Search Results for 'popular' (2976 matches)

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More Kindness Inspired By A Homeless Man

  It was bitterly cold and I had been watching a homeless man make himself comfortable in a "shelter" next to a power unit on the canal bank. His "shelter" was a tarpaulin taped to the metal unit and anchored with rocks to keep the wind from blowing it away.  He had been living there for over a month in weather that often dipped below freezing. In all the times I passed that makeshift lean-to I never saw him with warm clothing or food. I knew what I wanted to do.   I was young, living at home, and when I told my parents what I wanted to do they were alarmed. I could be putting myself at risk, taking a box to a homeless person in the night time! But I knew, on some intrinsic level, that I would be safe.    I went to the grocery store and got an apple box with a solid top ... Read Full Story >>

4307 Reads

Hot Burritos Warm My Heart

  The company I work for actually pay my public transportation costs on a yearly basis.  Because of this I travel to work every day on the MAX train which goes through the downtown area of the city, so I get to see homeless men, women and sometimes children sleeping in doorways along the way.    My heart just aches for these people and I knew I couldn't keep looking away - but I didn't know what I could do that would make any difference.     'Well,' I thought, 'I can cook!'  So I started making piping hot burritos and giving them out!   My income is not great and I can't afford to do it every day but most weeks I will pass out about two dozen burritos. The men and women are so appreciative and always say "Thank you" or "God bless you." And their words do bless me!   And now there is a co-worker ... Read Full Story >>

2271 Reads

Cookies And Tea With An Extra Helping of Kindness

  I had just finished my shopping and was crossing the busy street when I saw an elderly man walking in my direction. He was leaning on a walking frame and I felt that he might need a little assistance crossing the street. So, I walked up to him and volunteered my help.    It seemed that my hunch was right. He wasn't aiming for the proper crossing place, he was keen on crossing the street from where he was to get to the bus stop on the other side.   I stepped out and waved my hand for the drivers to take notice of the man and slow down a little.   He got safely to the other side. But, somehow, I felt I could do more than just help him cross the street. So, I reassured him he was at the right stop, then I ran back across the road to get him some tea ... Read Full Story >>

2006 Reads
  • Posted by unknown
  • Jun 10, 2011
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Creative Coupon Kindness

I've always disliked throwing away the coupons that I will never use (diapers, baby wipes etc.). To me, it feels a little like throwing away money. So I decided to take those coupons to the store with me yesterday along with my wrist tape dispenser.  I would tape the coupons I wasn't using to the product in hopes that someone could use it and I wouldn't have to throw them in the trash.  

I got to the diaper aisle and taped a wipe and diaper coupon to the diaper box.  As I moved my way down the diaper aisle, I noticed a mother with her young son putting the exact wipes in her cart.  Then I watched her put the exact diapers in her cart as well.  I walked over and took the taped coupon off the other box and handed it to her along with another diaper coupon that I hadn't yet taped.  She was so surprised and happy since she had left her coupons at home that day. 

One of my coupons was $5 off a Swiffer system.  I could only image the face of the person that found that one taped to their new purchase !! 

So, from now on, I am going to be the coupon fairy and share what I get with others.  

2332 Reads

Big Girl Pants On

To be truthful my mom and I have had a contentious relationship due, in large part, to issues that stem from a series of unfortunate events in her life, plus some mini-strokes she suffered.

In the light of all that I have made peace with loving her, even though she might not always make it easy. It requires a lot of deep breaths and patience when I enter her world. 

Today I called my mom and invited her out to lunch. I will also ask if she'd like to attend my daughter's first basketball game this afternoon. 

I love her and want the best for her. Here's hoping she's able to meet me halfway today. If not, that's okay. I've put my "big girl pants" on.

2291 Reads

A Little Step With A Big Lesson

The shop was set a little back from it's neighbours. The little old lady who was leaving it leaned on a walking stick and used her other hand to support herself as she shuffled slowly along the plate-glass window and then along the wall of the neighbouring shop. All of this to cross a step most of us would have covered in two strides.   My fifteen year old daughter Amy and I had been swimming in a nearby leisure centre and just happened to be passing. I stepped forward offering a few friendly words and a supporting hand.   She had a motability scooter (a little electric wheelchair) on the pavement - but first she had to get down that step!   I supported her as she came to the edge. She swung one foot forward, then hesitated. She shifted her weight, leaning on my arm and said, "I better put my bad leg down first."   Eventually, ... Read Full Story >>

2209 Reads

A New Family

I moved into my current home when I separated from my husband. This was the first time in my life - at the age of 41. I rarely used the dining room, living room, spare bedroom/office and basement. I heat and cool these spaces. I pay for the square footage. And my house is considered SMALL! I would often entertain the idea of putting the space to use - by taking in foster kids… but I work a lot and travel for work often — not really conducive to single parenthood.  I could take in people fleeing intimate partner violence… but I work a lot and travel for work often - not really conducive to be awoken in the middle of the night or to be a consistent and reliable place for people to “land.” So I continued to struggle with this question. I also have (wait for it) 6 ... Read Full Story >>

6202 Reads
  • Posted by lydia
  • Nov 2, 2014
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Unexpected Help at the Grocery Store

  My son is away at college, in his first year.    He called me one night to tell me, "Mom, I met the nicest lady ever!"     He had taken the bus from his dormitory to the grocery store. While he was shopping the light rain outside turned into a major storm; heavy rain, strong winds and very cold! As soon as he stepped outside the wind destroyed his umbrella and he was immediately drenched. Not knowing how he'd get his groceries onto the bus and back to the dormitory in such awful weather he stood in the shelter of the store entrance.    Just then a lady stopped her car, rolled down the window, and asked if he needed a ride. Remembering what I had taught him about taking rides from strangers he said, "No, thanks." But she insisted so he looked her over carefully and decided she looked like a safe "mom-type." He ... Read Full Story >>

2495 Reads

Moved by a Meaningful Act of Kindness

Our extended family had spent a beautiful vacation together last summer. I had rented a beach house from a woman and before we left, we all signed the guest book thanking her.   Well, it turned out to be the last time the whole family was together.  My father in law passed away this May rather suddenly.  One of my sisters-in-law asked me some time ago if I could write to the woman whose house we stayed in and ask if she could send us a photocopy of our "guestbook" comments.  She said she had never gotten to read what her father wrote. I wrote a letter to the woman and didn't think about it afterwards. You won't believe it - today a package arrived in the mail and not only did this angel make copies of our comments for all the siblings, she framed the original page with just my father ... Read Full Story >>

10.9K Reads

Helping Out In A Phone Call

As a customer rep for a financial account of one of US' supermarket, its a daily shift of hundred phone calls regarding their prepaid debit cards. Calls that are sometimes degrading, calls that make you cringe at how the caller speaks and calls that are just purely racist. what make it different is how my mindset is. Everyday I wake up and declare myself as a helper of my callers. I go beyond our protocols in dealing with my customers. Though phone interaction is only limited to 4 minutes 45 seconds, i strive to make it as meaningful and as uplifting for someone in need. One of my callers is panicking on how she made the wrong insurance payment that will lead to his son in college not receiving any pay outs thereby leaving him without any food for a week or two. The mom said she can live going over ... Read Full Story >>

2920 Reads
  • Posted by aerarose
  • Mar 13, 2014
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Spread Love Everywhere You Go

Dear friends, I hope that all is well. One of the things I know is that it is human nature to want things. We all want more money, better homes, better cars, and better relationships and so on. So what is the secret to getting all that we want? I have been looking for that answer for a while and if you have it I pray you will share. Here is what I would like to share, I started tithing last year and I made the minimum amount based on my income. This past Sunday as I reflected in all that is going well in my life I realized that I was not giving back at the rate to which I am being given. This made me think of life in general and how we want so much from life but we are willing to give so little. We often agonize about ... Read Full Story >>

5243 Reads
  • Posted by
  • Mar 11, 2014
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You Can Change The World

There is a poem out there about how to change the world. I couldn't find it exactly so I put what I could remember here. Everyone here IS changing the world with their focus on kindness. Thank you all very much!

You cannot change the world,

but you can change your thoughts.

If you change your thoughts,

you can change your beliefs.

If you change your beliefs,

you can change your actions.

If you change your actions,

you can change lives.

If you change lives,

you can change the world...

2304 Reads

The Hungry Cat

This is my first story, it's a random act of kindness.

It was 9:30 am when I was walking around campus shooting pictures. While I was walking in the Courtyard I heard a "Meow". It was the University's cat. She was very hungry. When I saw her I immediately ran to the canteen to buy a milk for her. Then I went back to the courtyard, spilled the milk in the dish, and I gave it to her. It was my pleasure to feed the hungry cat :)

3347 Reads
  • Posted by Fatma
  • Jun 15, 2007
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Flower Power

This morning one of my co-workers was quite agitated over the use of  our company cars. .... the result of  misunderstanding.  This work environment is very high-stress for all of us, however, I was shocked when she was actually raising her voice.  

She left the office in a huff  (our job requires outside visits.)  Some of the other employees mentioned that she hadn't been "quite herself" lately .  I got to thinking that maybe there was more going on than a dispute over who should be driving the company car today, so while I was out, I picked up a bouquet of flowers and a nice vase and just left them on her desk. 

I didn't see her until later in the day and when I did her overall attitude was quite sunnier!  She asked me if I had the left the flowers for her and I neither affirmed nor denied.  They seemed to have made her day! 

2019 Reads
  • Posted by tigerlily
  • Dec 5, 2007
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A Simple Act of Patience

Recently we've had a popular department store open in our area.  It's been the talk of the town for months!!  On about the third day of the grand opening, I thought I'd stop by to check it out.  I noticed right away that the parking area was extrememly busy.  As I was about to exit my car, a lady was about to enter her car to leave.  She was parked on the opposite side of me and there was a four way stop behind our parking areas.  As the lady tried to back out to leave,  some of the shoppers were extremely rude to her!!  They yelled and beeped their horns at the lady and she had a look of terror on her face.  She looked at me and threw up both of her hands as if she didn't know what to do. I gestured for the lady to put her ... Read Full Story >>

5177 Reads

Southerly Winds Sweep In Smile Cards

Yesterday, I gave out my first Smile Cards!

There was a very strong, gusty southerly wind in town. While driving, I noticed some empty trash cans in the street. I stopped at the first one I encountered, placed it upside-down beside the curb (hoping it would not blow into the street again) and placed a Smile Card under it.

Then I drove on.

Talk about anonymous-- the recipient probably had no idea what a Smile Card is, who put it there, or even why it was there! I did this twice more on my way home from town, and it felt great! :)

2153 Reads

Learning in Unlikely Places

I went up to Peet’s Coffee the other morning and there was a young man, Mike, probably my age. With him he had all his physical belongings on a small roll cart. I first thought, how nice to have so little possessions. That was followed with the thought of how ironic it is that we live in one of the financially wealthiest areas of the U.S., if not the world, yet we can’t, or don’t, take care of the basic needs of human beings. Yes, we are financially wealthy, but we lack in wealth of compassion, kindness, understanding. I tear up as I ponder the inequality and injustice that exists.   Anyway, I invited Mike in for bite to eat and he eagerly accepted. He talked about looking up a friend for a place to stay that night. On Christmas Eve as many eagerly (and greedily) stuff their bellies with food in ... Read Full Story >>

2976 Reads
  • Posted by cyctw
  • Jan 15, 2018
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Green Smiles

I remember that particular Monday morning well. Having signed up for a new website dedicated to random kindness (, I suddenly received an email which stated that my idea had won. My idea had... won? Wait, were they talking about my idea for 'Green Smiles'? Green Smiles had always seemed more like a wishful daydream, some sort of fantasy which was inspired by the lack of green in my neighborhood. I wanted to make the neighborhood more 'green' in the broadest sense of the word. For example, I wanted to plant pretty flowers and even herbs in the small patches near the trees. Perhaps even transform the larger and often messy plots of 'green' near the parking lots. Put up insect-hotels so that children (and adults too of course ;)) would be able to enjoy the sight of a pretty butterfly more often. Or look in wonder at at a buzzing ... Read Full Story >>

7505 Reads

A Note in my Lunch Box

At the beginning of this week I was touched to tears, when I opened my lunch box at work. Somehow I was feeling not so good that day, it was hard for me to get up in the morning, and so on.

When I opened my lunch box at work, I saw a little piece of paper. The piece of paper was a note from my mom saying that she loves me and wished me a blessed day!

My heart was so touched, I am so thankful that God gave me a mother that notices when I am a little down. The next day I had another note! My mom made a difference in my day and I will never forget this special touch of kindness!

5000 Reads
  • Posted by daniela23.4
  • May 25, 2014
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Festival Sweets For Strangers

This Diwali, I planned to celebrate the festival by doing some kind acts. I emailed few colleagues to join me however all were busy with festival celebration. I also had enough work and a meeting got scheduled on the Diwali day itself hence i had to visit office. I was thinking it won't be possible but then I got an idea of distributing sweets right near office. Looked like a good idea but I had not made any full fledged plans. When I reached office I already started feeling bad for security and kitchen staff who were working on holiday, so they got tagged. Around lunch time, I wanted to go and purchase sweets when I thought of buying pizza for lunch, along with giving sweets to pizza hut workers, who were also at work on holiday. This was pretty exciting as young boys n girls work at pizza hut and i was ... Read Full Story >>

2533 Reads