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An Extra Step on a New England Hiking Trail

Hiking today with the wags and a friend provided yet another opportunity to move out of my comfort zone and connect. Cold with a mixture of sun and snow encouraged a quicker step than usual on the mountain. On the descent, we came across a large troop of boy scouts and their families heading down as well. The trail and people bottle-necked for a few moments before the majority of the troop was well ahead and out of sight. Left behind were a young boy and his mother who seemed unsteady and unsure on the trail. We slowed our pace for a bit to talk with them before eventually passing them. They caught up again when my friend paused to tie her shoe. The boy at that moment slipped and tumbled forward. My friend attempting to catch him as he rolled down the trail. Helping him up he was nervous, crying in his ... Read Full Story >>

4295 Reads

Scouts Honor on a Full Flight

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Charlotte, North Carolina, to spend a week with my husband in Miami, Florida. Mike had been in Florida for five months working for an internet start-up company. We were excited about the trip because we had seen him only five times in five months, and Kallie missed her Dad terribly. As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally full. I had noticed a troop of Boy Scouts at the gate and commented to my daughter that if anything happened, we would be OK with all those Scouts on our flight! Little did I know.... Because we did not get our boarding passes until we arrived at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were separated by the aisle. That wasn't such a big deal, except that Kallie was nervous about the trip and had counted ... Read Full Story >>

5174 Reads

A Sprinkle of Love, by Mail

I have come up with an idea that i thought i would share. I am going to start to sending letters, post cards and small things through the mail to my grandmother. One each day. She has not been feeling well lately and I thought this would cheer her up a bit. I am thinking of doing it with other people as well so each week I will pick a new person to shower with encouraging word, thoughts, and love!

Just wanted to share it! You are all an inspiration to me thanks!!

2147 Reads

Getting Out What We Put Into The World

Since I have come to any kind of spiritual maturity I have believed we get out of this world what we put into it (... and then some!) Usually, the rewards are indirect and sometimes hard to recognise, but every once in a while what you give comes back to you there and then! A couple of days back my step-son, Josh, was preparing for a big event. Children from his primary school were going for their first trial day at the secondary school, so they would know what to expect when they started after the summer holidays. A big day for an eleven year old lad! I was in the middle of some stuff when I noticed him searching in a clay pot where we keep pens and pencils. In primary school they use pencils, but secondary kids get to write with pens. And Josh was looking for a pen. He came out with ... Read Full Story >>

5581 Reads

Secret Snow Wiper Will Strike Again!

After 2 false alerts the winter storm advisory today, tonight and tomorrow  is real  -- snow has been falling and accummulating.  And I'm armed!  I made sure to put an extra pairs of  gloves, 2 ice scraper (small and large), and a small hand held brush for sweeping the snow in the front seat of my car. What I'm also going to do is scout our work parking lot for a secret snow wiping and windshield cleaning, after I leave work. I started this tradition a few years ago when my hubby and I discontinued car pooling. (I did not realize that he spoiled me- I'd sit in the nice, warm truck watching/waiting while he did the cleaning then drove us safely home.) Now I do my own (ugh!).  I know how much work it involves, and  how cold you can get.  So I'm excited to be able to surprise someone with a ... Read Full Story >>

4367 Reads

She gave this part of herself to a complete stranger

The other day I walked along with my friends towards the cafeteria and outside I could see a crowd made up mostly by girls.  I couldn’t make out what was happening. As the confused gossip-lovers that we were, we came closer and were able to see that a lady was cutting a girl’s braided hair. Of to the side there was a poster which encouraged you could donate about 10 inches of your hair in order to make hair prosthesis for patients who suffered from cancer and had lost all or most of their hair. I was in awe by the courage of those girls that were excitedly waiting their turn to get their hair chopped off. We then made our way passed the mob of students so we could get into the cafeteria. We sat down and proceeded to eat our lunch.  I kept thinking about the audacity of the ... Read Full Story >>

2055 Reads
  • Posted by a01351061
  • Aug 30, 2016
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World Kindness Week Day 2 - Alvin, The School Bus Driver

I took the bus to school every day when I was in grade school. Alvin, our bus driver, came by every morning at 8:00 to pick us up.   We were lower income families. My parents barely made ends meet for them and five of us kids.   Alvin picked up around twenty kids in our area and dropped us off after school. About once a month he would make a stop at the local drive-in. Someone would come out and ask each of us if we wanted an ice cream or a drink. Alvin would pay for the whole bus out of his own pocket.  The kindness that he showed was amazing.  We didn't get treats like that too often and they are fondly remembered.     I remember him picking us up at the end of the school year and taking us to his home for a barn dance. He would provide drinks and ... Read Full Story >>

5275 Reads

Finding a wallet in a Ferry to Cape Cod

About 2 weeks ago, my husband and I went to meet with our Bostonian daughter in Provincetown, Cape Cod. When we took her to the ferry to go home, I found a wallet, filled with credit cards, driver's license and cash. I looked at the license photo to see if the person was in the line for the ferry, but no luck. My husband suggested that I leave the wallet with the dock master, but I was apprehensive. We then went to a nearby post office and mailed the wallet back to the owner (with my return address on the label). My joy came yesterday when I received a card from the owner, thanking me for my thoughtfulness and wishing me blessings.

2797 Reads
  • Posted by bluesmama75
  • Sep 14, 2015
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Flowers From a Stranger on the Street

I’m a receptionist at a law firm during my gap year before going to university and one of my duties is to take finances down to the bank. As I was walking back from doing the banking today - I was in my own little world and I had a smile on my face. A man jumped out in front of me and stopped in my path so I couldn’t go anywhere.  I was scared at first and didn’t know what to do.  I thought, “Who is this man? What’s the game?” He was a total stranger.   Then from behind his back he pulled out a beautiful bunch of orchids. I didn’t know what to say at first. I was a little in shock…  It’s usually me giving the flowers, or me helping others,  not others helping me. I have never had any stranger  do anything like this to me.  He said, “Please take ... Read Full Story >>

2973 Reads

A Supermarket Checkout Operator with a Special Touch

I had posted an earlier story about a supermarket checkout operator who had risked her job to help an old man find his wife’s favourite talc.  Well, I was in her queue again today. In front of us were a woman and her young (maybe around 10 year old) daughter. As part of their shopping they were buying a DVD which had to be brought from elsewhere in the shop.   While the chechkout operator was scanning and bagging the rest of the shopping she chatted with the mother about Easter eggs, grandkids and other stuff.   I just happened to be looking at the daughter when another member of staff brought her the DVD. The girl’s face really lit up with delight and appreciation. Sad to say, it’s not a sight you see so often.   When it came my turn to be served I commented on the girl’s obvious happiness with her DVD. “She has ... Read Full Story >>

11.7K Reads

This Simple Act Of Kindness Left Her Feeling Connected and In Tears

Hi everyone. This is just a short moment in time, but I wanted to share it because it made me feel so good. I was at the library the other day volunteering, and our library is a place where the homeless often spend their days as well. As I was putting books up for our book sale, I glanced up and there were a small group of homeless people sitting in chairs near the door. One man caught my eye and he seemed to start to look down, almost as if he were embarrassed or ashamed. I locked eyes with him and smiled, and he just beamed back at me. I got tears in my eyes and waved to him before ducking back into the volunteer room trying not to cry. I hear such negative stuff sometimes from library patrons about these down-on-their-luck people; how they smell bad, or shouldn't be there ... Read Full Story >>

2054 Reads

Always Remember To Listen

  After three months of working weekends I had my first full weekend off work and a beautiful sunny day to spend how I wanted.     I found myself awake early and decided to wander down-town, have breakfast, catch a bus to the markets, go to the beach, and just genearally relax.   I made it to the bus stop at about 8.30am and was waiting with another passenger who was dressed for business when an elderly women slowly wandered up to the bus stop. She was dressed a little eccentrically and peering around happily.     "Hello. How are you today?" she asked.    I glanced at the business man waiting at the stop thinking she may know him but found him looking at me, obviously thinking the same thing.   "I am fine thanks," I said, half turning to her while trying to see the number on the bus that was approaching. "How are you?"   "I am fine. It's ... Read Full Story >>

10.0K Reads

Love Endures All

When one of my colleagues was diagnosed with cancer, he decided to take a leave of absence.  He decided to take leave not only because he was undergoing treatment, but also because his wife was going through treatment for a brain tumor.  Given that they were both in bad shape, he decided to take the leave so that they could enjoy each other's company while they still had the chance. Before he went on his leave, he purposely came to his office after hours to gather his personal belongings - just in case.   At the office, we all felt very bad but didn't know how to keep in touch with him and his family without bothering them.   So here is what I did: I bought cards with envelopes and distributed them to all the people in our group.  Then I sent an email to everyone encouraging my colleagues to write something, anything, for our friend.  I then ... Read Full Story >>

5362 Reads
  • Posted by jennieG
  • Mar 30, 2010
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A Soldier, His Wife, And Their Service

I had just entered the elevator on the third floor of the medical center after a simple check up.  As I entered I noticed an old gentleman in a wheelchair with a little old lady behind him.  I noticed his baseball cap with WWII on the front.  Most likely, a veteran of World War Two, I assumed.   Just making small talk, I said, "so, you were in the big one."  His answer stunned me.  He said, "Yes, I went overseas a strapping young newlywed and I came back in this thing,"  slapping each side of the wheelchair with his hands.  I stared at him, looked at his wife, and the magnitude of what he said to me hit me like a ton of bricks.  He married this woman, went to serve his country, was wounded and paralyzed and then returned to his wife and she stayed with him for all these years.  Overcome with ... Read Full Story >>

11.1K Reads
  • Posted by bob.brunson
  • Jul 8, 2010
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Baby Ezra, The Christening and The Kind Tailor

This is baby Ezra. He is getting christened on Sunday. I know he will look beautiful on the day but he won't be the only well turned out guy in the family. His great grandfather is in a nursing home and has Alzheimers. Grandad is getting out to attend the church christening. Nanny has ordered him a new suit. Even though grandad will only be at the church service his loyal wife who is 88 years of age insists he is well groomed. She has got a tailor to come to the nursing home and measure grandad, he will be suited and booted, no stone unturned. Today she told me that the tailor called. Being in the nursing home and seeing the patients left a lasting impression on him. He has only charged my mother in law 50% of the full cost, what a kind man. He also told her she was ... Read Full Story >>

2291 Reads

A Classroom's Kind Acts Campaign

I am a teacher in an urban school and many of our students have a very difficult life. You can see and hear it in their voices. I've been working with many of them on becoming more giving of themselves without expecting anything in return -- kindness. I think it is working.

I have several former students who have come back to tell me that they want to help in my next community project or bring kindness ideas of their own that they want to do. I never tell them no and watching their smiles is all I need in payment. We have painted murals, collected items for shelters, planted flowers and read to the elderly.

Now, we are expanding it to every part of our lives. The students are going to make a committment to do acts of kindness. We will start with 2 a week and build on it. It is called our Kind Acts Campaign. I look forward to posting many stories about my students in the coming months for all you to enjoy.

2262 Reads

First Thank You in 50 Years

In my keynote speeches and workshops, Care is an acronym I use for the elements of a caring, creative, joyful workplace and home.  The “A” in CARE stands for “Appreciation for ALL.”  As I speak about appreciation, I use this quote by Albert Schweitzer: "Sometimes our light goes, out but is blown again into a flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light."   Then I ask my audiences to please shut their eyes and think about someone, who at some time in their lives, has rekindled their inner light. I leave the room in silence for several minutes, and it is always a profound experience as they remember the Joy they received from being appreciated by someone when they needed it the most.  Afterwards, I ask them to write down the name of the person they thought ... Read Full Story >>

4249 Reads
  • Posted by sanserif
  • Sep 30, 2008
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Microscopic Actions With Profound Effects

This past fall, my husband and I stopped into the local Aldi for groceries. While checking out, I did my usual practice of responding to the cashier's usual, "How are you today?" with a short but real answer. Then I looked at her and said, "And how are YOU doing?" and waited kindly and expectantly for an answer. She was a little surprised, but then she got rolling. As it turned out, her elderly grandfather was uppermost in her mind as he had been struggling lately and in hospital. Her worry was palpable, despite her brave, "I know he is ninety one, but..." which trailed off into a sad whisper before she caught herself. "If it won't offend you, I will pray for him," I said. "Oh, thank you!" she replied. Well,a grocery run or two later, several weeks or so in the future, we wound up in her line again. After ... Read Full Story >>

2893 Reads

A Person Lost, And Kindness Found

It's rare when an act of kindness comes up to you :) I was in a parking lot when a tall, sincere, bespectacled man approached me asking for help with directions. He had a printout of google maps directions from the airport to a hotel on the main street, but just couldn't find his hotel. He clearly didn't have a phone, so after validating his written directions, I mapped it on my phone and showed him exactly where he needed to go. He mentioned that he had tried going there, but there was no such street number and he just couldn't locate his hotel. I confirmed it again for him, he thanked me with a big smile, shook my hand, and took off. I got into my car and he got into his, and we parted ways. As I drove to the next grocery store and went in, something wasn't sitting right about ... Read Full Story >>

6758 Reads
  • Posted by kindsauce
  • Dec 15, 2013
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Moving Creates An Opportunity To Start Giving

Moving away gave me a chance to reflect on my good fortune and it was a wonderful opportunity to give away some of my things.   I’m not rich, but I decided to make sure that what I have an excess off (thanks to the kindness of wonderful friends and family) is passed on to those who really need it.   Once you start, its amazing how much you can do...   1.     I donated some clothes which were still in pretty good condition, which used to belong to my roomate or me (partly inspired by the story of Goonj posted by 'Anju73').  I spent a good deal of time laundering and ironing them I also added some lavender scents :).   I searched for the right place to give them to.  I could have given it to Habitat which is round the corner, but I checked out a great homeless shelter that I had heard about and gave it to them instead.   I popped ... Read Full Story >>

4473 Reads