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Signal to Help a New Mom

While shopping at my local Walmart  I noticed a young girl ahead of me.  She had with her what looked like a newborn infant in the cart along with diapers, formula, and other food items.  This young mother wasn't the average mom shopping at Walmart.  The pierced nose and tongue might have discouraged others from helping her.   The cashier rung up her items and the girl gave the cashier her credit card.  The credit card was declined and the girl looked at the cashier embarassed and horrified.  The cashier gave the girl the option of keeping her items in the cart while  the girl went to get the necessary money.  I wasn't sure if this was the person I was supposed to help, after all there seemed to be a lot of stuff in her cart, and I am a single parent myself.  The girl left, supposedly to go get ... Read Full Story >>

5559 Reads
  • Posted by Marianna
  • Sep 17, 2008
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Two Little Hearts - Both For Sharing

I found a website that sells tiny pewter hearts which are not too expensive, so, I bought a batch and I keep a couple in my pocket most of the time.

Whenever I find the opportunity, when I am out in stores, at a yard sale or at work or anywhere really, I will ask the person I am speaking with to give me their hand. I put two of those little hearts in the palm of their hand saying, "Keep one and pass the other one on."

The responses I get are amazing! If I had won the Lottery there would not be bigger smiles or more excitement.  Everyone immediately wants to tell me who is getting the other heart; someone with cancer, their child who was grumpy this morning, and so on.  

A little sharing really makes people happy!

P.S.  In my other pocket I carry dog biscuits so even their canine friends can be happy!

7845 Reads

Lighting Up A Stranger's Home

One Saturday, I got a phone call about electrical problems. Since I am not an electrician, I quickly realized that the woman on the line had the wrong number. The woman on the phone sounded extremely anxious as her electricity wasn't working.  Her husband tried to replace a wall switch, but now some of their lights wouldn’t turn on, and the heat had shut off. The woman thought she was calling an electrician who has done work for her in the past. I had just recently changed my number and she got me instead. I'm not an electrician but I do work with electricity.   I informed her that she had the wrong number, and I didn’t know what her old electrician changed his number to. She apologized, and we said goodbye. After I hung up the phone I thought maybe I could help her so I dialed *69 and found out she was just one town over.   When I ... Read Full Story >>

5390 Reads

Vulnerability Brings New Appreciation for Kindness

I think my mom raised me to be considerate. Growing up in a rather well-off family, where in a material sense I was wanting for nothing, kindness wasn't something I especially noted. I might have taken it for granted. As a teenager, to cope with some emotional challenges in my family, I taught myself to be a perfectionist, and developed a rather negative attitude towards myself. I always saw what was lacking in myself, or what I imagined to be lacking, in others, and in my life. You might gather it was difficult being this way. I lived this way well into my 30s.  Due to health problems, I left college without a degree, tried for an apprenticeship, fell ill again and left my employer.  After sick pay ran out, I ended up drawing something closer to welfare than unemployment benefits, though it was technically the latter. The family lore was ringing in ... Read Full Story >>

7036 Reads

Free Hugs in Paris

It is said that we need four hugs a day, just to maintain our sanity. Many of us are not meeting our quota. I didn't think that was right. So I began to share and organize Free Hugs Around the World. Free Hugs make people smile and feel good. Hugs release endorphins. Through these free hugs, I've noticed that people often share deep details of their lives.  We are desperate to connect to each other.  My most powerful hug ever, was from a severely autistic boy in Paris. He saw us hugging and asked his mom what we were doing. To our relief, she did not say we were crazy. Instead, she explained that we were hugging people and it was very kind. They left. A few moments later, that boy came running towards me, leaped into my arms, hugged me tight, and looked me right in the eyes. Then I saw his mother.  She was crying. I gently set ... Read Full Story >>

2257 Reads

How Much Are You Short?

A few weeks ago I walked into a Zenex Garage to buy some milk. When I turned around after taking milk out the fridge I saw an elderly man standing behind me with a small packet of mielie pap, a small bottle of Savlon, a small bottle of milk and a half loaf of bread. He was trying to hold everything and at the same time was counting his coins in his very shaky, bruised, cut hands. I walked up to him and asked him how much he was short.  Stunned, he could not even talk.  Almost apologetically, he told me he had not recieved his pension money yet and needed a few small things for his family(himself, his wife and two kids) for a week while he waited for his pension to come in. He did not know which of the items were most important to take but he clearly could ... Read Full Story >>

6787 Reads

My Chat Mate

Lately these days, I have a regular chat mate. We chat for an hour. She makes me laugh. She lessens my homesickness in this foreign land when I see her smile on the Web cam. Every time I see her lowering her head as she types the letters, I anticipate what she has to type. Just this afternoon, she learned how to use the audibles. It was an afternoon filled with fun and love.

Throughout the entire time we chat, though, I can't  understand a single word.  My chat mate is my dearest sister who has Downs Syndrome.

Chatting with her is the most remarkable feeling.  She may not understand what I am typing on the screen and I may not understand what she's typing but I can see the way she nods and she can see the way I laugh, and deep in our hearts, we feel connected.

Always eager, we both show up for each other everyday.  We try to communicate with words and typed sentences, but really, no words are even needed.

6763 Reads

A Baby Girl's First Act of Kindness

We had our first child in January and were so overwhelmed by all the love and kind wishes that people from around the world shared with us and our little one.  She was showered with blessings, flowers and gifts from near and far and in some cases from people we didn't even know personally! :)  My husband's business friend had a shirt made with her name on it for the football team he supports, another lady in Ireland (who we have never even met!) had candles made with her name on them,  another friend in India had dresses made for her, our aunt knitted lovely hats and sweaters for her, friends bought her loads and loads of adorable clothes, another friend from New York had a blanket made with her name on it, another friend sent us cupcakes from a famous bakery that spelled out "Welcome Sareena," another friend gifted her ... Read Full Story >>

6150 Reads

Free Money At Walmart

I hand-designed some of my own Smile cards. One is for "hiding" money in unexpected places. It basically says I hope that this will be found by someone who really needs it.  So, I went to a local Walmart here in Hawaii and placed a $20 bill with the card behind a product. I then went to another aisle to see who found it. I so wanted to see how they reacted!    After a while a lady found the money and the note. Then she looked around to see if she could identify who left it. To my surprise she put it back! I guess she really didn't need it. She then went to another aisle to watch who would find the money!   After about another seven minutes a lady with a young boy found the money. They too started looking around and even at the ceiling! I guess they were looking for ... Read Full Story >>

3939 Reads

1:30AM at the Grocery Store

I'm in line getting some groceries at the 24-hour grocery up the road from me.

The woman in front of me looks to be about 72 years old, and very much reminds me so much my grandmother!  Her bill was about 170 , she halls out a stack of $5.00 bills and is about 22.00 short.  She starts trying to decide what she doesn't need and starts putting things back in her cart. 

I felt so bad for this woman that I gave the cashier 25.00 and told the lady not to worry about it.  She wanted my name, address, phone # to pay me back but I wanted nothing to do with it.  I just told her that the next time she's in a restaurant, or coffeeshop, perhaps she can pay for someone's order behind her and just to pass it along.

She got all teary eyed and wanted to give me a hug, so I said "why not". :)  It was a great hug, as if I was hugging my own grandmother.

This just made my day.  And it also made me wonder why there was a 70 year old woman at the grocery store at 1:30am in the morning.

2606 Reads

She Ran To Give an Elderly Man Back His Walking Cane, And Received Far More In Return

I met a man yesterday. Didn't get his name. And I'm confident, I'll probably never ever see him again. And that's ok. The purpose of our meeting, it's destiny, and it's fate, was fulfilled in the 5 minutes we spoke. He was an elderly man. Quite elderly. I'd say with no more than a few years left in him, on this earth. If he's lucky. I didn't see him at first. Had to search for him. Search for the owner of a very worn and old wooden walking stick, which was left half hanging outside of a shopping cart. I called out to a man who was walking away. I knew it was his. Had to be. It was. And he returned (slowly) to get it. I was in a friendly mood so started a conversation. And that's when it happened. That's when this man blessed me, with his story. And what a story. I ... Read Full Story >>

4408 Reads

A Frustration Pinata

Someone I know was going through a tough time and feeling pretty depressed.

I knew I couldn't fix her problems, but I wanted to send her something that might bring a little brightness to her day. So, I decided to get a little creative.
I bought a pinata and filled it with chocolates and little pieces of paper with jokes and uplifting messages on them. I mailed it to her anonymously, including a little note saying that this was for her and not her children.
The note also instructed her that to hang it in her living room and wait for a day when she felt especially sad or angry. Then she was to grab a broom or a wooden spoon and whack it until all the little treats fell out.
I thought it was something a little different from your ordinary box of chocolates.




4424 Reads
  • Posted by kerryglass
  • Mar 7, 2013
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Just Doing The Right Thing

I was on a walk with a friend yesterday when I found a BlackBerry cell phone in a puddle of melted snow.  I picked it up and it still worked!  I started scrolling through the contact list and calling numbers to see if I could figure out whose phone it was.  Unfortunately, only one person answered and she didn't recognize the number that I was calling from.  She made a comment of "It is just so nice that you are trying to find out whose phone it is."  Since that lady didn't know whose phone it was, my friend suggested that we go back to the street and the house that we found the BlackBerry in front of.  I knocked on the door and two college-age people answered.  They hadn't lost their phones, but as I told them the story and mentioned some names on the contact list, the young man said that he had those names ... Read Full Story >>

7592 Reads

The Old Man on the Highway

As I turned off the highway onto the ramp to go home, I encountered a little old man on the side of the road.  His sign read, "Stranded, need ride to get to friend."  He had a bag, a cane and the clothes on his back. I turned my car to the right, the traffic horrific, no one letting me turn around.  So I went around the block and pulled a u-turn so that I could drive by this little man to offer him help.  A s I got turned, he had already begun walking up the road towards me.  It was like he knew what I was doing.  I stopped beside him and asked him what he was doing. He responded, "Well pretty lady, I am trying to get to my friend who is dying.  We have been friends for almost 50 years and now he lay dying -- I want to be with ... Read Full Story >>

6997 Reads

Life is Like Hot Chocolate

A group of graduates, well established in their careers, were talking at a reunion and decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired.  During their visit, the conversation turned to complaints about stress in their work and lives.  Offering his guests hot chocolate, the professor went into the kitchen and returned with a large pot of hot chocolate and an assortment of cups - porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the hot chocolate. When they all had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the professor said: "Notice that all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.  While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. The cup that you're drinking from adds nothing to the quality of ... Read Full Story >>

38.0K Reads

Jacqui's Ring of Generosity

During one particular hospital stay in November 2006, I met an incredible lady, who I will always remember. Her kindness, and big heart, touched me in a life changing way. I was lying in bed in my room, gazing mindlessly at the bustling people pacing past my door in the corridor. I quite enjoyed this. I’d see all sorts of people; elderly patients walking slowly but intently, their eyes focused on the ground that their feet would soon walk over; frazzled nurse’s striding past clutching their paperwork, cheerful bubbly children. Quite often some one would cast a glance my way and smile, but no one ever came in. However, this one afternoon, a patient who was heading back to her room next door to me, caught my eye and stopped. She came to my door and smiled. I greeted her with a friendly smile and she came in. She sat by my ... Read Full Story >>

3468 Reads

Clay Hearts

I just joined the challenge yesterday and have been thinking of some creative ways to lift some spirits. I have started on a batch of clay hearts which I will paint and add a inspirational word. I plan on leaving them in random spots for others to pick up. Hopefully they will bring a smile to those who find them :) 

Below is a photo of the clay hearts. I hope they get picked up and regifted again and again!

3818 Reads
  • Posted by albremlee
  • Aug 23, 2014
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The Smile Card Exchange

About a month ago, while in the drive through at Starbucks, I noticed a woman in a car behind me who appeared to be having a bad day. There were two kids in the back who looked to have too much energy at 8am on a Sunday morning.  The line moved slowly and at one point while pulling forward, the woman behind me bumped my car. I could tell this worried and concerned her. The entire time that I waited in line for my coffee this woman didn't smile. Looking back at her I could tell she was looking at the side view mirror wondering "Why me? Why today?" When I pulled up and paid for my coffee I requested that the Starbucks barista give the woman behind me a Smile Card and paid for her muffin and latte. Just 30 mins ago I was again waiting in line at the Starbucks. I heard a car door ... Read Full Story >>

9814 Reads
  • Posted by ClemDubois
  • Mar 16, 2010
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Overwhelmed by Unexpected Loving Kindness

The car went through the stop sign and into the intersection. With no where to go or time to get there, my taxi hit the car dead on. For the next three months I was out of work. I had no savings to speak of. No family to help me. I was in dire straights to be sure.  The lady who ran the stop sign had little insurance, barely enough to cover the medical expenses with little left over to pay my living expenses. Just after the accident Justin came to see me in the hospital. We had been co-drivers with the taxi company. We knew each other and worked well together. We were not what one might consider to be friends but we liked each other. He asked me what was going to happen and I told him I didn't know. I was in deep trouble financially until a settlement ... Read Full Story >>

6419 Reads

Pass The Buck!

Few months ago, a friend of mine handed me an envelope. Intrigued, I opened it and found a dollar bill.. A dollar? For what? My friend launched into an animated articulation of how he received a gift of $20 and he decided to split it up and give a dollar to 20 of his friends to do random acts of kindness. Multiply all the goodness that comes with an offering twenty-fold! Last week I was walking in a nearby downtown to keep a baby entertained while the  rest of the family watched a movie. The downtown is really small so we ended up pacing up and down the same street many times over. There was this small ice cream shop, half-way between 2 blocks, that kept drawing me. I saw two girls, about fifteen years, doling out cones and cups with a great smile and attitude. The line was long and so ... Read Full Story >>

16.2K Reads
  • Posted by earthling
  • Oct 21, 2007
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