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Thankful for a Mother-In-Law's Advice 9 Years Later

When my husband and I became engaged some nine years ago, I felt slightly perplexed when my mother-in-law  offered us the following advice: "Be kind to each other."

I thought that was so obvious at the time, but over the years it has stuck with me and I have realised that it is one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received.

It is all too easy to take our nearest and dearest for granted and not show them the appreciation that they deserve.

I recently thanked my mother-in-law (mummy 2, as she prefers to be called) for those words.  It was nine years late, but I always think: better late than never. I told her just how much I still appreciate her words of wisdom that she shared with us all those years ago. I could see that I made her day too! :)

2241 Reads

Beauty Tips for Your Soul

Here are a few primping tips to increase the beauty of your soul: A dear old lady was ... Read Full Story >>

2834 Reads

Live As Though Everything Is A Miracle

The following passage is a healthy prescription of how we can approach life. It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks. Truly, it is all about love. There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest. This illusion creates a mental prison. Hence, we should strive to internally liberate ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living things. "Open your heart to others and try to understand, When someone reaches for you, hold out to them your hand, Follow your heart, no matter what other people say, Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day, Treat other people, the way you would like them to treat you, Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true, Remember what life is all about, it is how you make people feel, What you do, where you go, and making dreams become real, Helping people through, in hard times of ... Read Full Story >>

5330 Reads

Inspiration From my Daughter

My daughter, who is thirteen, is not a sentimental person. Imagine how surprised I was the other day when told me that she had been giving a school friend of hers a hug every day since she realized the girl "wasn't getting a lot of love at home." 
I thought that was so sweet of her! It seems she not only reaches out to her friends these days but to her teachers and other children as well. I thought that was awesome! 
So, I gave her a Smile Card for her act of kindness and told her all about it. She liked the idea so much that she found someone else to hug and gave them the card so they could continue passing it forward! 
Isn't this just beautiful? Thanks to Smile cards she is learning the meaning of Random Acts Of Kindness (even towards her sister!) Now, how cool is that?


5193 Reads

The Battle For Goodness In The E.R.

I work in a busy Emergency Room. This weekend, I had a patient who was very jittery and paranoid.     After looking at his chart, I saw that he was seeking treatment for alcoholism.    There is an immediate bias against substance abuse in my E.R. One - we do not have a detox facility. Two - persons seeking treatment for addiction are sometimes looked down on as being less worthy of treatment than, say, someone with angina or other serious "physical" ailments.    At first glance, he was very emaciated, tattooed, pierced, and had a generally belligerent character. He could not sit still, and had a tough, "nobody messes with me" exterior. He had not had a drink in four days. His hands were shaking and there was a scared look in his eyes.   He told me that he had been drinking for seventeen years. He had tried to quit many times before but had ... Read Full Story >>

4465 Reads

Parents Are Precious

Venkatesh Balasubramaniam (who works for IIT) describes how his gesture of booking an air ticket for his father brought forth a rush of emotions and made him (Venkatesh) realize how much we all take for granted when it comes to our parents. My parents left for our native land on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never traveled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to ensure he experienced his first flight. In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on Jet Airways.  The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air. The excitement was very apparent on his face. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself for that day. We all went to the airport and eagerly enjoyed the ... Read Full Story >>

6631 Reads

Kindness Knocks on the Front Door

Two years ago an African man from Malawi, Elias, arrived at my sister’s home in the rough, bush country of South Africa with nothing but the shirt on his back. He was hoping to come to South Africa to find employment in order to support his family in Malawi. Little did he realize my sister at that time was struggling to keep her body and soul together. Nevertheless, Elias was given permission to stay on the property with the understanding that she was unable to help him financially and he would have to find “piece work” employment to support himself. As unemployment is rife, Elias was unable to find work immediately, so my sister taught him how to grow organic vegetables, sew and bake. Elias is keen to learn whatever he can to take the knowledge back to Malawi with him once he goes home. Elias finally found employment but my sister hit ... Read Full Story >>

5843 Reads
  • Posted by cabbagepatch
  • Feb 26, 2010
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Where Does Kindness Start? With Us...

Recently at the gas station...I was walking in to Pre-Pay before being able to pump gas into my car. As I approached the door to go in to pay, there was a woman coming out.   I was about 15 feet away and she stood there, waiting and holding the door for me to enter. Usually people are in such a hurry that they dash out and sometimes even to the point of being rude and mowing me down.  I smiled and said "Thank You, you didn't have to do that"  and her reply was "No problem, take your time." Next we are both at our vehicles filling gas and she finished first. She hopped in her van and was getting ready to leave. I noticed her gas compartment was still open and the cap was dangling down.  I quickly scooted to her van and tapped  on it as she was starting ... Read Full Story >>

2284 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Mar 5, 2010
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Flames of Gratitude

The other day, my husband and I found out that his co-worker's house caught on fire and suffered major damages. 

We wanted to reach out and support their family, but debated whether or not we could afford to donate to the collection. 

Then it occurred to me that, even though I don't have enough to pay our bills this week, these people don't have clothes to send their daughter to school the next day!!

With gratitude for all that we have, we donated $50 to the family, and will find a way to make due for the coming week.

2584 Reads

A Five Rupee Formula for Joy

On my way out the building in the morning, I search my pockets for 5 rupee coins. If I have one, I go to the shop downstairs and buy 5 packets of Gems-- an Indian version of M&Ms. There are 3 Gems per packet, giving me 14 chances to make someone smile (there would be 15 but invariably the first Gem ends up in my own mouth!). On the first day, I gave one each to the two youngs sons of my dhobi (washerman), and to the boy who lives in the makeshift shack in front of my building. Their hands were really dirty so I put them straight into their mouths. I thought for a second about giving them an impromptu lesson in hand-washing, but they are too young to understand Hindi and I haven't learned enough Kannada to explain properly. Next time I'll pick up the basics, and use ... Read Full Story >>

4089 Reads

Kindness and Love Starts at Home

The greatest gift I can recall ever giving my children is the lesson of selfless love.  This is when the only reward from giving to others is that the love for them in your heart grows deeper and stronger. During the holidays we bake and bake and bake.  We then box up that love and secretly place it on the doorsteps of those we know and those we do not. We attach a card that simply states, "I thought of you today, and it made me smile."

The sheer joy the children received from giving this "secret" gift of selfless love lingers with them to this day.  My oldest is 24 and remembers those days. She recently returned from serving in Iraq and has decided to start her own Random Act of Kindness this year in Minnesota.  My second, a young man of 19, wants to know when I plan on doing it this year so he can make the two-hour car ride to join us.  The two children left at home are 18 and 3 and can't wait till we get baking.

In my experience, love does not have a price tag, and charity and love for one another start at home.

2834 Reads
  • Posted by Graciesmom
  • Mar 18, 2011
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Unexpected Hospitality When We Were Stranded

Many years ago, when we first went to Canada, we were driving through Montana to Colorado with our two children, then ages 8 and 11. We thought we would find a motel on the way and had not made a booking. As it was getting late we started looking for a motel, only to find out that it was rodeo time in that part of the country, and all the motels were booked. Finally, around 9PM, we stopped at a gas station to fill up on gas. My husband asked for a phone book and told the woman at the counter that we were trying to find a motel. She told us it would be impossible. He tried for 15 more minutes. When he was unsuccessful, the woman, Linda, said she and her family lived nearby and would be happy if we spent the night at her home. My husband was stunned ... Read Full Story >>

2877 Reads
  • Posted by swapnagupta443
  • Mar 14, 2018
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Chasing The Brighton Bus

This is a simple story. I was driving along one day when I saw a young couple running, frantically, for a bus. The bus pulled away from the stop just as they arrived!  I slowed down and noticed how upset they looked. So, I stopped and said, "Jump in! I'll overtake the bus and you can catch it at the next stop."    They looked amazed at the offer, but got into my car. We followed the bus but we just couldn't overtake far enough to ensure they would get on. It's surprising how difficult it is to overtake a bus that doesn't stop often!    After a while and some chat with my new passengers it became clear that they were new to the area. They were visiting friends and had to get another bus to the house they were going to. That's when I asked, "Where are you going, exactly," and decided to ... Read Full Story >>

4963 Reads

How A Wedding Reception Fed The Homeless

The Fowler family turned a disappointment into an act of tremendous generosity: when their daughter's wedding was cancelled 40 days before the event, the reception had already been paid for. Instead of cancelling the event and losing their deposit money, the family decided to invite an entirely different set of guests: 200 homeless women, children, and families. Willie and Carol Fowler, the bride's parents, contacted Hosea Feed the Hungry, an organization their daughter has volunteered for in the past, and offered to host 200 guests at Villa Christina, an upscale venue in Atlanta. "When they first called, the administration thought it was a prank call because it was too good to be true," Quisa Foster of Hosea Feed the Hungry told ABC News. "It's a very creme de la creme wedding venue, so to say that you're going to host 200 homeless individuals at Villa Christina - it sounds like a prank ... Read Full Story >>

3379 Reads

A Reminder of the Kindness in the World

I stopped at a huge yard sale and was looking for that hidden treasure.  A blouse caught my eye, and as I approached the "cashier" I heard her say, "Well, can't you get some more money from someone?"  I looked over and saw that her comment was directed at a child holding a nice looking pair of shoes in one hand, his other outstretched palm displaying a few coins.  I was instantly annoyed that the lady was witholding a pair of unwanted shoes for a few more cents.  I remembered my smile cards, and asked  "how much are they?" .  "Two dollars" she replied.  "Oh, here ya go," I said, handing the boy two dollars and a smile card.   As I walked away I heard her say to the boy,   "Can I see your card?"  I decided to buy the blouse and when I went to pay the lady was clearly chagrinned.  "Where did you ... Read Full Story >>

4279 Reads
  • Posted by msriessa
  • Jun 8, 2010
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Kindness - Just Do It!

I drove into the supermarket parking lot and there were 2 homeless young people at the entrance with the standard "homeless and hungry" sign.  I felt the usual hopeless feeling and irritation.  I decided that I would drive out the other exit so I wouldn't have to see them when I left.  While shopping in the store I choose some really great cherries and proceeded to purchase freely.  When I was leaving the store, heading to my car, I saw the young homeless woman going around the parking lot asking for help.  No one seemed to being offering help and for a moment I could feel her hopelessness.  I was still set on driving out the other entrance believing that I shouldn't helpout and continue the homeless cycle.  As I was leaving the parking lot I thought of a talk I had listened to the night before - about kindness and how even a small ... Read Full Story >>

3306 Reads
  • Posted by Lawnchair
  • Dec 1, 2012
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Helping the Elderly to Feel They Are Not Alone

I teach exercise classes to seniors  and I try to find ways to encourage them, not to just exercise, but to have fun in class and to make friends. Loneliness is one of the greatest complaints of the elderly.  I love encouraging our group to go out for breakfasts or lunches together.  On occasion I want to  pay for the meals of individuals that cannot pay for themselves.   I want to bring homemade coffee to our morning classes.

Standing around after a class and talking and smiling and CONNECTING with each other is so important.. I don't want anyone to be lonely!  This is my passion in life: to make others feel as if they are NOT ALONE.

2069 Reads

A Moment That Changed My Life

My wife and I were on our weekly Wal-Mart trip when I noticed a young man standing at the traffic light holding a handwritten cardboard sign that read, "Hungry, Please Help." My heart started to hurt -- I have seen people in need before holding hand-made signs all over town asking for a job, food, money, etc. I guess I just never paid any attention before, shame on me. We got through the checkout lane, and I walked over to the McDonalds's inside the store. My wife said to me, "You want McDonald's, I thought we were going to eat at Wendy's?" since we usually stop at Wendy's or Arby's for a quick bite to eat during our weekly trips. I replied, "It's not for me." I bought some food, and a bottle of cold water (it was really hot and humid out), and I noticed that this young man looked very ... Read Full Story >>

3286 Reads

Smile Away and Make Someone's Day

Try to remember that even when you don't have any extra cash to share or spare and you still have that burning desire to do good and make a difference, you can always smile!

Yesterday I was picking my daughter up from school. As we drove home I got stuck behind a 'transport vehicle'. I didn't know then but it was a van that took elderly folk in wheelchairs wherever they needed to go. Anyway, when I decided to pass the van I put a big smile on my face!

The van had large windows and you could see right inside. There she was, looking right at us, an elderly lady. She was in a wheelchair and still in her pajamas. Who knows  where she was about to go; to the hospital for testing, to a room in a new nursing home, I just didn't know.

So I smiled widely and waved at her. She looked surprised and then started smiling and waving back to me. It was as though we knew each other! My daughter and her friend started waving too. It felt good and really gave me a lift! 

We made each others days with those smiles that cost nothing. I am sure of it! Smiles are contagious!

2178 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Nov 1, 2010
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An Extra Special Holiday Gift

Many years ago, I was a struggling single mom starting up a new business. It was the holiday season, and my boyfriend and I had decided that we would splurge for just one evening, and go out to dinner. We went to the Red Lobster and it got me thinking about my college waitressing days and how much I enjoyed working during that time: people shopping, feeling joyful, and tipping big. I was in the holiday spirit and wanted to give the waitress a big tip, though I knew it wasn't going to be a big Christmas for us that year.  When we had picked what we wanted, I did a quick calculation in my head to make sure that I had enough money before we placed the order. At the end of the meal, when we asked for the check, the waitress replied "It's already taken care of." I didn't understand? She ... Read Full Story >>

6573 Reads
  • Posted by mel777
  • Dec 16, 2010
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