Search Results for 'popular' (2976 matches)

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The Battle For Goodness In The E.R.

I work in a busy Emergency Room. This weekend, I had a patient who was very jittery and paranoid.     After looking at his chart, I saw that he was seeking treatment for alcoholism.    There is an immediate bias against substance abuse in my E.R. One - we do not have a detox facility. Two - persons seeking treatment for addiction are sometimes looked down on as being less worthy of treatment than, say, someone with angina or other serious "physical" ailments.    At first glance, he was very emaciated, tattooed, pierced, and had a generally belligerent character. He could not sit still, and had a tough, "nobody messes with me" exterior. He had not had a drink in four days. His hands were shaking and there was a scared look in his eyes.   He told me that he had been drinking for seventeen years. He had tried to quit many times before but had ... Read Full Story >>

4465 Reads

"School Ambassador" decides to become an Electrician

Today I was recruiting for a business administration class. Recruitment was slow and at the end of the day I telephoned students who were given a conditional offer in May. I telephoned Blaine's mother. She was very interested in him doing my course. Quite often when a student doesn't come back to us in Further Education it means they did really well and are going to continue on at school, complete their A Levels and go to university. I remembered Blaine didn't want to go to university. When I telephoned, his mum was able to confirm that Blaine had indeed done really well. He had decided to do a course to become an electrician. I could tell his mum was anxious about this. I asked how she felt about this. She really wanted him to do my course and 'doing a trade' was very much out of her comfort zone. I ... Read Full Story >>

2519 Reads

A Story Of Four Siblings Who Wanted to Go to School

I usually get up late when I am home  because I work until midnight. A couple of days ago, my Mom told me that 4 kids had come early in the morning for the last 2 days  asking "Is Shan bro up?" and when she replied and asked if they had a message for me, they said "Nothing" and left. I told  my mom if they come again then wake me up. The next day, they came again but a little later. Mom woke me up and this is how I met these sweet kids. They just said " We want to study in your school", I smiled and said, "Kids! I don't have any school, but I will enroll you in a good school". I went to their home and met their father. He told me that his kids: (Aneela, Shahzad, Saad and Nawab) want to get to a standard school but ... Read Full Story >>

2102 Reads
  • Posted by ShanKhan
  • Sep 21, 2016
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A Reminder of the Kindness in the World

I stopped at a huge yard sale and was looking for that hidden treasure.  A blouse caught my eye, and as I approached the "cashier" I heard her say, "Well, can't you get some more money from someone?"  I looked over and saw that her comment was directed at a child holding a nice looking pair of shoes in one hand, his other outstretched palm displaying a few coins.  I was instantly annoyed that the lady was witholding a pair of unwanted shoes for a few more cents.  I remembered my smile cards, and asked  "how much are they?" .  "Two dollars" she replied.  "Oh, here ya go," I said, handing the boy two dollars and a smile card.   As I walked away I heard her say to the boy,   "Can I see your card?"  I decided to buy the blouse and when I went to pay the lady was clearly chagrinned.  "Where did you ... Read Full Story >>

4279 Reads
  • Posted by msriessa
  • Jun 8, 2010
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A Kind Bomb!

At my previous work-place we had a really dreadful boss. It made for a united staff! One of the things one of the teachers used to organize was a 'kind bomb' and if a teacher was unwell and away for a period of time, or who was struggling with difficult times, this teacher would send out a message and keep a box in her room. All the staff members would contribute something - a magazine, chocolates, food items, write cheer up messages of encouragement, bathroom products, and vouchers, items as big or small as people could afford. It was funny that sometimes the teacher who it was meant to be for would find out there was a kind bomb going down, and contribute to not knowing it was for them! Lol. There was a presentation, hugs, tears, and it was a beautiful and easy thing to do. When the teacher who organized it ... Read Full Story >>

2509 Reads

Kindness - Just Do It!

I drove into the supermarket parking lot and there were 2 homeless young people at the entrance with the standard "homeless and hungry" sign.  I felt the usual hopeless feeling and irritation.  I decided that I would drive out the other exit so I wouldn't have to see them when I left.  While shopping in the store I choose some really great cherries and proceeded to purchase freely.  When I was leaving the store, heading to my car, I saw the young homeless woman going around the parking lot asking for help.  No one seemed to being offering help and for a moment I could feel her hopelessness.  I was still set on driving out the other entrance believing that I shouldn't helpout and continue the homeless cycle.  As I was leaving the parking lot I thought of a talk I had listened to the night before - about kindness and how even a small ... Read Full Story >>

3306 Reads
  • Posted by Lawnchair
  • Dec 1, 2012
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A Smiling Face at the Store

I needed to get some supplies to clean the house this weekend, so I headed over to a local store. While walking through the aisles there, I realized that I wasn't smiling at anyone. That was out of character. I almost always smile at strangers with the hope that it might brighten their day a bit. But in that particular moment, my mind was focused on events that had bothered me earlier in the day. Not really in the mood to smile, I thought, Oh well, and continued through the store. When I went to check out my things, I was met with a very long line. People were stocking up on Christmas gifts and things for the holidays. To help minimize the first line, a second register opened up. I quickly switched over to the it. After a few moments, I began to notice that all the people in front ... Read Full Story >>

5969 Reads
  • Posted by PassionateM3
  • Jun 11, 2013
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Helping the Elderly to Feel They Are Not Alone

I teach exercise classes to seniors  and I try to find ways to encourage them, not to just exercise, but to have fun in class and to make friends. Loneliness is one of the greatest complaints of the elderly.  I love encouraging our group to go out for breakfasts or lunches together.  On occasion I want to  pay for the meals of individuals that cannot pay for themselves.   I want to bring homemade coffee to our morning classes.

Standing around after a class and talking and smiling and CONNECTING with each other is so important.. I don't want anyone to be lonely!  This is my passion in life: to make others feel as if they are NOT ALONE.

2069 Reads

A Little Help for a 5 Year Old

I went on to this web site that I am part of where everyone tries to help each other.  There  was a special request made for a five-year-old year old on her birthday.  The request was for a dress, a birthday card and some bows.

I made contact with the mom, got her information and mailed out a box to the little girl. I sent a dress, bows, and a birthday card with $2.00 in the card for her. Her mom was happy. I just got the email from her and it bought a smile to my face knowing that she appreciated it.  It said: "Thank you so so so much for the card and the bows and the shirt! Savana loved them! You are a blessing! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! Thank you again!"

Her statement made me smile. And, I am glad that she got her little ones package before the birthday this month. At times our funds run a little tight and you need some help. But, I felt good knowing that I contributed to a little one's smile on her face when she received these things from me.  This alone is special to me.

2117 Reads

A Small Gesture on a Hot Day

I work in a school.  Yesterday we had a whole bunch of textbooks delivered.

When the delivery man arrived, he asked for a different way to bring the boxes in as he said it would be dififcult with the stairs at the front door. 

There is a way through a different entrance which has ramps.  He used the ramp to bring in over 50 heavy boxes of textbooks.  He was sweaty, grumpy and complaining as he was stacking them up outside my office. 

A coworker said what a ray of "sunshine" he was. She was being sarcastic, of course.  I just said that it is really hot and he's probably just wants to go home by this time of the day when it's 90 degrees outside.

When he was finished stacking all the boxes, he came to me to sign for the packages.  I had kept a bottle of water ready for him and offered it to him. He was so thankful and left with a smile.

I hope this little gesture helped brighten up his attitude for his next delivery.

2028 Reads

Tomatoes for the community

Last year I grew tomatoes and like usual the bad one's that the bugs ate and the bird's nibbled i threw back into the dirt and covered them over, well the next spring i had tons of tomato plants blooming all over the place. My Mother asked what could I do with them and I took a day to think it over. As hard as times are now, I try to find ways to " Help others and Pay it Forward", so i decided to re-pot each plant into it's own paper cup and place an ad on( )where people can place items for free to help others and the items wont go to the land fill and create waste. Paper cups from the local dollar store and a brick of CoCo Coir ( a miracle compost/ potting soil retains 80 to 90% water retention) Dehydrated from the local hydrophonics store. I ... Read Full Story >>

2306 Reads

Flames of Gratitude

The other day, my husband and I found out that his co-worker's house caught on fire and suffered major damages. 

We wanted to reach out and support their family, but debated whether or not we could afford to donate to the collection. 

Then it occurred to me that, even though I don't have enough to pay our bills this week, these people don't have clothes to send their daughter to school the next day!!

With gratitude for all that we have, we donated $50 to the family, and will find a way to make due for the coming week.

2584 Reads

Unforgettable Kindness in a Train

A few years ago my mother and I were traveling in a train in India. We were going to Aligarh from Delhi. We were both sitting on our berth when the ticket Collector came and started checking the tickets. A boy nearby about 25 or 26 years old was sitting in the seat next to us. The ticket Collector asked him for his ticket. He had the ticket but it was for the day before and not for the current date. The ticket Collector fined him for 1000 Rupees, and made a new ticket for him. He only had 800 Rupees. My mother offered to pay the remaining 200 Rupees so the boy could get his ticket. I thought that was a great act of kindness by my mother for a person she did not know.

2017 Reads
  • Posted by bhupiindore
  • Nov 13, 2015
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Smile Away and Make Someone's Day

Try to remember that even when you don't have any extra cash to share or spare and you still have that burning desire to do good and make a difference, you can always smile!

Yesterday I was picking my daughter up from school. As we drove home I got stuck behind a 'transport vehicle'. I didn't know then but it was a van that took elderly folk in wheelchairs wherever they needed to go. Anyway, when I decided to pass the van I put a big smile on my face!

The van had large windows and you could see right inside. There she was, looking right at us, an elderly lady. She was in a wheelchair and still in her pajamas. Who knows  where she was about to go; to the hospital for testing, to a room in a new nursing home, I just didn't know.

So I smiled widely and waved at her. She looked surprised and then started smiling and waving back to me. It was as though we knew each other! My daughter and her friend started waving too. It felt good and really gave me a lift! 

We made each others days with those smiles that cost nothing. I am sure of it! Smiles are contagious!

2178 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Nov 1, 2010
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An Extra Special Holiday Gift

Many years ago, I was a struggling single mom starting up a new business. It was the holiday season, and my boyfriend and I had decided that we would splurge for just one evening, and go out to dinner. We went to the Red Lobster and it got me thinking about my college waitressing days and how much I enjoyed working during that time: people shopping, feeling joyful, and tipping big. I was in the holiday spirit and wanted to give the waitress a big tip, though I knew it wasn't going to be a big Christmas for us that year.  When we had picked what we wanted, I did a quick calculation in my head to make sure that I had enough money before we placed the order. At the end of the meal, when we asked for the check, the waitress replied "It's already taken care of." I didn't understand? She ... Read Full Story >>

6573 Reads
  • Posted by mel777
  • Dec 16, 2010
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Kindness Ripples Spread Through Arby's

As I stood in a busy lunch line at Arby's I was becoming increasingly worried I would be late getting back to the office. A grandmother and her grandson were keeping the only available cashier busy. The woman had difficulty with all the choices and, after finally placing the order, became very flustered trying to find her cash or her credit card.  While this was going on, the cashier had the most gentle and benevolent expression on his face, never once making the woman feel under pressure. His mood transformed my own. I caught his eye and quietly indicated I would pay for the order. He understood and took care of it without embarrassing the woman. Then when I eventually placed my order he paid for my lunch!  As I stood aside waiting for my order two other customers spoke to me about what had happened and said they would also "pay it forward" as a ... Read Full Story >>

4903 Reads
  • Posted by carol.s.dorman
  • Oct 7, 2010
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50 Cents Was All It Took

  My son's class  had a fund-raiser, selling fifty cent treats to raise money for their field trip.     I had talked to several of the children and knew some of their situations. I realized that many of them might not be given the money to participate. Even though we ofen struggle financially I wanted to do something for these children. Nothing huge, just prevent them from feeling left out again.   So, I found out when the treats were being sold, then I called the teacher to let her know I would bring in extra money for any children who couldn't afford to take part.     I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that another parent had offered to do the same thing! So, we split the cost between us.     Then, today, as I was entering the classroom to help as I normally try to do, one of the kids approached me and thanked ... Read Full Story >>

4072 Reads

Mom and Son Make A Small Grocery Store Difference

Yesterday I was shopping for a few items. My son who is a young adult came with me to keep me company. As I wheeled the basket towards the register I scanned my items to see how many I had thinking I might go to the Express Line where the sign said, "Ten Items or Less."   I start to go to that line and my son said, "Mom you have twelve items!" I said, "I know, but it's close." He said, "Why are you in such a rush to get home? You should go to the regular line because you are over ten items."   Knowing he was right, I said, "Ooookayyyyyyy," and pushed the basket to the next line. So there I am waiting my turn and then finally unloading my basket to pay for my items when a  young man comes up behind me in line with two items. I just left the express ... Read Full Story >>

3311 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Dec 17, 2010
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Kindness Ripples From a $10 Bill

The other day I got wind of a family that was a little tight on money and could use some groceries.  On a total whim, I stopped at a general corner store and picked out some bread, eggs, and milk for them with the single bill I had on me. 

As I paid for the food, a lady joined the line, also holding a carton of eggs.  I told the cashier I wanted to pay for hers also.  The lady smiled: "My daughter came over to visit this morning wanted me to make her some French toast.  I was out of eggs.  Thank you so much!"  T

he cashier said, "This reminds me of that movie PAY IT FORWARD!"

I don't know how many people were fed that day from one ten dollar bill, but I DO know I was filled with happiness being part of it!!  :)

2125 Reads

The Simplest Act of Kindness Can Be Priceless

I was 12 years old and sewing my graduation dress by hand.  In those days, you didn't make an appointment with the doctor -- you just sat in the waiting room (her living room) until it was your turn, and it could be a long wait.  So, I brought my dress to sew while waiting. 

I was having trouble making a knot, and a young woman with a foreign accent offered to help me.  The reason this simple act has stayed with me all these 62 years (I'm 74 years old now) is because I came from a very unhappy family situation.  Although I excelled at school, the teachers didn't like me because I talked too much!  I had no loving relatives.  Only my dog loved me, I thought. 

It may seem odd that this event impressed me and its memory has stayed with me all these years...but it exemplifies how the simplest acts of kindness can be priceless!

2738 Reads