Search Results for 'popular' (2976 matches)

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Growing From A Rescue Opportunity

We had a marvelous 10 days in Idaho and were driving home a day earlier than we'd planned. We just wanted to have a day to rest and prepare for our work weeks ahead. Little did we know the impact our leaving early would have on someone else. We left Caldwell, Idaho at around 1pm and went through a small town called Marsing, population 790. They have a volunteer fire department, a couple of gas stations and a small market. About 10 miles on the other side of Marsing, we saw thick black plumes of smoke miles down the road to where we were driving. It didn't look good at all. We got to where the smoke was, and discovered a Big Rig (18-wheel truck) on fire and the driver was sitting on the side of the road. Another car pulled over to see if everything was okay too. We pulled up to assist ... Read Full Story >>

3962 Reads

New Furry Friends

We have neighbors whose adult son has been living with them since losing his job over 5 years ago. He is the 5th child of 6 and he has struggled throughout his life. His dog died in early July and the loss has affected him deeply, understandably. He built his daily life around the dog walks and made relationships in the neighborhood with other dog walkers and owners. His parents do not want him to get another dog because they want his schedule to be more flexible to find work and not worry about walking the dog. It is a hard situation, I can see he is depressed and lonely without his dog. I also see he helps his parents a lot with chores and cleaning. All I could think to help by including him with my family for walks with our dogs, for a BBQ, and to go get a coffee. Then ... Read Full Story >>

3258 Reads

Kindness Runners

I used to live next door to a wonderful old couple, Mr Mitchell and Mrs Mitchell.  They used to love gardening and had planted a beautiful garden.  Sadly, Mrs Mitchell died and Mr Mitchell's health began to deteriorate and he wasn't able to garden much anymore. Over the years their carefully tended garden became a jungle. One day, Mr Mitchell's health took a sudden downturn and he was taken into hospital.  I wanted to do something for him so I decided to tend his garden.   I wanted to get it nice again for him so that when he came back home he would have somewhere to sit in the sun while he was recuperating.  So I went into the garden armed with saws, a spade and clippers.  Over time my gardening trips became a regular thing and Mr Mitchell's garden begun to take shape again. Mr Mitchell never came back home.  He ... Read Full Story >>

2466 Reads

15 Ways to Love Your Neighbor

I recently came across 15 Ways to Love Your Neighbor, by Joanne Brokaw.  Wonderful ideas! Loving your neighbor doesn't require a huge bank account or selling your possessions and moving to the desert (unless, of course, God is calling you to do that). Here are practical ways you can love your neighbors: 1. Write a note. In these days of electronic communication, receiving a handwritten note is a rare treat. Today, ask God to bring to mind someone who could use a little encouragement. Then take a few minutes to jot a quick note or postcard and drop it in the mail, just letting that person know you're thinking about them. 2. Recycle. If we love God, then we love his creation, and taking care of the earth is one way you can be a good neighbor. You don't have to hug a tree or buy a hybrid, but you should follow your ... Read Full Story >>

30.3K Reads

Flames of Gratitude

The other day, my husband and I found out that his co-worker's house caught on fire and suffered major damages. 

We wanted to reach out and support their family, but debated whether or not we could afford to donate to the collection. 

Then it occurred to me that, even though I don't have enough to pay our bills this week, these people don't have clothes to send their daughter to school the next day!!

With gratitude for all that we have, we donated $50 to the family, and will find a way to make due for the coming week.

2584 Reads

A Story Of Four Siblings Who Wanted to Go to School

I usually get up late when I am home  because I work until midnight. A couple of days ago, my Mom told me that 4 kids had come early in the morning for the last 2 days  asking "Is Shan bro up?" and when she replied and asked if they had a message for me, they said "Nothing" and left. I told  my mom if they come again then wake me up. The next day, they came again but a little later. Mom woke me up and this is how I met these sweet kids. They just said " We want to study in your school", I smiled and said, "Kids! I don't have any school, but I will enroll you in a good school". I went to their home and met their father. He told me that his kids: (Aneela, Shahzad, Saad and Nawab) want to get to a standard school but ... Read Full Story >>

2102 Reads
  • Posted by ShanKhan
  • Sep 21, 2016
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The Hidden Gems My Grandmother Gifted Me

I was having trouble with a bully at school once when I was younger. One day I eventually confided in my grandmother. I told her that I was being bullied at school.    She surprised me a little bit when she asked me what it was about? I said that I really didn't know.  She said she knew what it was about. She said it was because I hadn't done anything wrong and was simply being me. I really didn’t understand her? Why would I be bullied for not doing anything wrong?   She said that the other person was jealous of me because of something they lacked.  I was sure that couldn’t be right.   We weren’t very well off so I had second hand clothes, simple shoes, etc. whilst the other person was always in the latest fashion and had new things.    Then my grandmother explained that the jealously was not ... Read Full Story >>

2130 Reads

Welcome To The Kindness Game

I am a member of a blogging site and through sharing my stories and commenting on other people's I have made a few good on-line friends. 

One of my friends wrote a blog about an unexpected electricity bill she was struggling to pay. She said her kind-hearted daughter was prepared to give up most of her wages from her summer job to help pay it off. 

I decided that this deserved a reward! 

I sent my friend an email asking her to trust me with her address. She did and I sent a little gift box filled with goodies for her daughter, and a card to let her know that she was being rewarded for being awesome! 

Today I found out that she received it and wants to join in the game of random acts of kindness - even though she's been doing it already!

2018 Reads

A Gift In The Mail

For the love and the thoughtfulness that shaped my childhood and still cocoons me today, I can never repay my grandfather or my father... I felt the back of my grandfather’s rough fingers caress my jawline today as he used to when he was still alive; when I was but a child… I received a beautifully stamped envelope from the States in the mail. I immediately recognized Edith Piaf on one of the stamps and my father’s scrawl below. Carefully, I used a knife to open the envelope, knowing that my father occasionally sends me valuable treasure through the mail. Inside, I found another envelope. On it, I saw two scripts. The first one bore my father’s explanation: In the 40’s, my great-grandfather bought a desk. He used it in his office at the family restaurant and when he passed away, my grandfather started using the desk. When the family restaurant sold, the desk was moved ... Read Full Story >>

3314 Reads

Greeting Cards For Those In Prison

I send a variety of greeting cards to a niece who is in prison so she can re-use them for her friends inside and outside. I write her name, a few words and then my name in small letters on the edge of the card so it passes inspection in the mail room. She can cut that off and use the card again. I buy cards in bulk (Current) and go to the dollar store. She so appreciates this as cards are expensive to buy. I also include articles, jokes, or pictures each time for her. She often shares these with her 'roommates'. She keeps the pictures of the ones she really likes. She can do a drawing or write something more on either or both sides of the other half if she wants to. 

2850 Reads

Thankful for a Mother-In-Law's Advice 9 Years Later

When my husband and I became engaged some nine years ago, I felt slightly perplexed when my mother-in-law  offered us the following advice: "Be kind to each other."

I thought that was so obvious at the time, but over the years it has stuck with me and I have realised that it is one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received.

It is all too easy to take our nearest and dearest for granted and not show them the appreciation that they deserve.

I recently thanked my mother-in-law (mummy 2, as she prefers to be called) for those words.  It was nine years late, but I always think: better late than never. I told her just how much I still appreciate her words of wisdom that she shared with us all those years ago. I could see that I made her day too! :)

2241 Reads

Beauty Tips for Your Soul

Here are a few primping tips to increase the beauty of your soul: A dear old lady was ... Read Full Story >>

2834 Reads

Live As Though Everything Is A Miracle

The following passage is a healthy prescription of how we can approach life. It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks. Truly, it is all about love. There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest. This illusion creates a mental prison. Hence, we should strive to internally liberate ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living things. "Open your heart to others and try to understand, When someone reaches for you, hold out to them your hand, Follow your heart, no matter what other people say, Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day, Treat other people, the way you would like them to treat you, Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true, Remember what life is all about, it is how you make people feel, What you do, where you go, and making dreams become real, Helping people through, in hard times of ... Read Full Story >>

5330 Reads

Soaring with Happiness

Somehow, I ended up with four turkeys this past holiday. Needing only one, I decided to make up two boxes with all the trimmings for a holiday meal. Then, I gifted them to two families who I knew could use them. That still left me with two extra turkeys. So, I decided to cook one of them, make sandwiches and bring them to an area of town where many people seem to be in need of food and a little kindness. I had my son take me to our local bus stop. While waiting for the bus, I saw two people that I thought might like a sandwich. Without missing a beat, I offered them each a sandwich, along with a smile card, and told them to have a good day. I received nothing but smiles in return.   On the bus, a young mother got on with her little girl. I offered ... Read Full Story >>

3290 Reads

Kindness Knocks on the Front Door

Two years ago an African man from Malawi, Elias, arrived at my sister’s home in the rough, bush country of South Africa with nothing but the shirt on his back. He was hoping to come to South Africa to find employment in order to support his family in Malawi. Little did he realize my sister at that time was struggling to keep her body and soul together. Nevertheless, Elias was given permission to stay on the property with the understanding that she was unable to help him financially and he would have to find “piece work” employment to support himself. As unemployment is rife, Elias was unable to find work immediately, so my sister taught him how to grow organic vegetables, sew and bake. Elias is keen to learn whatever he can to take the knowledge back to Malawi with him once he goes home. Elias finally found employment but my sister hit ... Read Full Story >>

5843 Reads
  • Posted by cabbagepatch
  • Feb 26, 2010
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Where Does Kindness Start? With Us...

Recently at the gas station...I was walking in to Pre-Pay before being able to pump gas into my car. As I approached the door to go in to pay, there was a woman coming out.   I was about 15 feet away and she stood there, waiting and holding the door for me to enter. Usually people are in such a hurry that they dash out and sometimes even to the point of being rude and mowing me down.  I smiled and said "Thank You, you didn't have to do that"  and her reply was "No problem, take your time." Next we are both at our vehicles filling gas and she finished first. She hopped in her van and was getting ready to leave. I noticed her gas compartment was still open and the cap was dangling down.  I quickly scooted to her van and tapped  on it as she was starting ... Read Full Story >>

2284 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Mar 5, 2010
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A Five Rupee Formula for Joy

On my way out the building in the morning, I search my pockets for 5 rupee coins. If I have one, I go to the shop downstairs and buy 5 packets of Gems-- an Indian version of M&Ms. There are 3 Gems per packet, giving me 14 chances to make someone smile (there would be 15 but invariably the first Gem ends up in my own mouth!). On the first day, I gave one each to the two youngs sons of my dhobi (washerman), and to the boy who lives in the makeshift shack in front of my building. Their hands were really dirty so I put them straight into their mouths. I thought for a second about giving them an impromptu lesson in hand-washing, but they are too young to understand Hindi and I haven't learned enough Kannada to explain properly. Next time I'll pick up the basics, and use ... Read Full Story >>

4089 Reads

Savings On Gasoline

I order most of my groceries online and the store delivers them for a nominal fee. The fee is much less than what I used to spend traveling to a grocery store and home, and trying to get everything I bought loaded on my walker and into my building and up to my apartment. For the past couple of months my receipt has included another receipt that gives some money off the price of gasoline at a local gas station. Through this past weekend I collected 12 of these receipts with the savings on each one being either 6 cents off each litre or 7 cents off each litre of gasoline, for one purchase up to 75 litres. This is pretty sweet. I don't own a car. Today I took all the coupons to work and gave them to my co-workers. It was fun. We ended up talking about the kinds of vehicles ... Read Full Story >>

11.3K Reads

A Reminder of the Kindness in the World

I stopped at a huge yard sale and was looking for that hidden treasure.  A blouse caught my eye, and as I approached the "cashier" I heard her say, "Well, can't you get some more money from someone?"  I looked over and saw that her comment was directed at a child holding a nice looking pair of shoes in one hand, his other outstretched palm displaying a few coins.  I was instantly annoyed that the lady was witholding a pair of unwanted shoes for a few more cents.  I remembered my smile cards, and asked  "how much are they?" .  "Two dollars" she replied.  "Oh, here ya go," I said, handing the boy two dollars and a smile card.   As I walked away I heard her say to the boy,   "Can I see your card?"  I decided to buy the blouse and when I went to pay the lady was clearly chagrinned.  "Where did you ... Read Full Story >>

4279 Reads
  • Posted by msriessa
  • Jun 8, 2010
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A Small Gesture on a Hot Day

I work in a school.  Yesterday we had a whole bunch of textbooks delivered.

When the delivery man arrived, he asked for a different way to bring the boxes in as he said it would be dififcult with the stairs at the front door. 

There is a way through a different entrance which has ramps.  He used the ramp to bring in over 50 heavy boxes of textbooks.  He was sweaty, grumpy and complaining as he was stacking them up outside my office. 

A coworker said what a ray of "sunshine" he was. She was being sarcastic, of course.  I just said that it is really hot and he's probably just wants to go home by this time of the day when it's 90 degrees outside.

When he was finished stacking all the boxes, he came to me to sign for the packages.  I had kept a bottle of water ready for him and offered it to him. He was so thankful and left with a smile.

I hope this little gesture helped brighten up his attitude for his next delivery.

2028 Reads