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A Tin of Cookies for the Eco-Bus Driver

Somebody on this site suggested giving anonymous cookies to the people who clear away our waste, and I found that a good idea. So this morning I baked my favourite Chocolate-chip-and-peanut cookies, filled a tin, wrote a Thank you card and had everything ready.

On Wednesdays, the so-called eco-bus stops in our street for 15 minutes so that people can bring their separated recyclable waste (cardboard, aluminium, tins, glass, plastic bottles and other plastics, batteries, styrofoam), and the two or three people working inside this bus are always so helpful, taking your bags to empty them into the appropriate containers.

So today I waited until there were some other people on the bus and the workers would not pay attention to me, I got on through the front door and simply put my tin of cookies with the card sellotaped on top of it on the little ledge by the windscreen, and went on to put my waste into the containers. I was so proud that nobody had noticed. I'd love to have seen the face of the driver when he sat down to drive on and found the tin.

2711 Reads

Simplicity is Living

To wake up in the morning, knowing you're still alive, To know you have a choice each day, starting afresh, To find joy in everyday, acknowledging simple pleasures, To live in the present moment, engaging your awareness, To count the blessings in life, believing abundance abounds, To enjoy the work you do, following your passion, To make a little difference, adding to the universe, To be what you are, listening to your inner being, To give away love, rejoicing in the chance to give, To receive love with gratitude, feeling good about it, To smile at strangers, seeing how infectious it can be, To speak words of kindness, spreading a little warmth, To understand with compassion, opening up your mind, To play with children, nurturing your inner child, To appreciate the nature, soaking up all the beauty, To feel the warmth of the sun, glowing upon your skin, To listen to the falling rain, pattering on the grounds To taste the ... Read Full Story >>

2098 Reads

A Small Gesture Can Mean So Much

Many years ago, I was walking around Palma and for once, I decided to take a short cut down some 60 old, steep stone steps. On my way down, I came across an elderly lady who was clearly struggling to get down the steps, she had very swollen and painful looking legs, plus her shopping bag. As I walked past, I thought to myself, if that was me, what would I hope for?  So I told my boyfriend of the time to hold on.  I asked the lady if she needed any help and she gratefully accepted.  I handed the shopping bag to my boyfriend and took hold of the lady's arm.  Throughout the 10 or so minutes it took to slowly get down the steps, this lady told me how she was on her way to the hospital for a check up on her legs due to a painful condition she had.  ... Read Full Story >>

2680 Reads
  • Posted by TassyAnne
  • Oct 22, 2009
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Seeing a Need and Helping, No Questions Asked

One day, I was coming out of the Dollar Store and noticed a beaten up little car, crammed full of stuff...clothes, boxes, and who-knows-what.  I then realized that the owners were in the front seat, one eating from a can of chili, the other from a styrofoam cup.  I assumed they had split the can of chili and it was probably cold.

I started to drive away when their situation hit me.  What if you had to live out of your car?  What if you only had enough money to buy a dollar store can of chili and split it with your son who has special needs?  What if you didn't have enough gas to get to your next destination?

I turned around and hopped out of my car with a $10 bill in my hand.  I tapped on their window and the lady rolled it down very cautiously.  I handed her the $10 and said this is for you.  She asked why and I just said "God Bless You!"  I drove off, not knowing their story but seeing a need.  Maybe that was the way they chose to live, or maybe they had a million bucks in their trunk, who knows?  I didn't want to leave it to chance. 

2302 Reads

Blessings From A Special Lunch Guest

Today I had a special person over for lunch. I returned home this morning, after a week long trip to Pondicherry. I had come down with a fever and was resting. I woke up with a knock at my door and realised my land lady had come over.  While she was entering, I heard her asking someone,"Why are you sitting here?" An old frail voice replied, "Madam gives me food, so I am sitting here waiting for food."  My land lady came inside. I went out and wished the old lady "Amma" well and enquired about her welfare. My land lady was giving me questioning looks whilst watching my interaction with Amma. When lunch was ready, I asekd Amma to come inside to eat, but she refused, she said that she sits out daily and that was okay for her. I told her that as I was at home today and that she was a guest in my home, she should come inside.  Amma came in and had lunch. I told her to rest in the room. ... Read Full Story >>

2075 Reads

A Small Gesture That Made My Day Brighter

I needed to stop by our local grocery store on my way home. As I approached the store, I could see  a little old lady was trying to get a young man's attention - but without success. I asked the lady if she needed something and she said yes.  She had parked near the shopping cart return area and was going to use a cart to lean on.  She needed it to help her balance.  There was only once cart there and it was from a different store so she didn't want to use it.   I walked to another cart area and retrieved a cart for this grocery store.  The lady was relieved and happy to have the right cart.  She told me she uses the cart to get to the store.  Once inside, she uses a motorized cart.  She thanked me and was on her way. A little while later, I saw the little old ... Read Full Story >>

2303 Reads

Six Hours to Help

Today, I went to the passport office to get my passport renewed. Even with doing some of the renewal online, I still had to wait like six hours to submit my application.  Feeling a bit frustrated by that, I decided that instead of getting annoyed, why not help people fill out their forms. Most of the people who were there were either elderly or not from the country, and needed extra time with the forms in their non-native language. I was happy helping them with their forms in any way that I could. All of them were very appreciative but the greatest happiness was seeing them smile when they were able to successfully submit their applications. 

The 6 hour waiting time turned out to be so much better than I expected because I had an opportunity to help others...I  walked out, passport renewed and a happy man!



2268 Reads

A Little Bit of Extra Love on Valentine's Day

My church was assigned Valentine’s Day to serve a meal to homeless people.  After reading a story about giving flowers out at a meal program, I formed the idea to augment our church activity with some colorful floral life.  Building off of my intention, a fellow church member came forward to help pay for the flowers.  At the event, we fed the hungry souls until they were stuffed, and then we gave flowers to anyone who wanted one.  Our pastor even joined in to pass out flowers at the tables.

Later that day, I saw a lady with a carnation in her hand hugging the pastor, which led me to believe that the flower must have touched her in a special way.  It is great that through a simple idea on this website, we were able to bring the food serving experience to a deeper level with some flower power!

3128 Reads

Leaving Flowers on the Perfect Doorstep

I went outside and cut some flowers growing in my yard. I was going to leave them on the doorstep of some random house in my neighborhood.  I wrapped them up nicely and went to find a house. I rang the doorbell of the first house and ran off.  A couple minutes later I walked by and saw the flowers still there. I went and picked them up because I didn't know how long the people who lived there would be away for and by the time they got back, the flowers could be wilting. I went to find another house. Same thing happened. Nobody was home.

Cruising along to find yet another house, I saw an elderly couple leaving from their home on a walk. It was the perfect  place! Once they were out of view I dropped the flowers off.  I was riding back when I saw them again. They were on their way back home. 

I can't help but wonder if they knew it was me or what their expressions would be when they discovered the flowers. It was an awesome thrill and I loved it! I'm excited to do other things!

If you have any ideas on anything I could do please comment and tell me!

2639 Reads

A Smile Card Farewell

I am planning to change my career, so I went to a career adviser to get some advice on what to do with my qualifications. The career adviser was lovely and we connected immediately as if we had known each other for a long time.

When I booked another appointment she told me that she was moving and that it would be the final appointment. I decided to give her a little glass heart with the words "good luck" and a Smile Card. When she saw the Smile Cards she asked me if she could have more, she was going to have a farwell dinner and she wanted to give one to each of her guests. I was over the moon and handed her all the Smile Cards I had in my bag.

I felt that I wanted to do something else so I went home got one of my books and wrote a small dedication whishing her luck for the new job, and wrapped it in a beautiful paper along with more Smile Cards. I gave it to reception to give it to her, I hope she liked the surprise, and I'm happy to have sent more Smile Cards out in to the world.

2612 Reads

A Kindness Box In The Classroom

I am a special education teacher in a primary school.  I try to teach the children about kindness and reward random acts of kindness in my classroom. 

When a student does something to help another peer out of the goodnes of their heart, I will acknowledge it and let them go in to my kindness box to pull out a little surpise.  The students get excited when someone is recognized for being kind and they congratulate that child for caring enought to help someone else. 

It is amazing how children in my classroom are always well behaved and have a caring nature from just being kind.

3707 Reads
  • Posted by mpg85
  • Feb 18, 2011
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Five Boxes Bursting With Kindness

I had put together 5 different boxes and placed an advert in a local online website saying that I had a FREE box of items that I wanted to give away containing new and used items!   I also added if the replies could tell me why they were in need and then I could figure out what items would be of help!  I really thought I would have hundreds of emails but the one that stuck out the most was an elderly lady who was having a really hard time she had had a stroke, was battleing cancer, had lost her her husband and also lost her 25 year old cat ... and she might be losing her condo because she had no money!  I met her and in handing her what seemed to be just not enough ...I wanted to do more! I have yet to email her and find out if she will be home Christmas eve as she has no family and stop ... Read Full Story >>

2127 Reads

Sowing A Kindness Seed For Two College Students

My son had come home from college for the weekend.  It was a lovely time.  No stress, unlike some weekends :-)  His friend  was going to drive him back to college.  I had a valentine card for my son, and inside I put a note to get good grades, make wise choices and that I love him.  I put a couple pieces of candy and some silly stickers along with some spending money.  The most important part?  I paper clipped 5 smile cards to the cash. I also gave his friend an enevelope.  Inside was a note to drive carefully as he had precious cargo in his vehicle :-) and I thanked him for driving my son back (saved me a trip!) I also included a couple pieces of candy and some cash for gas money.  I also paper clipped 5 smile cards to his cash.  I am looking forward to the next ... Read Full Story >>

2308 Reads

Kindness Could Be Just One Seat Away

Recently I was traveling on business and was on a long flight back home from the West to East Coast connecting through Charlotte. As I sat down in my seat (ailse seat) the women next to me extended her hand saying "Hi, I'm Eva".  I responded back and then she turned to the person next to her in the window seat and did the same thing.  I thought to myself, what a nice gesture for someone to introduce themself to the people around them.  You don't see that much. So after we took of, Eva soon pulls out all this paperwork from her bag, and starts to work very diligently.  Being a little nosey and somewhat curious, I could see that she had a stack of children profiless that looked like something you might see from Unicef or other organizations that help people around the world. I asked her what she was working ... Read Full Story >>

2468 Reads

Fruit for the Pregnant Woman Pt. 2

The pregnant woman I wrote about in my previous story has now become a friend of mine.  Many of you wanted updates on both her and the baby, so this one is for you guys. As promised, I still have fruit for her every time she goes on her walk. Yesterday she did not come by, so I was worried. I went to her office to take her the fruit, but she was not there. This morning, she came by looking very tired. She said that she had a doctor’s appointment yesterday, which was why she was not at work. As the time for delivery is nearing, it is getting harder and harder for her to sleep at night, so she is tired.   I gave her a banana this morning, and, as always, she seemed to be surprised that it has been almost three months and she still receives fruit from me. ... Read Full Story >>

2265 Reads

Summer Kindness

There are summers that pass by quickly and with hardly any major events to remember. This summer, on the other hand, it will be a summer to be remembered for doing what makes my heart happy - being of service to others! 

I made new friends, sent love letters to strangers, gave surprise presents, baked cakes to give away, looked after babies and teenage girls, listen with my heart to the life challenges some friends are going through, helped others in need of a helping hand ... The summer is not over yet and I expect many more kindness adventures. 

I like to start my day asking the Universe " How can I be of service today?" and then I go with the flow.

2075 Reads

The Most Beautiful Gesture I've Seen At a Coffee Shop

I was in a shopping mall recently, so I decided to go and get a cup of tea. As I was making my way to the coffee shop, I noticed an older gentleman rather poorly dressed sitting on a bench nearby. I knew from first sight that he was in need of some kind of help. He had a little lunch stretched out in front of him and was wholeheartedly enjoying it. It was also rather evident that he had a problem with his right eye and probably couldn't see out of it. I then joined the line and waited to be served.  Then it happened. One of the most beautiful gestures I have ever seen in my life. There was a young man in front of me in the line who was also waiting to be served. Next thing I know the young man hands the server a twenty dollar bill ... Read Full Story >>

10.5K Reads
  • Posted by Brain D. Bailey
  • Mar 20, 2014
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I will never forget

A few years ago (when I was in college) and comically poor, I had just made up with my parents and was headed home for the first time in a few years. I'd dropped out and was working for t-mobile and made a decent life supporting myself but a few months prior to  I had a meltdown and realized I had to go back to school. I caved, called my dad, and asked for help. Before I started driving the ~9hrs home, I decided to stop at the grocery store to grab some chips, red bull, etc. It was a few days before Christmas, and I was super down on myself about how poor I was, how my parents were paying for me to head up, how I felt like such a waste, and how I felt like I'd failed to support myself. !I went in, grabbed some stuff, then realized I was ... Read Full Story >>

2813 Reads

Dontaing a Hotel Room To A Needy Stranger

I decided a few months ago that I was going to treat myself to a 4-day getaway from Los Angeles and visit Chicago. I turned in some long-saved frequent flier miles for the airplane ticket, but had to shell out cash I really couldn't afford for the hotel. I found a travel website where a discounted promotional 3-night stay was purchased from a recently opened hotel. About three weeks before the trip, I had to regretfully cancel and only then realized the room, while transferable to another person, couldn't be changed to a later date and wasn't refundable. For the next two weeks I tried selling it on Craig's list with no success. Five days before the "big weekend" I gave up trying to recoop any money and decided I'd contact some acquaintances who live in Chicago and offer someone a free "staycation". After trying a handful of people all of ... Read Full Story >>

6056 Reads
  • Posted by tgrphoto
  • Apr 30, 2014
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Inviting Everyone

Every Thanksgiving a lot of families gather around a table full of food and give thanks for the blessings we have. Starting many years ago my family learned to spread the blessings to others not only on Thanksgiving but for every holiday. Back when I was young I always remembered people I didn't know showing up at Thanksgiving, Christmas, about any holiday! I learned later on the tradition my family started years ago that we still partake even today. Every holiday that my family and I celebrate we challenge ourselves for each family member to invite someone who doesn't have somewhere to go on the holiday. Sometimes we have tons of people and sometimes not too many. Our tradition includes taking pictures and looking over the pictures sometimes we cant even remember the names of everyone in the picture! At Thanksgiving yesterday I had invited a neighbor who I know didn't have anywhere to ... Read Full Story >>

2662 Reads