Search Results for 'popular' (2976 matches)

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Soaring with Happiness

Somehow, I ended up with four turkeys this past holiday. Needing only one, I decided to make up two boxes with all the trimmings for a holiday meal. Then, I gifted them to two families who I knew could use them. That still left me with two extra turkeys. So, I decided to cook one of them, make sandwiches and bring them to an area of town where many people seem to be in need of food and a little kindness. I had my son take me to our local bus stop. While waiting for the bus, I saw two people that I thought might like a sandwich. Without missing a beat, I offered them each a sandwich, along with a smile card, and told them to have a good day. I received nothing but smiles in return.   On the bus, a young mother got on with her little girl. I offered ... Read Full Story >>

3290 Reads

Learning Life Through a Garden

   Years ago in Connecticut I began a garden.  I have always found growing things a wonderful form of therapy for me.  I was in recovery from alcohol/drug addiction and had begun to look at my spirituality.  I had a hard time back then turning things over to something bigger than me.  Most especially I was angry at my daughter for not having sought recovery from her own addiction, and the kind of life my grandson was exposed to.     One day, I just started a garden bed, and then another.  I wound up surrounding our land with gardens, and in doing  that, found out that I couldn't control lots of things.  I planted stuff the deer didn't like to eat, and then there were some insects I began to try and deal with.  There was too much rain, or not enough, rabbits, squirrels, you name it.    Of course, anyone who gardens ... Read Full Story >>

2049 Reads

Emergency Rescue by a Father and His Sons

A couple of days ago, we were in Edmonton helping one son move there to live with his brother.  As we were leaving from their apartment complex, we noticed a man driving by very slowly.  We commented how weird it seemed and as we looked back in the mirror we saw he had run off the road into a tree. We quickly whipped a u-turn and jumped out of our vehicle.  Our younger son reached in and turned off the man's vehicle and my husband and older son tried talking to the older gentleman but got no response.  Fearing he might have choked, they struggled to get him out of the vehicle.  I quickly threw a blanket from our car onto the wet ground.  As soon as they got him out, they laid him on his side where he started choking and spitting up.  My younger son was on the phone to 911 ... Read Full Story >>

4041 Reads

Tuning 'Possessions' Into Inventory to Share

Ever since my new laptop arrived, I held on to my older one thinking it would serve me some day. In the last few months, every time I opened the closet and saw it, I felt depressed. Here was a perfectly good laptop gathering dust, and I had turned it into inventory. Cutting-edge inventory control systems encourage us to shed our inventory because it  takes up space without creating any value. :)  I got the chance to change that a few days back, when we had a visitor who was having a crummy time in life. After helping this friend with ideas on how to start a massage business and spread the word,  I suggested, "You need to get out there on the Internet and set up your homepage." My friend replied, "For that, I need a good machine. My machine is so slow that I can't really do anything on it." ... Read Full Story >>

2129 Reads

An Anonymous Wedding Gift

When my sister got married some time back, we were all excited.  After her honeymoon she invited me over to her house to help her unwrap the gifts and send some thank you notes to all the people that came to the wedding party.  As a side note, my sister works at Standard Bank in Malawi. Going through the gifts, we came across this precious exotic ice bucket in silver and gold.  I had never seen such a beautiful ice bucket.  Inside it was a note that read, "When I heard you were getting married, I asked around for the details and somehow managed to get here.  You might not know me but I know you.  I am a regular customer at Standard Bank and you helped me a lot when I was applying for a loan.  I will never forget what you did, God bless you.  -- Anonymous" When I showed my sister the note, she couldn't remember who the person ... Read Full Story >>

5687 Reads

An Extra Hug

    This morning when I dropped off my daughter in her day care class, I had the chance to make a difference for her best friend, if only for a bit. Her friend comes to our house and I play with them both, giving them “horsy rides” and chasing them around. Her dad is not around very much so I know it means a lot to her.      My daily ritual is that I always give my daughter a big hug and kiss, tell her I love her and wish her a great day.  While I was hugging her today, I noticed that her best friend who, was sitting at her table, had gotten up and was right behind us watching closely. I could tell by her face that she really wished she could do what we were doing. I quickly pulled her in for the “hugfest” and squeezed them both. ... Read Full Story >>

2363 Reads

Paying it Behind At a Coffee Shop

A couple of times a month I play a game in the Starbucks drive-through lane. When I get to the cashier I pay for my coffee and the coffee of the person in the car behind me. The configuration of the drive-through makes it easy to hear the car behind me call their order into the speaker phone so I don't risk paying for a dozen caramel macchiatos and a pound of Sumatra. You may be saying that it's not technically a "game"; it's more like a "stunt". Well the game part of it comes as I try to get away from the store and into traffic before the person with the free coffee can catch up to me and get a look at me. I want to stay anonymous and leave them guessing; I think it gives them a longer lasting impression. One time it was friend of mine but ... Read Full Story >>

6297 Reads
  • Posted by James Lynch
  • Jun 2, 2009
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Growing From A Rescue Opportunity

We had a marvelous 10 days in Idaho and were driving home a day earlier than we'd planned. We just wanted to have a day to rest and prepare for our work weeks ahead. Little did we know the impact our leaving early would have on someone else. We left Caldwell, Idaho at around 1pm and went through a small town called Marsing, population 790. They have a volunteer fire department, a couple of gas stations and a small market. About 10 miles on the other side of Marsing, we saw thick black plumes of smoke miles down the road to where we were driving. It didn't look good at all. We got to where the smoke was, and discovered a Big Rig (18-wheel truck) on fire and the driver was sitting on the side of the road. Another car pulled over to see if everything was okay too. We pulled up to assist ... Read Full Story >>

3962 Reads

Kindness Runners

I used to live next door to a wonderful old couple, Mr Mitchell and Mrs Mitchell.  They used to love gardening and had planted a beautiful garden.  Sadly, Mrs Mitchell died and Mr Mitchell's health began to deteriorate and he wasn't able to garden much anymore. Over the years their carefully tended garden became a jungle. One day, Mr Mitchell's health took a sudden downturn and he was taken into hospital.  I wanted to do something for him so I decided to tend his garden.   I wanted to get it nice again for him so that when he came back home he would have somewhere to sit in the sun while he was recuperating.  So I went into the garden armed with saws, a spade and clippers.  Over time my gardening trips became a regular thing and Mr Mitchell's garden begun to take shape again. Mr Mitchell never came back home.  He ... Read Full Story >>

2466 Reads

Flames of Gratitude

The other day, my husband and I found out that his co-worker's house caught on fire and suffered major damages. 

We wanted to reach out and support their family, but debated whether or not we could afford to donate to the collection. 

Then it occurred to me that, even though I don't have enough to pay our bills this week, these people don't have clothes to send their daughter to school the next day!!

With gratitude for all that we have, we donated $50 to the family, and will find a way to make due for the coming week.

2584 Reads

Savings On Gasoline

I order most of my groceries online and the store delivers them for a nominal fee. The fee is much less than what I used to spend traveling to a grocery store and home, and trying to get everything I bought loaded on my walker and into my building and up to my apartment. For the past couple of months my receipt has included another receipt that gives some money off the price of gasoline at a local gas station. Through this past weekend I collected 12 of these receipts with the savings on each one being either 6 cents off each litre or 7 cents off each litre of gasoline, for one purchase up to 75 litres. This is pretty sweet. I don't own a car. Today I took all the coupons to work and gave them to my co-workers. It was fun. We ended up talking about the kinds of vehicles ... Read Full Story >>

11.3K Reads

15 Ways to Love Your Neighbor

I recently came across 15 Ways to Love Your Neighbor, by Joanne Brokaw.  Wonderful ideas! Loving your neighbor doesn't require a huge bank account or selling your possessions and moving to the desert (unless, of course, God is calling you to do that). Here are practical ways you can love your neighbors: 1. Write a note. In these days of electronic communication, receiving a handwritten note is a rare treat. Today, ask God to bring to mind someone who could use a little encouragement. Then take a few minutes to jot a quick note or postcard and drop it in the mail, just letting that person know you're thinking about them. 2. Recycle. If we love God, then we love his creation, and taking care of the earth is one way you can be a good neighbor. You don't have to hug a tree or buy a hybrid, but you should follow your ... Read Full Story >>

30.3K Reads

Tomatoes for the community

Last year I grew tomatoes and like usual the bad one's that the bugs ate and the bird's nibbled i threw back into the dirt and covered them over, well the next spring i had tons of tomato plants blooming all over the place. My Mother asked what could I do with them and I took a day to think it over. As hard as times are now, I try to find ways to " Help others and Pay it Forward", so i decided to re-pot each plant into it's own paper cup and place an ad on( )where people can place items for free to help others and the items wont go to the land fill and create waste. Paper cups from the local dollar store and a brick of CoCo Coir ( a miracle compost/ potting soil retains 80 to 90% water retention) Dehydrated from the local hydrophonics store. I ... Read Full Story >>

2306 Reads

A Story Of Four Siblings Who Wanted to Go to School

I usually get up late when I am home  because I work until midnight. A couple of days ago, my Mom told me that 4 kids had come early in the morning for the last 2 days  asking "Is Shan bro up?" and when she replied and asked if they had a message for me, they said "Nothing" and left. I told  my mom if they come again then wake me up. The next day, they came again but a little later. Mom woke me up and this is how I met these sweet kids. They just said " We want to study in your school", I smiled and said, "Kids! I don't have any school, but I will enroll you in a good school". I went to their home and met their father. He told me that his kids: (Aneela, Shahzad, Saad and Nawab) want to get to a standard school but ... Read Full Story >>

2102 Reads
  • Posted by ShanKhan
  • Sep 21, 2016
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Thankful for a Mother-In-Law's Advice 9 Years Later

When my husband and I became engaged some nine years ago, I felt slightly perplexed when my mother-in-law  offered us the following advice: "Be kind to each other."

I thought that was so obvious at the time, but over the years it has stuck with me and I have realised that it is one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received.

It is all too easy to take our nearest and dearest for granted and not show them the appreciation that they deserve.

I recently thanked my mother-in-law (mummy 2, as she prefers to be called) for those words.  It was nine years late, but I always think: better late than never. I told her just how much I still appreciate her words of wisdom that she shared with us all those years ago. I could see that I made her day too! :)

2241 Reads

Live As Though Everything Is A Miracle

The following passage is a healthy prescription of how we can approach life. It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks. Truly, it is all about love. There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest. This illusion creates a mental prison. Hence, we should strive to internally liberate ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living things. "Open your heart to others and try to understand, When someone reaches for you, hold out to them your hand, Follow your heart, no matter what other people say, Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day, Treat other people, the way you would like them to treat you, Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true, Remember what life is all about, it is how you make people feel, What you do, where you go, and making dreams become real, Helping people through, in hard times of ... Read Full Story >>

5330 Reads

A Pretty Mission

I make it a point, if I see them, to go up and compliment teenage girls or young women. I might tell her how pretty her hair is, or how much I like her dress, or just how pretty she is. I'm usually old enough to be their grandmother so I'm never misunderstood when I do this.   I remember how insecure I was when I was their age and how much it would have meant to me to have an older woman tell me something like that and know it was said with no ulterior motive. And I see this same insecurity in young girls today. It's so hard for us to believe that we're pretty for any number of reasons.   I was looking through an old photo album with my husband and he said how pretty I was back then and I could see it now, looking back, but I couldn't ... Read Full Story >>

2171 Reads
  • Posted by cassirose
  • Sep 27, 2013
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Beautiful Smiles

I was wandering through a fruit stand today and noticed two women walking in the store. One was leading the way, the other followed slowly with a walker. The second woman was probably in her fifties, too young for a walker, and she had the most beautiful smile.I passed them without giving it too much thought. They left the store before me, and when I left and was walking down the sidewalk, I saw them in their car. This lovely woman was sitting in the passenger's seat, smiling and laughing sweetly as she said, "I never thought it could be this hard to get in a car" -- and laughed and laughed. Amazing, I thought! And I wanted to connect with this lovely energy, so as I passed, I asked if she would like me toclo se the car door for her. She looked at me and gave me one of her beautiful ... Read Full Story >>

2816 Reads
  • Posted by mdunn1
  • Mar 30, 2015
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Customer Service Smiles

I work as a contractor at a senior center and absolutely love it. My days are spent coordinating rides for seniors from volunteer drivers. Today, a lady called saying she was unable to get her medication from the pharmacy. Usually, our center requires a three-day advance notice for local rides. We also require folks to fill out an application and a waiver.  With these things in mind, I decided that this was my opportunity to go above and beyond the call of duty. I filled out the application and told her I would come pick her up. "You will?" she asked, slightly shocked. "Yup." I sent an email to my manager and off I went. It was a nice day to be out. We had a pleasant ride, and along the way, I found out she has cancer. Despite the illness, she still embraces life with a lot of faith. After arriving back at her home, I gave her ... Read Full Story >>

3616 Reads
  • Posted by denisemj
  • Aug 30, 2012
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A Reminder of the Kindness in the World

I stopped at a huge yard sale and was looking for that hidden treasure.  A blouse caught my eye, and as I approached the "cashier" I heard her say, "Well, can't you get some more money from someone?"  I looked over and saw that her comment was directed at a child holding a nice looking pair of shoes in one hand, his other outstretched palm displaying a few coins.  I was instantly annoyed that the lady was witholding a pair of unwanted shoes for a few more cents.  I remembered my smile cards, and asked  "how much are they?" .  "Two dollars" she replied.  "Oh, here ya go," I said, handing the boy two dollars and a smile card.   As I walked away I heard her say to the boy,   "Can I see your card?"  I decided to buy the blouse and when I went to pay the lady was clearly chagrinned.  "Where did you ... Read Full Story >>

4279 Reads
  • Posted by msriessa
  • Jun 8, 2010
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