Search Results for 'popular' (2974 matches)

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Love "Seen"

I had a friend that every time you walked in her door for a visit, her greeting was "Hi Honey".  She had a way of saying it by dragging it out as she said it, that made me feel like she was so glad to see me.  We met several years ago when her husband was admitted to our Hospice program.  I got in on that admission as I was on call the Saturday he was admitted.  We hit it off right away, and my friendship with her continued even after her husband died. We visited together once or twice a week, never for very long, but always with sincere joy in one another's presence.  She had told me that when she got ready for Hospice care, she would let me know and we could admit her.  Sure enough, one day she told me it was time.  We continued to have ... Read Full Story >>

5818 Reads

Confronting Road Rage With Compassion

I was on my way to the gym this morning and making the right turn from 21st onto Broadway when a car ran up onto me from behind, and started flashing his lights in my rear-view mirror. He then swings around in front of me and jams on his brakes. I go around him and he gives me the finger and mouths a couple of bad words through the window. I blow him a kiss. He gives me the finger again with even more ferocity and some more dirty mouth-mime. We get stopped at the next light, side by side and he rolls down his window. I roll down mine. He is a well-groomed, professional looking guy in his 40s. Could have been a lawyer or a doctor or a dad or a teacher. He was driving a newish, nice looking mid-size SUV.  "F*&% you," he says, "You think that ... Read Full Story >>

6913 Reads

Can I Borrow Your Kids?

Years ago, after a rough divorce, we were invited to live with my aunt who lived in a rural area. We packed up our stuff and moved across the country to settle into our new "home".  Once there I was worried about the lack of extended family and thought I would miss the convenience of having relatives nearby. My aunt explained to my children (and myself) that there are many different kinds of family and not all of them have two parents in the home. I didn't think too much of this speech, being rather shell-shocked after the divorce, but her words stuck with me.   It wasn't too long after we settled in that friends and neighbors began to come over to meet us and extend invitations for outings. Many single ladies lived in this particular locale and were very loving and affectionate with my school-aged children.   After they got to know the ... Read Full Story >>

10.9K Reads

Three Strangers Come Together to Help

It was a busy and stressful day at work. I decided that I had done what I could do and it was time to face the hour-long commute to the East Bay. It was stop-and-go as usual when I finally braved through the Bay Bridge traffic and reached the Powell Street exit ten minutes from my home in Berkeley.  About to exit the freeway, I noticed a large black pick-up truck parked a bit abruptly to the right shoulder. A small Hispanic woman got out of the driver seat and opened the back door. I could barely see her through the tinted windows but something didn’t seem right. Just as I pulled over behind her and got out of the car, she came running towards me -- screaming. As the tiredness of the day slipped away rather quickly, I tried to remain calm and inquire what the situation was and walked ... Read Full Story >>

5931 Reads

A Simple Rule Since I was 12

Since I was 12, I've had a simple rule -- remember birthdays!  So, if I know a person's name, I consider it my duty to remember the person's birthday (family, friend and otherwise). One characteristic EVERY human being has is the need to feel special, significant and appreciated, and what better way and time to make a friend, neighbor, client, co-worker, your child's teacher, or even the cashier at your neighborhood grocery store feel special than by simply remembering their birthday each year. Talk about putting an instant smile on that person's face, if only but once a year.  It brightens their day and it brings so much personal joy to me each time I do it.  And because I know so many people, I'm pretty much telling someone happy birthday every month of the year.  I'm now 30-something, so I guess you could call me the "Happy B-Day Diva"! And here's a ... Read Full Story >>

5966 Reads
  • Posted by peay_lewis
  • Feb 13, 2008
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A Stranger Becomes A Friend

Today was my first day using Smile cards! 

I decided to experiment at the CCD in the Phoenix Mall in Kurla West, Mumbai. I told the cashier I wanted to pay for the coffee of the next person who came in after me. I was still having my iced tea when the next customer was presented with the Smile card.
The experience felt great. He came over, smiling, and said, "So, thanks for the coffee ... but how does this work?"
We chatted and drank coffee together for the next thirty minutes minutes. That stranger is now a new friend. 
This is great. I love Smile cards!


4059 Reads

A Lesson in Sharing Kindness with Humility

I had made up my mind a long time ago that I would not give a homeless person money, because I could never be sure what that money would be used for.  I did not want it to support any unhealthy habits.  Instead, I decided, I would buy them a sandwich, a cold drink on a hot day, a cup of coffee, whatever I could manage. I was out and about running errands recently and saw a homeless man, with his shopping cart full of his only possessions, asleep outside of a Starbucks.  My parking meter was about to expire, so I dropped another few coins in and went into the Starbucks.  I decided I would buy this man lunch.  I purchased a sandwich and soda. Just as I was leaving the store two policemen were approaching the man.  Apparently the shop owners had complained of his vagrancy and the police were ... Read Full Story >>

10.6K Reads
  • Posted by elk312
  • Nov 29, 2009
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Growing Seeds in Silence

Sometimes you read a story that just takes root in your heart. Many stories on the website have been like that for me: "I Wish You Enough" by BrightEyes and "An Unforgettable Fishing Experience" by Mike Delyria to name just two. Well this story I'm about to share with you has been growing in the heart of many people on Cape Ann, where I live. It is the story of Jude, a young deaf man with green thumbs and a big heart who recently opened a plant store in our community called The Silent Seed. I first heard about him from my friend Nana who had noticed the new store during one of her walks and was so inspired by the owner that she felt called to draw the whole neighborhood's attention to his work. A few days later, my friend Loretta who lives in a totally different part of ... Read Full Story >>

43.1K Reads
  • Posted by gipsysoul
  • Oct 8, 2008
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It's Not Too Late To Talk

I am writing this story because it is not too late for me to talk to my parents.  I realized this last night when visiting their house while they were away.  I went to freshen it up for their return, and being at their house without them home made me sad.  As I went into their bedroom, I saw little reminders of them -- some Christmas gifts still in boxes and family photos that must have a special meaning to them.  What took my breath away was seeing my dad's tags from his military service to our country. My father never talked about the Korean War.  As I looked at those tags hanging proudly with all the photos that he treasures, I realized that this was an important part of his life, and I never took the time to talk with him about it.  The photos of my mom with friends made ... Read Full Story >>

4344 Reads

Pay-It-Forward Books and Videos

Below are some adult and children's fiction/non-fiction books and video. If you have any additions, please do leave a comment on this story. Adult Nonfiction Above All, Be Kind: Raising a Humane Child in Challenging Times --By Zoe Weil Instructions for raising children to be compassionate, to respect people and the environment, and to make wise choices during the early, middle, teenage, and young adult years. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas --By David Bornstein By sharing the stories of innovators, activists, and social entrepreneurs, Bornstein presents the four basic practices of successful innovative organizations and six qualities necessary for social entrepreneurship. An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life --By the Dalai Lama A treasury of teachings founded upon two ancient Buddhist texts, this work builds a bridge between everyday life and the spiritual pursuits of compassion, happiness, and wisdom. Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference: Helping Your Family Live With ... Read Full Story >>

22.3K Reads

Serving Up Smiles at Baskin Robbins

I'm just a senior in high school who works for minimum wage at a local Baskin Robbins. In and outside of work, I always wear a smile and try to influence my amiable attitude towards others. But lately, I've been inspired by the stories here to reach out in kindness in other ways beyond just acting friendly.  So, today, when I went to work, I decided I would take my first big step and truly help a complete stranger. Two young girls came into the store and looked around. I offered them my usual "Welcome to Baskin Robbins!" greeting.  It was a couple of minutes later when one of them finally decided upon a flavor, chocolate chip. So then, I made a big scoop and put it upon a cone and handed it to her. Interestingly, though, the other girl didn't get anything even though I could tell she was eyeballing the variety of creams.  So, I ... Read Full Story >>

4433 Reads
  • Posted by MINtyfresh353
  • Oct 17, 2008
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Giving someone a chance to recharge

Good day, I was recently traveling and bad weather had surrounded the airport, causing many flights to get canceled or delayed.  I was sitting by the gate, having changed my flight to another one already and was watching the unfortunate airline rep at the gate counter.  She was being bombarded by a number of people who seemed to assume that the poor weather, flight cancellations and everything else causing them grief was her fault and each one in turn laid all of their grief on her and I could see she was being pushed to the brink. A little ah-ha light bulb flashed in my mind and since I am apt to follow my instinct, I stood up and took my place in the line of people intent on sharing their bad day with her.  I patiently waited my turn and when I was finally standing in front of her, her weary ... Read Full Story >>

4306 Reads
  • Posted by KingHartuc
  • Jan 20, 2007
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Dust In The Wind

It happened so suddenly.  She said she wasn’t feeling well, so she took a shower, drank some tea, and went for a nap just before dinner.  By 5PM, she had passed away. “That’s insane. I just saw Sushila Auntie last week. She’s fine. I mean, she’s my mom’s age. There must be some sort of mistake,” I thought to myself. No mistake, unfortunately. Sitting in the living room at Narayan Uncle’s house to pay our condolences for the passing of his wife, the thoughts in my head wouldn’t stop.   That’s my Narayan Uncle sitting there. He’s been around forever.   And next to him would always be Sushila Auntie.  I just saw her last week. All I gave her was a perfunctory, “Hi”.   Why?  Because she was always there. Yet, there is so much more to the being “there” than one realizes, because once that’s gone, things seem strange and askew. I knew nothing ... Read Full Story >>

4038 Reads
  • Posted by sadhvini
  • Jan 26, 2008
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A fast turn-around in spreading kindness

Last night I was about to leave work when I noticed an elderly, disabled man on his motorized scooter. It had broken down on the sidewalk in front of our school, which is in a somewhat seedy neighborhood. There was no way we could lift the scooter and move it, it was way too heavy. And, the man didn't want to leave the scooter because he was afraid it would be vandalized. The wind was icy cold and he had no money, no cell phone, and no family nearby. I thought to call the police - 311 - but they said they couldn't do anything about this. I wondered ... so they would rather wait to get a call that he's been assaulted? Then I called AAA roadside assistance. I offered to upgrade my account so that he could get help, but they said it would take 48 hours to clear unless it was ... Read Full Story >>

2397 Reads

Repaying Greed With Kind Deeds

Today I received the news that not only was my hard work not going to be recognized but I was not going to get paid on time and all my extra-hours would not be taken into consideration.

Was I angry? No, just sad for my boss who is a muti-millionaire but very poor in his heart.
So, I decided to pay forward the unkindness with kindness.
I decided to look for a new job and put some ads on the post office notice board. Then I bought six lovely flowers and planted them in some flower pots of my neighbours which had been sitting empty for over a year. I baked cup cakes for a friend. I wrote a letter to another friend.
Now I am having my coffee at home feeling an immense joy inside that no one can take away from me.



2292 Reads

A Rainy Afternoon Brightened With Little Acts of Kindness

If you are on the lookout, you can almost always find an opportunity for kindness.  I filled my afternoon with small gestures today, they didn't take much time or effort, but I hope they made a small difference to the people who received them. I was out and about because I had to do a few errands this afternoon.  My first stop was the supermarket.  I wanted to buy some croissants with chocolate on them for my daughter Rita.  I also decided to get  a few plain ones for my husband, my mum and me. Armed with the croissants, I went on to my second stop - a local charity bookshop.  I wanted to see if they had any books on Unicorns, since Rita loves them (and, I have to admit, so do I).  While I was there, I struck up a conversation with the lady at the counter during which she commented on the smell ... Read Full Story >>

5921 Reads

An Unforgettable Fishing Experience

Several years ago, I worked for a trucking outfit as a driver. It was my habit to go in on Saturday and spend a couple hours maintaining my truck. As I was under the truck greasing it, I noticed the owner's elderly father making his way over to his grandson's truck next to mine.  The old man was in his high eighties, had been an avid fisherman all his life, and had come out to ask the kid to take him fishing after work. The grandson told him all about how much he would love to do that, but, he just couldn't that day due to prior commitments. The old man accepted the answer and hobbled off to the house. A few minutes later, the father came out and asked his son what the old man had wanted. After telling the story, the kid ended it with telling his dad, ... Read Full Story >>

9220 Reads
  • Posted by Mike Delyria
  • Dec 12, 2008
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Reverse Birthday Gift

Today I was blessed to turn forty-five years young.  I enjoy reading all of the awesome ideas from this wonderful site about people giving on their birthday, so, I decided this would be my chance to experience the joy of giving on my special day.   My husband took me to the Olive Garden, and our waitress was very nice. We had a great dinner experience and then I tried a warm apple crostata that was scrumptious. Then the waitress, Carlini, brought our bill.    When she came back to the table to get our credit card I knew it was my time to give. I sat the gift bag on the edge of the table and simply said, "In honor of my birthday, I want to bless you with a gift."   Ohh, the shock on her face! She said, "No, not for me! It’s your birthday!" Then she said, "Can I open it in front of you?" ... Read Full Story >>

12.7K Reads
  • Posted by denisemj
  • Nov 10, 2012
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Giving The Rent Money Away

My wife and I were on our way to the seaside just before sunrise to pray.  On our way we headed to a community where squalor is king. I got an urge to drive into the impoverished community instead of past it and bless someone financially.    My rent money was all I had and the rent was already one day overdue. Plus, my wife and I were experiencing one of the worst financial drought in our lives.   As we approached the area I told my wife what I was thinking of. She said, "Follow your heart, sweetheart."     We drove into the community and as we turned the corner we saw a woman with her half-slip pulled up over her breast and her hands atop her head. I walked over to her and held out a fist with the money inside.She stretched her right hand out and took the money into her fist to ... Read Full Story >>

10.9K Reads

My V-Neck Sweater

  Driving home from a movie I knew I was running out of gas. For some reason I passed up the nearest gas station and was compelled to drive well out of my way to gas up.    As I pulled up I was captivated by the scene; fancy cars, hybrids, Mercedes and Hondas juxtaposed against two homeless men eating out of the trash can. Another man was asking customers if he could clean their windscreens for spare change.   As I stepped the warm confines of my car I felt the frigid wind against my face. That's when a homeless man walked up to me with a desperate look in his eyes. He said, "Sir! Someone stole all my stuff! Can you believe that? Do you have an extra jacket or t-shirt I could have?"    I was shocked to think that someone would steal from a homeless man, but I didn't have any spare garments ... Read Full Story >>

4452 Reads
  • Posted by toanlam
  • Jul 21, 2011
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