Growing In Kindness And It Feels So Good

I would like to share a story that I just told a KS friend about in a comment... since only she saw it I thought others might enjoy and learn from it... There is someone on KinSpring whose posts sort of annoyed me. I asked my friend about them and she replied with kindness (as she always does). This made me rethink my own reaction. I was able to something positive in this person's posts and sent this person Karmabucks with thanks for that positive thing I noticed. This felt so good as it was a stretch for me. Ordinarily I would have just continued to be annoyed every time I saw a post or at the most just ignored them. This was a way for me to show to myself that I could find something good in everyone and show kindness to everyone. It is easy to show kindness to those ... Read Full Story >>

2083 Reads