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The Taxi Driver

When I got on the taxi I had booked this morning I noticed it was the same gentleman that had taken me back home last week. I remembered what we'd talked about so I spoke to him. He was surprised and said he thought sometimes that no one cared.

He said he'd started swimming and was happy to have lost weight, he does it every morning before starting work. We got talking, told him that swimming was a great activity and mentioned the effect of exercise in our brains too. He said he knew it was good for depression and so .... (we are all fighting our own battles, sometimes in silence) I was glad I'd spoken to him.

Sharing, important, we all need it some time or other. He wished me a good day so many times when he dropped me back that he made laugh, we were both happier :-)

2168 Reads

The Challenges of Travelling with Children

For my birthday, Julie booked a coach trip to Liverpool. It's where I went to college thirty years ago and I hadn't been back since. We had a great time!   Watching the passengers embark on the coach as we got ready to head to Liverpool, I was a little dismayed to see a couple get on with two boys, both under five. We were gonna be on the coach for four hours. Would they act up? Or be sick? Or would it just be too boring for them?  It turned out they were great!  No doubt about it. Travelling like that with two lively little boys would take both parents full attention. And they did seem to work well together. In the hotel (a hotel that was once the pride of the city, now a bit dowdy, but still spectacular!) the parents got through the meals by working as a tag-team and never leaving ... Read Full Story >>

4490 Reads

Everyday is a Special Day, Because She's With Me

Today my mom-in law would have been 82. Even though she passed away three years ago this April, we all still feel her love and presence with us every single day. She was a generous, warm-hearted spirit who made friends with everyone who crossed her path. I am smiling thinking of all of the ways in which we are still connected to her spirit. I left flowers on her daughter's doorstep today--sunflowers to embody her mom's spirit. I made several gallons of her favorite mango lassi as a contribution to a school event today, and then toasted her with a small glass, smiling as I thought of what she would say to me. Thought of everything I did after work today--picking up dry cleaning, making dinner, bringing homemade treats to a neighbor, volunteering, connecting with friends over the phone/email, writing a letter of recommendation for someone, surprising my son with a new ... Read Full Story >>

2432 Reads

Connecting with a Soul and Piercing Blue Eyes

Once again, God seems to have put a homeless person in my path. I don't know if there are more homeless people out there than before or if I'm just noticing them more. Lately, I regularly come in contact with people that I just can't ignore.   His name is Mark and I was shocked to hear that he is only three years older than me. He looks so much older!  He was on the corner asking for money. I saw his piercing blue eyes beneath his dirty hat and scruffy beard, and I couldn't look away. I parked my car and walked over to him and just plunked myself down on the curb to talk. People were driving by and staring at us, but I didn't care.     We talked for awhile and he told me about his life. I don't know how much of his story I believe, but who cares. ... Read Full Story >>

3664 Reads

Love Warrior on a Tricycle

After polio, Raghu Makwana lost his legs.  He had to walk with the support of his hands. A long time back, a few friends took a walk on the street with the inspiration to do a small act of kindness.  After some searching, two of them saw Raghu arranging the shoes that people had left outside the temple.  Given his condition, their first impulse was to do something for him, but when they conversed with him, they quickly realized that they were actually receiving a lot more than they could give him.  Raghu's big-hearted devotion coupled with a sharp and street-smart intellect profoundly impressed them, so much so that they spoke about him to their nonprofit mentor Jayeshbhai, and ended up making him financially self-reliant.   Raghu's impluse of kindness is ever-present.  One of his many kindness endeavors is the Tulsi project.  Whenever he learns of a family (mostly in the slums nearby, the largest in ... Read Full Story >>

9582 Reads

What I Am Grateful For

I learned to count my blessings a long the time ago. I believe that if any one stops for a minute he/she will find something to be grateful for.   I am grateful for a great number of things but I am especially grateful for NOW, for this moment in time.   I am grateful for the lovely town where I live.  In this town the number of charity shops almost equals the number of “normal” shops.  There are charities for almost everything you can imagine. Even the primary schools are charity orientated, with the Parents and Teachers Association taking responsibility for raising money through parties, discos, fairs and other events in order to be able to buy things like interactive white boards or sports gear for the school football team.  I think my town is very kind and it is very easy to live here.  People smile at you a lot, ... Read Full Story >>

2762 Reads

French Kindness on Valentine's Day

France is a very special place.  It is the favorite tourist destination for people from all over the world.  As an American who has lived here for over 20 years it's been for me "a hard nut to crack."  In New York City it was easy to just strike up a conversation with people I'd never met and would never meet again.  Many French consider this type of interaction "superficial" or "invasive." Inspired by this website I decided to find my way to create openings on Valentine's Day.  The key is "when in France do like the French,"  or learn to respect their ways and their limits.  I went to Paris and searched for hours, a woman on a mission, to find just the right chocolate hearts.  The last "maison du chocolat" or chocolate store on my list had them.  Small chocolate hearts, a beautiful deep red color, filled with dark chocolate, ... Read Full Story >>

3797 Reads

Adventures In Babysitting

I had offered to watch a friend's children so she and her husband could go out to watch a movie. She was delighted with the offer - but didn't get around to fixing a day. 
So, finally, I picked a date and asked her if she was free. She was really excited and looking forward to her night out. 
On the day of the babysitting her husband e-mailed me and told me it was her birthday! I hadn't known that! He told me he would bring over a cake after the movie, when they came to pick up the kids. 
The kids had a great time (and so did we!) We made cookies together, played games, and so on. Then, when their parents came back we had a surprise birthday party with cake and ice cream and sparkling juice. We made music together and it was very festive! My friend said it was the most special birthday she had celebrated in a long time.
I was so happy!

3399 Reads

Honoring an Old Friend

One of the women in my spirituality group will not be coming to our retreat next month. She has participated for about 15 years but cannot this year. She has dementia and finds it hard to be away from her home. My friend is turning 90 the end of August. She still lives in the home she built herself more than 50 years ago. She loves to paddle the canoe she made, out on the sound. She plays a piano beautifully and has not lost the music in her mind. She wants to stay in her own home for the rest of her life. Because she now needs much more help, the cost has gotten pretty high. One of her closest friends sent an email to our group telling us what's going on and asking for help. There is a woman who lives nearby who has been coordinating the various services ... Read Full Story >>

3167 Reads

Nightshift at the Marriott

It had been a long, hot August day. We'd driven over six hundred miles and it was nearing 11 pm as we entered Kingman, Arizona. We pulled off and picked a motel. Much to my surprise, it being mid-week, the deskman informed me they were full. Next place, same story. This time, I asked the clerk for suggestions.      "Try the Hampton Inn."      At the Hampton we were greeted with, "We're booked. Sorry."     "What's going on?" I asked. "Is there some kind of convention in town?"     "A tour bus just pulled in with 60 people," he said. "Plus lots of people are heading up to the Grand Canyon. It's an unusual evening. You might try the Best Western. I think they had one room left about an hour ago."      We tried the Best Western. No luck.      By that time, we'd traveled to the west end of ... Read Full Story >>

12.0K Reads

Tumbling Food at Hand, Smile at Heart

At a large event, an elderly gentleman was carrying his food tray on his walker.

Suddenly, the tray tipped over and landed on the floor, and all the food tumbled around him. He was having difficulty bending over, so I bent down to retrieve the food for him.

He thanked me, and I immediately saw the gratitude in his eyes.

Such a simple gesture swept my heart into a smile. :)

4898 Reads
  • Posted by sarjen
  • Apr 17, 2013
  • Share Story

Kids showing kindness to animals

A recent bunny article reminded me of more children's kindness. People in the house behind us moved out and left bunnies behind. The children in the neighboring houses were coming into the garden and feeding them (they spent their pocket money on the food). They asked for my help cleaning them out and I passed newspaper and hay over the fence to them. By the time I'd walked round, they'd cleaned the bunnies out themselves. They called the RSPCA (animal welfare) who came and took them to rehouse. I was so impressed by those children! 

3021 Reads

Making Someone Happy

Today I donated a large bag of clothing and other assorted items . I placed money with a smiley face attached to the bill wishing someone a very Blessed Day! It made me feel really good as I watched the driver carrying the bag to his truck.

May all the care and kindness you give so freely to others come back to warm your heart.

2207 Reads

I Choose Kindness!

I can't stand the thought of people being forced to beg for money, even though a good number of them may be swindlers. That won't stop my kindness. One Sunday afternoon, I was on my way to a bus stop. When I walked on the sidewalk, someone blocked my way. It was a man. His face was dirty and his hair was not very neat. His clothes were rather grungy. I was terribly frightened by this man. In a low voice, he said to me, "I have run out of all my money, and now I can't go back home. Could you please give me some money?" I wondered if he was telling the truth. But despite my doubts, I just couldn't stop my heart from going out to him. From the looks of his face, I guessed that he had been refused by others many times. So I gave him some money ... Read Full Story >>

3526 Reads

This neighborly act of kindness came easy, because it came from the heart!

I went to help my elderly neighbor move some furniture as she is getting some kitchen renovations done. We packed up her things and sorted out the pantry. She then asked me if I wanted her solid oak table and a two door free standing cupboard. I said I don't have room for them, but they are lovely. I suggested that if she didn't want them I could advertise them online for her, so I did. She didn't want any payment for the items, just that the people could move them themselves, and organize their own transport. She was worried about being alone with strangers, so I said I'd give the people my phone number, get them to text first, and I'd go over to her house and be there when they took the furniture away. One man collected the cupboard and had a beautiful story about setting up homes for refugees, ... Read Full Story >>

2458 Reads

A Pocketful Of Peanuts And A Heart Full Of Smiles

As I write it’s 11.00 a.m. in the morning with a winter weather forecast of possibly minus 35 degrees wind chill temperature. I’m staying cosy inside and keeping busy by baking experimental vegan items to take to my daughter-in-law when we visit. I’m also making a variety of craft kindnesses to share as we journey. I venture out only to replenish my bird feeding stations with extra seeds and suet, and refill the heated bird bath by lugging buckets of water from inside. Every scrap of food that isn’t eaten, even those saved toast crusts from breakfast at a local diner, goes on the platform feeder for the crows and squirrels, or in the compost, which all the creatures root through for something edible. A few seeds, and sometimes a sliced carrot or apple, may fall to the ground for hungry deer or wild turkey.  Bundled in layers of long underwear and clothes, fleece hood ... Read Full Story >>

2268 Reads

A Tender Response To A Random Act of Kindness

Hello lovelies, I wanted to share this comment I received on my blog after leaving some kindness goodie bags on car windscreens at a doctor's surgery clinic over Christmas. I am in tears but it also reinforces that what we're doing can make a real difference: "Just had to let you know my story, even though it is difficult to write. I was taking my husband to surgery, and came back to find one of your gifts. At first I thought it was a parking ticket! I was getting worried as I was parked in a disabled bay, and parking is somewhat difficult ! My husband has lots of health issues and we had just gone to get him some antibiotics and steroids for a chest infection. He had been admitted to Hospital overnight on Boxing Day (December 26th), so we were already feeling a little low​.  We were both moved by the gift, ... Read Full Story >>

11.4K Reads

Look Inside Yourself To Heal Others

Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved. "When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story. "However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more. I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible ... Read Full Story >>

3671 Reads

Tyden and the Turtle

My nephew Tyden and I were attending another nephew's birthday at a local amusement center. It was the kind of place were you get tickets for scoring points on the games and then cash them in for prizes. Tyden won a jackpot of tickets, so we went to cash them in and select his prizes. I was feeling nostalgic because my loved one and I had our first date at this center and had exchanged little trinkets from the showcase. I noticed a turtle and remembered my partner loves them. I asked the young man behind the counter if I could just purchase the turtle without tickets. He said unfortunately that was not an option. I decided I needed to win 350 tickets. I left Tyden at the counter to finish choosing his prize with his grandma. I bought game tokens and entered the games room with all the delighted little faces ... Read Full Story >>

2115 Reads

The Giving Plate

I have been blessed many times today. As many of you know me, I have a mentally-challenged son. Every day, including today, he thanks me: "Thank you, Mommy, for my dinner; thank you, Mommy, for buying me this juice."  He can't articulate much, but when he does, it means the world to me! Today we were extremely fortunate to have the Kindness Team at our school. I felt humbled, as they radiated so much goodness and kindness. I felt called to show them my gratitude.   So, I decided to make them a luncheon. I was thanked so many times! Then, a "Giving Plate" was presented to me filled with vegan cookies, which as a baker, I knew took a lot of time.  I was told that I was to share the treats, fill the plate, then pass it on. What an amazing concept! This plate originated in Detroit, and I ... Read Full Story >>

6136 Reads