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A New Start for Their Friend

Yesterday afternoon was great for me. Over the past couple of days on our local Freecycle page there have been a lot of 'wanted' posts, all from the same person, basically asking for everything you'd need to set up a house from scratch. One of the things they asked for was a queen-sized bed, which we just happened to have an extra one of (we get given lots of random stuff, lol), so I messaged them to offer them the bed. They snatched it up right away and came in the afternoon to get it. The people who came, two ladies and a man, are actually friends of another woman with a young boy. This woman has escaped from a dangerous, violent relationship and these friends of hers are helping her and her son start over again, with everything from furniture to toothbrushes on their list of needs. While they were here I also ... Read Full Story >>

3621 Reads

Smile Away and Make Someone's Day

Try to remember that even when you don't have any extra cash to share or spare and you still have that burning desire to do good and make a difference, you can always smile!

Yesterday I was picking my daughter up from school. As we drove home I got stuck behind a 'transport vehicle'. I didn't know then but it was a van that took elderly folk in wheelchairs wherever they needed to go. Anyway, when I decided to pass the van I put a big smile on my face!

The van had large windows and you could see right inside. There she was, looking right at us, an elderly lady. She was in a wheelchair and still in her pajamas. Who knows  where she was about to go; to the hospital for testing, to a room in a new nursing home, I just didn't know.

So I smiled widely and waved at her. She looked surprised and then started smiling and waving back to me. It was as though we knew each other! My daughter and her friend started waving too. It felt good and really gave me a lift! 

We made each others days with those smiles that cost nothing. I am sure of it! Smiles are contagious!

2178 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Nov 1, 2010
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An Extra Special Holiday Gift

Many years ago, I was a struggling single mom starting up a new business. It was the holiday season, and my boyfriend and I had decided that we would splurge for just one evening, and go out to dinner. We went to the Red Lobster and it got me thinking about my college waitressing days and how much I enjoyed working during that time: people shopping, feeling joyful, and tipping big. I was in the holiday spirit and wanted to give the waitress a big tip, though I knew it wasn't going to be a big Christmas for us that year.  When we had picked what we wanted, I did a quick calculation in my head to make sure that I had enough money before we placed the order. At the end of the meal, when we asked for the check, the waitress replied "It's already taken care of." I didn't understand? She ... Read Full Story >>

6573 Reads
  • Posted by mel777
  • Dec 16, 2010
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A Passing Conversation, Passing on Kindness

Today when I went to the supermarket for a cappuccino, the coffee shop was unusually quiet. A younger lady and a gentleman in his late eighties were sitting in front of me, and being rather close, I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. From the snippets that floated my way, it appeared that the lady was a social worker, and that she had accompanied the older man to the doctor's office earlier in the day. As they ate lunch together, they discussed his eating habits and health. He was slim, but I gathered that his doctor was concerned about his diet, and the impact it was having on his memory and on his blood pressure.  As I listened from my table, I found myself touched by the patience and kindness in the woman's voice and tone. No matter how many times the man asked "why can't I eat the sausages?" or declared ... Read Full Story >>

3030 Reads

Kindness Ripples Spread Through Arby's

As I stood in a busy lunch line at Arby's I was becoming increasingly worried I would be late getting back to the office. A grandmother and her grandson were keeping the only available cashier busy. The woman had difficulty with all the choices and, after finally placing the order, became very flustered trying to find her cash or her credit card.  While this was going on, the cashier had the most gentle and benevolent expression on his face, never once making the woman feel under pressure. His mood transformed my own. I caught his eye and quietly indicated I would pay for the order. He understood and took care of it without embarrassing the woman. Then when I eventually placed my order he paid for my lunch!  As I stood aside waiting for my order two other customers spoke to me about what had happened and said they would also "pay it forward" as a ... Read Full Story >>

4903 Reads
  • Posted by carol.s.dorman
  • Oct 7, 2010
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Customer Service Smiles

I work as a contractor at a senior center and absolutely love it. My days are spent coordinating rides for seniors from volunteer drivers. Today, a lady called saying she was unable to get her medication from the pharmacy. Usually, our center requires a three-day advance notice for local rides. We also require folks to fill out an application and a waiver.  With these things in mind, I decided that this was my opportunity to go above and beyond the call of duty. I filled out the application and told her I would come pick her up. "You will?" she asked, slightly shocked. "Yup." I sent an email to my manager and off I went. It was a nice day to be out. We had a pleasant ride, and along the way, I found out she has cancer. Despite the illness, she still embraces life with a lot of faith. After arriving back at her home, I gave her ... Read Full Story >>

3616 Reads
  • Posted by denisemj
  • Aug 30, 2012
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Mom and Son Make A Small Grocery Store Difference

Yesterday I was shopping for a few items. My son who is a young adult came with me to keep me company. As I wheeled the basket towards the register I scanned my items to see how many I had thinking I might go to the Express Line where the sign said, "Ten Items or Less."   I start to go to that line and my son said, "Mom you have twelve items!" I said, "I know, but it's close." He said, "Why are you in such a rush to get home? You should go to the regular line because you are over ten items."   Knowing he was right, I said, "Ooookayyyyyyy," and pushed the basket to the next line. So there I am waiting my turn and then finally unloading my basket to pay for my items when a  young man comes up behind me in line with two items. I just left the express ... Read Full Story >>

3311 Reads
  • Posted by Aurelia
  • Dec 17, 2010
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Kindness Ripples From a $10 Bill

The other day I got wind of a family that was a little tight on money and could use some groceries.  On a total whim, I stopped at a general corner store and picked out some bread, eggs, and milk for them with the single bill I had on me. 

As I paid for the food, a lady joined the line, also holding a carton of eggs.  I told the cashier I wanted to pay for hers also.  The lady smiled: "My daughter came over to visit this morning wanted me to make her some French toast.  I was out of eggs.  Thank you so much!"  T

he cashier said, "This reminds me of that movie PAY IT FORWARD!"

I don't know how many people were fed that day from one ten dollar bill, but I DO know I was filled with happiness being part of it!!  :)

2125 Reads

The Simplest Act of Kindness Can Be Priceless

I was 12 years old and sewing my graduation dress by hand.  In those days, you didn't make an appointment with the doctor -- you just sat in the waiting room (her living room) until it was your turn, and it could be a long wait.  So, I brought my dress to sew while waiting. 

I was having trouble making a knot, and a young woman with a foreign accent offered to help me.  The reason this simple act has stayed with me all these 62 years (I'm 74 years old now) is because I came from a very unhappy family situation.  Although I excelled at school, the teachers didn't like me because I talked too much!  I had no loving relatives.  Only my dog loved me, I thought. 

It may seem odd that this event impressed me and its memory has stayed with me all these years...but it exemplifies how the simplest acts of kindness can be priceless!

2738 Reads

Honoring My Mom With Acts of Kindness

My mom passed away on September 8, 2009. Throughout my grieving process, I have found that the one thing that comforts me most is showing kindness to others. I have always considered myself to be a kind person and am so very proud to honor my mom in this way. A while back, my brother gave me some "Random Act of Kindness" cards, with a special place to write my mom's name so others know that kindness is done in her loving memory. I was at a Hallmark Store recently and found some little red glass hearts and angel pocket charms that came with a small card with a special poem written on it. Even better is that Hallmark had the perfect-sized little white boxes for these special gifts to fit into! I bought bunches of these tiny gifts and left with a HUGE smile on my face. I had a ... Read Full Story >>

3806 Reads

Caring Enough to Help a Stranger

I remember an incident from when I was visiting the USA. I was in Los Angeles in a big store. Everyone was busily buzzing around like bees doing their errands and no one really paid attention to the other people around them. As I was going around this big shop, I saw a woman standing. She seemed to be in real pain. She was holding on to her belly and everyone around her passed her by without even noticing. I walked up to her and asked her what was wrong but she didn't know. I tried to spot a chair or anything she could sit on and helped her walk to it. Trying to get someone from the shop so we could call for some help was not easy thing to do as no one seemed to care. Finally, I got mad and demanded that someone called an ambulance and finally they did it. All along this woman was thanking me. ... Read Full Story >>

4079 Reads

Chasing The Brighton Bus

This is a simple story. I was driving along one day when I saw a young couple running, frantically, for a bus. The bus pulled away from the stop just as they arrived!  I slowed down and noticed how upset they looked. So, I stopped and said, "Jump in! I'll overtake the bus and you can catch it at the next stop."    They looked amazed at the offer, but got into my car. We followed the bus but we just couldn't overtake far enough to ensure they would get on. It's surprising how difficult it is to overtake a bus that doesn't stop often!    After a while and some chat with my new passengers it became clear that they were new to the area. They were visiting friends and had to get another bus to the house they were going to. That's when I asked, "Where are you going, exactly," and decided to ... Read Full Story >>

4963 Reads

Final Resting Place

As I left my home this morning, I found three small feathers on my windshield, which I kept in the car.

As I was heading into work, outside in the parking lot, I noticed that there was a dead sparrow on the pavement. She must have been less than a day old since she passed. I know that the ultimate act of kindness would have been to nurse her wounds had it been alive, but at this point, there was only once choice for me.

I put my laptop bag down on the ground and made room by an adjacent flower bed, in between the mound junipers, for her to have her final resting place... It felt right.

I gathered all twigs and leaves that I could find and covered her body.

Thank you little sparrow for your journey in this reality..

2458 Reads

If I Can't Donate Money. I Donate Love!

I wanted to share with you all a little something I do. I do this often, well as often as I can. I love to write. I love to make others feel happy, loved and special because lets face it; that is exactly what we all are. So what I do is put the two things together, writing and love. I often write letters of love to strangers and leave them in places hoping that the person who needs it most will stumble upon the letter and find it. However lately I've started to post letters to organizations and even random people whose addresses I stumble upon. I am often sent letters asking for donations and to help contribute to various charities and organizations. I contribute the best I can but as we all know, we can't contribute and donate to them all. Included in these letters of request for donations, are ... Read Full Story >>

6151 Reads

A Carrot, an Egg or a Coffee Bean?

A young woman went to her mother and told her how hard her life was. She said she wanted to give up; she was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.  So, her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word.  In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.  Turning to her daughter, she asked, “Tell me what you ... Read Full Story >>

5850 Reads
  • Posted by Hafeez
  • Sep 4, 2007
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Painted Rock Treasure Hunt

My sister-in-law just sent me an invitation to participate in this fun activity that is taking place in our community. It sounds like fun and is something that any community or group could do! You can change the "rules" to suit your group or situation.

Here's how it works: Just paint a rock with art inspirational quotes of your choosing, write "Go to PNW Rocks on Facebook" on the bottom, and be sure to seal it so it holds up in our wonderful rainy weather. Then, hide it around town where people can come across it in their daily activities. If you would like, post a picture of your rock art. Give a hint as to where people can find it.

If you find a PNW ROCKS painted rock, post a picture of your find on the Facebook page. You can choose to keep the rock or re-hide it. The whole point is to use art to brighten someone's day! Please note that there is no guarantee your painted rocks will be found, and they are given freely.

2140 Reads

To Live with an Open Heart

The changing point in my life came when I was in London. I had to stay the weekend in the city centre for a professional exam. It's an expensive place to stay and I barely had enough money. Walking away from the city centre into a residential area, I was approached by a young Irish woman. She promised she wasn't a beggar, insisted she had a baby in one the nearby flats but she had no food for him. Could I please help? In my cynicism I just assumed she WAS a beggar. In my pocket I had one pound eighty pence in change and a twenty pound note. This was all I had for the rest of the weekend.  I gave her the change and went to walk on past. Then I heard her muttering something and I turned back. "Sorry, for being ungrateful and all, but this isn't going to buy much in ... Read Full Story >>

2069 Reads

A Driveway Full Of Snow

Last winter, my family & I headed up north for a long weekend as the kids had a day off school. We made it up before a big storm hit on Friday. Driving home Sunday afternoon I was dreading the foot of wet snow & the wall of snow that we would find at the front of the driveway when we got home.  I envisioned hours of heavy shoveling before getting into the house. 

Much to our surprise, as we pulled around the corner, we caught sight of the house and what did we see but our neighbor just finishing plowing our driveway. It’s so wonderful to have such kind & generous neighbors.

2635 Reads
  • Posted by totemblaze
  • Aug 24, 2008
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A Good Deed in My Time of Need

One of the trials of being left behind at the closure of a relationship is all the things that are Left Behind.  Things that must be taken care of  by one or the other of the parties.  In my case,  I would be the one who has to take care of all the things that must be taken care of.  There was no diplomatic division of responsibility -- only me by myself suddenly. I have a  few acres of land a couple of counties away on which I have a minature horse, which Rob so sweetly purchased for my daughter a couple of years ago and which he has now left for me to tend to by myself.    The snow was very bad last week.  Very bad.  And the neighbors' fullsize horses had torn down my little horse's pen and he was running with them.  I couldn't get my vehicle up ... Read Full Story >>

2301 Reads
  • Posted by Tigerlily
  • Nov 16, 2008
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From I to You

I am free, like an angel

that opens her wings

I take on many forms

I laugh and listen

I am never far away

I am never gone at all

I am a friend, a good book

or a pink and golden sunset

I am a Mother's touch

And  a Father's helping hand

You know Me,

Because I am You

You are Me through and through

I am unconditional love

And You are too!


2583 Reads