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Help came quickly to a neighbor in need

Hello lovely people and a happy new year! Internet is back, and so am I :) Today has been an exciting day. I have a small herd of goats, and it's kidding season. Goats generally give birth independently, and only once before have I had to assist. But as I was taking them out for their walk this morning I noticed that one had a little head sticking out behind. Further investigation also revealed a little foot. Aaarg! - intervention required! After some efforts to find the second leg I decided I needed help and we telephoned a neighbour, a wonderful soft spoken man who used to keep goats but seems to have a way with all animals. He arrived within minutes, slipped his jacket of and got to work whilst I held and comforted Mummy Goat. He too was not having any success at finding that second leg, but I could ... Read Full Story >>

2615 Reads

Love Warrior on a Tricycle

After polio, Raghu Makwana lost his legs.  He had to walk with the support of his hands. A long time back, a few friends took a walk on the street with the inspiration to do a small act of kindness.  After some searching, two of them saw Raghu arranging the shoes that people had left outside the temple.  Given his condition, their first impulse was to do something for him, but when they conversed with him, they quickly realized that they were actually receiving a lot more than they could give him.  Raghu's big-hearted devotion coupled with a sharp and street-smart intellect profoundly impressed them, so much so that they spoke about him to their nonprofit mentor Jayeshbhai, and ended up making him financially self-reliant.   Raghu's impluse of kindness is ever-present.  One of his many kindness endeavors is the Tulsi project.  Whenever he learns of a family (mostly in the slums nearby, the largest in ... Read Full Story >>

9582 Reads

I Am Hungry For Peace

On occasion I come across a poem or short story that I have read that deeply touches my heart. I was sent this poem when Peace was a theme that kept recurring throughout my days. Thank you for the beautiful kindspring soul who sent this poem to me when I needed it most. I am hungry for Peace. I want to slather it on thick as a sun drenched smile rising from my heart to yours. I’d make a sandwich of our tribulations and joys, layering it with compassionate slices of a mellowing perspective. The bread would be kneaded with seeds of kindness, baked to a delicate golden crust of understanding, fluffy and warm on the inside with forgiveness. I’d be sure to eat it from my best chipped plate, the one with flowers painted from a forest rain, tinged with the blush of a robin’s breast. And to wash it all down, there would be goblet of stars whirled into a constellation of such possibility, that I’d have to sip slowly so as not ... Read Full Story >>

2061 Reads

They were laboring under the sun, trying to break concrete

On a Saturday morning, I woke up, thanked God for one more day and got in the shower. My parents weren't home, but I had the responsibility of doing to my dad's job because he was not going to be able to go.

Later, I drove to the street that was under construction. There were 6 workers, all laboring under the sun, in the dirt, trying to break concrete. They started to talk about how their day was going, complaining about their quality of life, compared to my life, telling me that I was not in need of working like that. One of the workers asked me for at least a coke because they were not only thirsty, but also hungry.

I suddenly told them "I'll be back", and drove to my house but not to grab a coke. I thought about something different and better. I started to prepare  lemonade and some sandwiches for all the workers. Once I had finished I took all that I had prepared to them. I will never forget their reaction and happiness, I felt very special and satisfied.

2624 Reads
  • Posted by jaimearevalo
  • Oct 31, 2016
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The traffic that made me smile

Today, I was late for work. All because I got stuck behind a mini bus on the narrow streets of my neighborhood. As I sat there fuming, I looked up to see a crooked little man, wearing a uniform and carrying a lunch box, coming out of a house. I could tell by the slow way he walked and the crooked bend of his body that he had special needs and that the bus blocking my way was for him. He turned around and waved good bye to his very elderly mother who was watching him from the porch of the house. Then, as he was about to board the bus, he turned, smiled, and waved at me. My anger left and the tears were rolling as I smiled and waved back. That smile made me late for work and I had the best day ever! I smiled at everyone I saw. 

2749 Reads
  • Posted by elizabethgarza31
  • Sep 13, 2015
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What I Am Grateful For

I learned to count my blessings a long the time ago. I believe that if any one stops for a minute he/she will find something to be grateful for.   I am grateful for a great number of things but I am especially grateful for NOW, for this moment in time.   I am grateful for the lovely town where I live.  In this town the number of charity shops almost equals the number of “normal” shops.  There are charities for almost everything you can imagine. Even the primary schools are charity orientated, with the Parents and Teachers Association taking responsibility for raising money through parties, discos, fairs and other events in order to be able to buy things like interactive white boards or sports gear for the school football team.  I think my town is very kind and it is very easy to live here.  People smile at you a lot, ... Read Full Story >>

2762 Reads

Witnessing Kindness during the Holidays

"Where do you see kindness? No matter who we are or where we come from, when we take a moment to look around, we can see kindness everywhere" -Shelley Frost Yesterday morning I was feeling stressed because I needed to go shopping for some of the organizations I volunteer with. I really don't like big crowds and tend to stay away from large department stores and shopping malls at Christmas time. However, I was determined to make the best of it and have a good day. So I decided to play a game with myself. I would actively look for and count the number of times and ways I saw people being kind. With this mindset, I witnessed so many, many acts of kindness: Drivers letting other cars into traffic; people taking shopping carts back inside; customers waiting patiently in a long line at the cash register; kind words spoken to cashier who ... Read Full Story >>

2548 Reads

Stop and Hug

My nine year old daughter has walked to school almost every day of her school life and each morning the same crossing guard, Ms. Leslie is there to help us safely cross the street. She and my daughter have a special ritual of hugging. My daughter runs to her, they hug, lock eyes and Ms. Leslie twirls her around once with the "stop" sign in one hand. Once, a neighbor driving her 3 children to school told me they feel lucky when they get the chance to witness this. Any fighting in the car that is going on, stops and they all share the joy between these two. This morning after watching them and having crossed the street to the other side, I said "That looked like so much fun can I have a hug too?" Ms. Leslie smiled and we embraced a full 5 seconds. I could feel our skin touching neck to neck and ... Read Full Story >>

4727 Reads

Nightshift at the Marriott

It had been a long, hot August day. We'd driven over six hundred miles and it was nearing 11 pm as we entered Kingman, Arizona. We pulled off and picked a motel. Much to my surprise, it being mid-week, the deskman informed me they were full. Next place, same story. This time, I asked the clerk for suggestions.      "Try the Hampton Inn."      At the Hampton we were greeted with, "We're booked. Sorry."     "What's going on?" I asked. "Is there some kind of convention in town?"     "A tour bus just pulled in with 60 people," he said. "Plus lots of people are heading up to the Grand Canyon. It's an unusual evening. You might try the Best Western. I think they had one room left about an hour ago."      We tried the Best Western. No luck.      By that time, we'd traveled to the west end of ... Read Full Story >>

12.0K Reads

Money Flows - Let It

After a sick-day on the couch I was walking around the block to get some fresh air.  Just as I was turning back towards home I heard someone bawling. A kid, I thought at first. Then I saw it was an adult, a woman, looking lost, crying and calling out, walking on and off the sidewalk.   The woman who first crossed her path didn't stop or ask what was wrong. I guess that stopped me and made me turn around.    I took her arm and gently pulled her back from the road, asking her what had happened.   There was spit all around her mouth and tear streaks down her cheeks. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Sobbing, she told me she'd been on the bus with a friend. She'd given her "friend" the last of her money and then the friend had disappeared. She couldn't get the bus home now since she didn't want ... Read Full Story >>

2040 Reads

The man behind the counter knew just what to do.

My sweet daughter had an epileptic seizure in a coffee shop today. It ran its course over about 20 minutes. She is always so brave and embarrassed and disorientated as the seizure comes and goes. I am so grateful to the young man at the counter who instantly brought ice water I'd requested to help her cool down. He offered help in any other way although we always just have to wait it out and speak comforting words, hold her hands, apply cold compresses, nothing more anyone else can really do. It was amazing how many people didn't have a clue what was happening. People hypnotized by their small screen devices, or deep in conversation. It was a blessing for us as my daughter hates "fuss" when this happens and people often are either just stare as they are curious about what's happening or get overly concerned, naturally. I practiced being peaceful and ... Read Full Story >>

2725 Reads
  • Posted by caromack
  • Dec 4, 2015
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Arcade Smiles and a Big Sigh of Relief

I work for a nonprofit organization that serves children with developmental disabilities. I love every minute of it and a particular experience today made me appreciate it even more. We often go on an outing with the kids, and last Friday we brought them to an arcade. I was working with three young ladies who all had Down Syndrome, among other disabilities. I should note that they are the most loveable girls in the entire world. We were running around from game to game, and the girls were having a great time, regardless of the stares and looks from people around us. We were on a simulated rollercoaster ride when the moment that I will remember for the rest of my life happened. The girls were laughing at each other, screaming in excitement on the ride, when a young woman tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around. She politely told me that ... Read Full Story >>

2026 Reads
  • Posted by murphy4591
  • Sep 8, 2013
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A Pocketful Of Peanuts And A Heart Full Of Smiles

As I write it’s 11.00 a.m. in the morning with a winter weather forecast of possibly minus 35 degrees wind chill temperature. I’m staying cosy inside and keeping busy by baking experimental vegan items to take to my daughter-in-law when we visit. I’m also making a variety of craft kindnesses to share as we journey. I venture out only to replenish my bird feeding stations with extra seeds and suet, and refill the heated bird bath by lugging buckets of water from inside. Every scrap of food that isn’t eaten, even those saved toast crusts from breakfast at a local diner, goes on the platform feeder for the crows and squirrels, or in the compost, which all the creatures root through for something edible. A few seeds, and sometimes a sliced carrot or apple, may fall to the ground for hungry deer or wild turkey.  Bundled in layers of long underwear and clothes, fleece hood ... Read Full Story >>

2268 Reads

French Kindness on Valentine's Day

France is a very special place.  It is the favorite tourist destination for people from all over the world.  As an American who has lived here for over 20 years it's been for me "a hard nut to crack."  In New York City it was easy to just strike up a conversation with people I'd never met and would never meet again.  Many French consider this type of interaction "superficial" or "invasive." Inspired by this website I decided to find my way to create openings on Valentine's Day.  The key is "when in France do like the French,"  or learn to respect their ways and their limits.  I went to Paris and searched for hours, a woman on a mission, to find just the right chocolate hearts.  The last "maison du chocolat" or chocolate store on my list had them.  Small chocolate hearts, a beautiful deep red color, filled with dark chocolate, ... Read Full Story >>

3797 Reads

A Treasured Gift For A Young Couple

I met a really nice young couple about a year ago through mutual friends on a social networking site.  They have just adopted a baby girl.  This is a beautiful gift to the world on its own, but what makes it even more special is how many hoops they jumped through and how much time and money they spent to get to that stage. I was going through some boxes from my mother’s house (she passed away at Christmas time in 2007) and I found some beautiful vintage baby dresses. So I thought, wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if I sent some of this lovely vintage clothing to the couple for their adopted baby?  I knew they would love it.  This was truly a gift from the heart; I had planned on saving those for my daughter if I had one someday.  But, given that my husband died before we had any children, ... Read Full Story >>

6588 Reads

Tyden and the Turtle

My nephew Tyden and I were attending another nephew's birthday at a local amusement center. It was the kind of place were you get tickets for scoring points on the games and then cash them in for prizes. Tyden won a jackpot of tickets, so we went to cash them in and select his prizes. I was feeling nostalgic because my loved one and I had our first date at this center and had exchanged little trinkets from the showcase. I noticed a turtle and remembered my partner loves them. I asked the young man behind the counter if I could just purchase the turtle without tickets. He said unfortunately that was not an option. I decided I needed to win 350 tickets. I left Tyden at the counter to finish choosing his prize with his grandma. I bought game tokens and entered the games room with all the delighted little faces ... Read Full Story >>

2115 Reads

"Amma, Please See the Doctor"

After playing badminton, I was about to leave the facility when I saw Amma. She's the maid responsible for cleaning, an old lady in her late 60s, and she was talking to the owner, requesting some cash. Her hand was in pain and she wanted to see the doctor. The owner gave some excuses and escaped.

I felt bad for her, so although I was outside the facility and it was dark, I turned back and opened my wallet. I knew I didn't have much, but I gave her whatever came out into my hand. In my broken Tamil, I tried to say "Amma, please see a doctor" but I don't know if it was correct.

When I left for dinner to a nearby restaurant, surprisingly I had one bill which was more than enough for my meal.

I see Amma in the evenings, and even though it was pitch dark that day, she remembers me well and waves to me every time.

2565 Reads
  • Posted by kanadenipun
  • Jun 24, 2018
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Look Inside Yourself To Heal Others

Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved. "When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story. "However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more. I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible ... Read Full Story >>

3671 Reads

Love Is Like A Car Battery

I was parking at a hiking trail that I frequent when a man in the car next to mine leaned out and started to ask me for help. It turned out that his battery was low and no one would help jump start his car! I asked him if he had cables, which he did, and in less than 5 minutes I gave him a jump start and his car started with no problem. He thanked me and asked "how much do I owe you" and I looked at him in disbelief and said "not a thing!" He said "You won't believe it but I've been sitting here for so long and I asked at least three people to help me and no one would do it". That made me really sad. I was thinking that perhaps because of how he looks, his ethnicity, or whatever, people might think he was going ... Read Full Story >>

2161 Reads

Connecting with a Soul and Piercing Blue Eyes

Once again, God seems to have put a homeless person in my path. I don't know if there are more homeless people out there than before or if I'm just noticing them more. Lately, I regularly come in contact with people that I just can't ignore.   His name is Mark and I was shocked to hear that he is only three years older than me. He looks so much older!  He was on the corner asking for money. I saw his piercing blue eyes beneath his dirty hat and scruffy beard, and I couldn't look away. I parked my car and walked over to him and just plunked myself down on the curb to talk. People were driving by and staring at us, but I didn't care.     We talked for awhile and he told me about his life. I don't know how much of his story I believe, but who cares. ... Read Full Story >>

3664 Reads