Search Results for 'popular' (2975 matches)

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A Profound Sense of Joy in Giving

It was 7 in the morning. I was on a train to another city when I struck up a conversation with a young professional sitting next to me. I gathered that he came from a farming family and was now doing exceptionally well in the IT industry. He also revealed that he was stressed and disconnected from his roots. He was kind enough to give me a window seat, help a co-passenger when he dropped his coffee, etc. Just small acts which showed what a good person he was. I was pretty involved in reading my book - a biography on the Dalai Lama. Anyone who knows me well knows that the Dala Lama has played a huge role in my life although I haven't met him. In fact he is one of the main sources of inspiration I have and reading a book about him which my Dad had given to me was just ... Read Full Story >>

12.1K Reads

Help During A Cold And Snowy Morning

I got up at 4 am to receive a call from my daughter who needed my help getting home from the snowy mountains. After I helped her get a cab, I noticed that I was out of cigarettes so I bundled up and went to the gas station up the street to buy some. As I got there, I saw a young man wrapped in a very thin blanket, trying to keep out of the snow. I went in and bought my smokes, then as I walked out, this gentleman asked me for a cigarette. I gave him three and left, but suddenly I realized I had to do something for him. I couldn't just go home, so I went back and asked him if he wanted a coffee. He said "yes please" so I went in and got him an extra large cup and something to eat. Then I gave him whatever ... Read Full Story >>

2034 Reads

Keeping Hope Alive For Our Favorite Professor

A professor I have worked pretty closely with has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. It has been devastating for his family and heartbreaking for his students. What made him extraordinary was not only that he was a phenomenal rising star. He had only recently collected the highest honours for young researchers at the White House. We truly admired him for his inspiring personality - as someone put it, "He always has a smile and a kind word for everyone." It is very hard to find someone who is exceptionally intelligent and also a wonderful , humble human being. My professor's family of four (beautiful, sweet children all under ten) and lovely,generous-spirited wife (who is expecting the fifth), along with their deep spiritual faith has been a continual source of joy for him. All this made us, his students, even more shocked and heartbroken when we found out his cancer was terminal ... Read Full Story >>

5102 Reads

Sowing Seeds of Joy on a Supermarket Adventure

Grocery shopping has never been my favorite activity, but  yesterday's trip was different. I decided, before I even left the house, to make this a RAOK "event".

I was determined to sow seeds of kindness in as many areas as I could. Smiling and acknowledging the gentleman who brings the carts in from outside; assisting a mother and baby with her cart; quietly reminding myself, "slow down and take your time" (as I am a notorious rush shopper:-); and giving people the right of way in the aisles -- these small acts don't seem like much, but when your attitude is to make people happy - even on the smallest level - there are such benefits.

Letting shoppers with smaller baskets ahead; making sure to place the divider for the person behind me; and making pleasant, positive and encouraging conversation with the cashier all contribute to sowing seeds of joy.  You can create a mini garden of joy and contentment  that extends beyond yourself.  

Attitudes are so contagious and what a gift to be able to spread a happy one!

4097 Reads
  • Posted by scottolsenfam
  • Apr 11, 2009
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Loving Kindness Is Twice Blessed

I felt gloomy the other day. The weather had been dark and rainy, and I just didn’t feel so positive. It happens to us all, I guess. As I was sitting at my desk, I remembered it was the birthday of a dear long-time friend—a single, middle-aged woman who has dedicated the past 30 years to nursing and loves her work. Knowing that she doesn’t have family in town, I decided to give her a call. Sure enough, she was scheduled to work late into the evening, and wouldn’t have much of a birthday this year. As always, though, she sounded cheerful and was happy I called. After I hung up, I couldn’t shake the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day. Still feeling a little gloomy myself, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed I couldn’t shake the thought. I ... Read Full Story >>

6996 Reads

Leaving a Little Soul With a Smile

I was in the queue for the supermarket checkout earlier today. All of the checkouts were busy and the woman behind me in the queue was not happy!  Every word that came out her mouth was negative, a complaint, a moan, a whinge! She wasn't happy with the number of checkouts opened, she wasn't happy with the amount of shopping some people had in their baskets, she wasn't happy because this supermarket didn't have a stand where you could scan your own shopping. She wasn't happy! I listened to her without looking around as I loaded my stuff onto the conveyor belt. I didn't want anything to do with that kind of attitude, and if ever I had felt like letting someone go ahead of me, it wouldn't be such a moaner! But then I glanced back. Standing beside the woman was a five year old girl, possibly her granddaughter. The girl's part of ... Read Full Story >>

4933 Reads

Helping Others Helps Me

Today at Parrys bus-stand, I helped two ladies to unload a bag filled with clothes. The bag looked shabby and slightly dirty and it was difficult to carry. One of the ladies was carrying a small baby. They were from the poorer sections of society.

I unloaded the bag (without a proper handle) and carried for 100 yards and placed it in the other bus they were taking home. Fortunately, although my pants were soiled by the effort my heart certainly was not!

Helping helps me. What a privilege !

2542 Reads
  • Posted by luckyman
  • May 7, 2011
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Visions of Cheeseburgers

Visions of cheeseburgers -- that was what her cardboard sign said as she stood at the intersection of the mall exit and the highway. She was skinny and young, with a backpack on the ground next to her, although the weariness on her face made her look so much older. We pulled over and I jumped out to give her a few bucks and received a smile and a tentative "thank you ma'am" for my humble donation. But as we drove away, I looked down at the bag by my feet holding a junior cheeseburger in it; a surprise for our much spoiled big mutt awaiting us at home. " A burger for my dog," I thought, and sighed. Seemingly at the same time, my partner made a u turn and said, "we have to go back. We have to buy her lunch!" Back to Wendy's we went and ordered 2 cheeseburgers, ... Read Full Story >>

5440 Reads
  • Posted by sayge17
  • Nov 5, 2015
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A Drop-In-The-Bucket Act

I was entitled to a free burger because I had 10 stamps on my Smart Alec's card. Awesome, I was pumped!  I liked the burgers, was on a tight budget, and had enjoyed accumulating the stamps on my card (the cashiers had been very nice about it, providing extra stamps here and there : ). I was really going to saver this burger. It suddenly dawned on me: the thing to do with this card was give it to someone who needed it more than I did. I plotted to leave the free burger card along with a smile card under someone's sleeping body on the street or sounded like a good plan. But, as time went on and I did not find what seemed like the right opportunity, I went through a period of cashlessness and I thought maybe I will get myself a burger with this card. ... Read Full Story >>

6339 Reads
  • Posted by johnnidi
  • Jun 29, 2009
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For Your Time, Effort And Smiles, Thank You!

Today I received my very own set of Smile Cards from Yay! I opened my envelope with great excitement and found my promised ten cards along with a larger card with ideas printed on it. Immediately I started planning my next kind act – the cards truly have an inspiring effect! It was then I realized the value of these cards and of websites such as Not only does it inspire you, but receiving these cards, knowing that there are others out there with the same aim to be kind to others as I myself have, really made me smile! And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? In other words, the Smile Cards have already done a great deal: they made me smile! And in the future I hope each and every single card I hand out will make someone else smile too. I’d like to thank HelpOthers for offering ... Read Full Story >>

5071 Reads

Inspired By A Moment of Trust

In my line of work we often hold conferences and workshops. The university I work for kindly provides food for all attendants (and anyone passing by at the right time) but it bothers me that they throw away all leftovers - and there's usually lots! Last week I finally made my point and was allowed to take a huge tray of very nice sandwiches away with me. They were yummy and healthy and it would have been a real shame to see them ending up in the bin. The guy from catering even allowed me to borrow a large tray to carry them on. I went looking for the homeless guy that usually sits in front of our local supermarket. He was sitting there reading and petting his dog on a blanket, and was thrilled when I showed him the food. He had nothing to carry the food in and offered to bring ... Read Full Story >>

4577 Reads

Giving is receiving

"You take debit, don't you?" the customer ahead of me in line at the thrift store asked, as her purchases were totaled. Since it's a new location for "Hope's Attic" (don't you just love that name?), they hadn't gotten all the nuances of different payment methods sorted out yet. The two women were together, and honestly, looked like they led challenging hard-working lives. Only had a few dollars cash between them. "Do you mind if I pay the balance?" I inquired. "Oh, no, that's okay...". "Please, I'd like to, if it's alright, with you..." And then, we looked into each other's eyes, smiled and she agreed. Had a small discussion about how giving is really like receiving; how sometimes we are the giver and sometimes the receiver. Even the cashier got into the conversation, "That's about the nicest thing I've ever seen in here! And we see a lot of great stuff." Gave everyone a Smile card and ... Read Full Story >>

2149 Reads

A Person Lost, And Kindness Found

It's rare when an act of kindness comes up to you :) I was in a parking lot when a tall, sincere, bespectacled man approached me asking for help with directions. He had a printout of google maps directions from the airport to a hotel on the main street, but just couldn't find his hotel. He clearly didn't have a phone, so after validating his written directions, I mapped it on my phone and showed him exactly where he needed to go. He mentioned that he had tried going there, but there was no such street number and he just couldn't locate his hotel. I confirmed it again for him, he thanked me with a big smile, shook my hand, and took off. I got into my car and he got into his, and we parted ways. As I drove to the next grocery store and went in, something wasn't sitting right about ... Read Full Story >>

6758 Reads
  • Posted by kindsauce
  • Dec 15, 2013
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Smile Cards and the Gentle Man

False happiness renders men stern and proud, and that happiness is never communicated. True happiness renders them kind and sensible, and that happiness is always shared. - Charles de Montesquieu   I volunteered to fulfill Smile Card orders & my first shipment of “to-be” mailed Smiled Cards arrived on Monday. I was very excited & immediately inspected all the contents. My darling husband quietly watched me, not wanting to interrupt my moment, but I could tell he was curious. I told him I would be helping to spread kindness by mailing Smile Cards to members. “That’s great!” he said. Probably thinking, “There she goes again with another one of her causes.”   I showed him all the contents I was to mail, and he mentioned how it was an awful lot to send. “Did HelpOthers provide you with stamps?” he asked. I held my breath, worried that he would be upset when he found ... Read Full Story >>

7431 Reads

Bubble Gum Tag-Back

I am a mom of two young children whom we home-school. This means that they are with me almost constantly.   Whenever possible I will perform random acts of kindness; simple things like paying for the order behind me in the drive-thru lane, holding doors, etc. So, they are very familiar with the concept and are, of course, encouraged to also do "nice" things for others. Just a few days ago we stopped by our local grocery store to pick up a few things which quickly turned into an entire cart load of stuff. We got into one of the two open checkout lanes and waited our turn. While waiting a young man came up behind us with only a few items in his basket. I told him to go ahead of us as we were in no hurry.   He seemed very pleasantly surprised and graciously accepted. As he began putting his ... Read Full Story >>

4848 Reads

The Girl At The Bus Station

Last Friday was a cold day, and the bus was due to come in about 15 minutes. Sometimes I am ok waiting but not this day, so I went to the nearby convenience store and came back to the station where a  junior high school girl was still there,  waiting for the bus too. I gave her one of the two warm cocoa cans I bought and we had a little talk while warming our hands with the hot cocoa. She is to have her high school entrance exam in a week so I told her a few encouraging words. I left her happy,  she thanked me and told me she wished to see me again. I smiled and thanked her very gratefully, nodding yes, the bus had already stopped and I had to hurry away.  We may never see each other again but I am grateful to her for saying "wish I could meet ... Read Full Story >>

4247 Reads

Finding a wallet in a Ferry to Cape Cod

About 2 weeks ago, my husband and I went to meet with our Bostonian daughter in Provincetown, Cape Cod. When we took her to the ferry to go home, I found a wallet, filled with credit cards, driver's license and cash. I looked at the license photo to see if the person was in the line for the ferry, but no luck. My husband suggested that I leave the wallet with the dock master, but I was apprehensive. We then went to a nearby post office and mailed the wallet back to the owner (with my return address on the label). My joy came yesterday when I received a card from the owner, thanking me for my thoughtfulness and wishing me blessings.

2797 Reads
  • Posted by bluesmama75
  • Sep 14, 2015
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No Regrets: Living with Dying

[Author Kitty Edwards, left, and Patti Pansa, right] In May 2013, Patti Pansa, a professional engineer and life coach, contacted me to assist her in her journey towards death. She had taken care of all the literal preparations for death: she had spoken to her family members about her wishes for end-of-life care; her last will and testament, advanced health care directives, and medical durable power of attorney were all signed and delivered to the appropriate people; a list of her important accounts with passwords sat in a folder next to her computer. But Patti wanted more. She wanted to leave a legacy for her family and friends. Perhaps most of all, she wanted to discover ways to celebrate life while she still had time. I shared with Patti several articles on the regrets of the dying, chronicling how many regretted working too much, spending too little time with family, or living ... Read Full Story >>

16.8K Reads

The Road To Acts Of Kindness

More than a week ago I decided to do something that I called "A Smile Card a Day Makes the World a Better Place".  I've been doing an act of kindness every single day and giving away Smile Cards with it. Yesterday on my way back home from school I stopped at a restaurant that I always go to. It was almost 10pm and that's when the close. I ordered some takeway food and sat and waited for it to be ready. The girl that took my order was mopping the floor and singing and I have to say she had a very beautiful voice. I started talking to her and told her how beautiful her voice was and I gave her a Smile Card. She loved how the card says 'Smile' on it because another customer calls her "Smiley". I then told her the rules of the Smile Card and she ... Read Full Story >>

4351 Reads

Rice In Chennai Station

I was having something to eat at the central railway station in Chennai when I noticed an old man entering the canteen. He asked the man behind the counter for some food but, as he obviously couldn't pay, none was forthcoming.

So, I indicated to the canteen worker to serve some rice and paid for it without the old man noticing.
The old man had the food and left. And I was left with a warm feeling of love and compasion.
"It is in giving that one receives." Thank you Saint Francis of Assisi!

2205 Reads