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Taking Grandmother To The Temple

  As you probably know Nepal a small country full of diverse religions and populations.    As the daughter of a Hindu family there are many aspects of my religion that I have to bear in mind. But, even while keeping such strictures in mind, I want to be ale to live a life of kindness to others.    When I was sixteen my friends and I were going to watch a movie. We sat waiting for the bus but it was very late. While we were waiting another bus came by and a old lady of about seventy got off. She had bags full of her possessions in one hand and a walking stick in the other.    After a few minutes I noticed that she seemed to be looking for something. She approached a shopkeeper for help - but it wasn't forthcoming. So, I went over and asked, "What's the matter grandmother?"   She told me she ... Read Full Story >>

5312 Reads
  • Posted by Janupd
  • Oct 11, 2011
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Teaching English Helped Him Be Seen Again

  I am an Iranian man who has been battling cancer for the past two years. A transpant has meant things have been better over the past six months. It means I have a lot more time to spend online learning new things.   I have a friend in England who is really feeling home-sick. It's making him quite depressed. He would tell me that he didn't want to do stuff, he just wanted to be left alone, and so on. But I didn't want to leave him in his depression.   So, I asked him if he could teach me English! Even though we were far apart we could communicate by Skype. He jumped from his seat towards the computer in his enthusiasm! "Yes! I'd really like to do that! Can I do that? Please?"   Now, after a few lessons, I can see him becoming happier and more energetic again!   In am sixty-two years old and ... Read Full Story >>

4978 Reads
  • Posted by mmz_1329
  • Jun 12, 2013
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A 5 AM Thank-You Note

Sometimes, I need to arrive at work early in the morning, around 6 AM, which means I have to leave my house around 5 AM (yes, it is quite difficult to wake up at 4 AM :)). Luckily, our work arranges for a cab driver to pick up employees from their respective homes before 5:30 AM. But since we don't have one consistent cab making the rounds every morning, the drivers often are not familiar with the employees' addresses. They end up having to roam around early in the morning to pick up close to fifteen people. During my (not so often) early morning commute to office, I have been watching an employee who seems to come to the office early on a regular basis. He also generally gets picked up first by the drivers. Since he usually travels at the same time, he happens to know the addresses of most ... Read Full Story >>

3731 Reads
  • Posted by ThisWilPass
  • Mar 21, 2013
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The Long Life of a Short Friendship

My son's day care provider experienced a tragic sudden death of a friend. She had just met this fellow and had sensed a deep connection before dropping him off at his car. He had a car accident that night, and was killed. Deeply moved by the sadness that my friend was experiencing, I was compelled to write her some comforting words about being able to see the positives of how her friend had influenced her life and suggested that he possibly came to her as an angel of change for her life. This trajedy, impacted her deeply and encouraged her to reevaluate her life, as tragedy often does. I encouraged her to look past the normal conditionings that would have us concentrate on the drama of a trajedy and suggested she instead reflect on the positive message this friend's life gave her and the people around her. This approach would ... Read Full Story >>

4114 Reads
  • Posted by JackieHall
  • May 10, 2008
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World Kindness Day - Started It Off With Gratitude

Hello my kind friends! Happy World Kindness Day! As today starts World Kindness Week I have dedicated myself to doing at least one kind act each day. Today I decided to focus on sharing my gratitude with many of the folks I appreciate. So I spent most of the evening sending out notes around the world to people who have helped shape my kindness character. There are some groups behind the scenes here at HelpOthers that work so hard to spread smiles. I sent notes to them, as I do not even know all of the wonderful people out there but I know what they do matters to me! As I wrote each one I felt an enormous amount of gratitude and love for them. It made me feel great and I know will matter to them too. Many individuals along the way (many of you included) have touched my life in ways ... Read Full Story >>

4149 Reads

A Daily Reminder

I was stopped at a red light when I noticed a homeless guy walking towards me. This man had a sign that read "not much needed just hungry".

I didn't have any cash, all I had was my own lunch I had packed for myself. I rolled my window and said I have a banana, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a bottled water- it's yours if you want it. He smiled and said Thank You.

I was scared at first that maybe he was looking for something different than what I had to offer, but he walked over to his crate, sat down and ate the food. I pass him every day and everyday he smiles and mimes "Thank You".

2198 Reads

Learning From A Co-Workers Compassion To A Plant

I have a plant that sits on my desk.  Yesterday, the two ladies that clean the office came in right before I was leaving and looked at me with with angry eyes. They do not speak English and I do not speak Spanish, but I practice with them every chance that I get so I’m getting a lot better at understanding and communicating with them. With the plant in her hands, she looked at me and asked me why I had not watered the plant since it was wilting. Ironically, I was holding a bottle of drinking water in my hand taking a sip as she was saying that. S he said a few words in Spanish that completely flew over my head so I asked the other lady to translate. She said, “You drink water all the time but you neglect to water the plant! She left the office with the ... Read Full Story >>

2817 Reads

Even Small Kindness Is Never Forgotten

I came across HelpOthers few days ago and I can`t stop reading the stories. I want to thank you all for sharing joy around the world and writing about it. Ever since I was a kid I've believed that a smile is a cure and that kindness spreads around like a (wonderful) virus. I`m glad to see how many stories of miraculous acts you all have written. I shared some of my favorite to my mom an hour ago. She was a bit down and I wanted to put a smile on her beautiful face and remind her that people can surprise you in a very pleasant way. After hearing some of the stories from HelpOthers she told me one herself that happened 30 years ago. She was just a teenager on a vacation on the Adriatic coast with her two best friends (they are still her best friends).  They were having coffee ... Read Full Story >>

6960 Reads

For Children, Kindness Is Impulsive

Yesterday while I was busy doing my housework, my daughter ran up to me and said, "Mommy there's someone at the gate."  I told her to ask who it was. It was an old man beggar. I heard my daughter yelling, "Mommy he wants money."  For a second I ignored her, but then it hit me what she just said. I found my daughter taking out money from her Dad's wallet. Instead of stopping her, I stood there amazed at her action and the realization: kids give without hesitation and their kindness is impulsive.  Then I murmured a little prayer to myself, "God, let my kids never outgrow such a value and let that value grow on us adults." Sure, we all want to do kindness acts as much as we can, but let's also be honest -- how many times have we acted on it in reality? How many times have we ... Read Full Story >>

7248 Reads

Sharing a Birthday with a Homeless Friend

I live in a big Scandinavian city that unfortunately has a lot of homeless people. Luckily there are small ways of helping them even though you may not have a lot of money.  One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine. By doing this one day,  I got to know a young homeless man who was often standing at the train station, selling the magazine. He was a refugee from another country and I can only imagine what kind of psychological scars he must have had from living in a war-torn country, escaping it and then ending up being homeless.  After a while, I discovered that his birthday was close to mine which meant that we were born under the same sign of the Zodiac, something we talked about once in a while. I met him last year shortly after his birthday, and without thinking, after congratulating him, I asked if he had had ... Read Full Story >>

11.7K Reads

Broken Laundry Cart and a Ride Home

I was on my merry way when I saw this old lady trying to go back home after going to the laundromat.  She was pushing her little cart with 2 wheels on the front but it didn't budge because of a steep bump.   She pushed so hard one of the wheels came off. I stopped and got the wheel and put it back on the lady's laundry cart. I asked her that if she would like me to take her home after I finished my shopping and she replied "yes."  She was so happy. I didn't know how far she was going and my son and his girl friend were waiting for me in the car. I rushed to get my things and when I was at the register I let her know that it would not take much longer and she waited patiently for me.  When I finished  I told her I was ready ... Read Full Story >>

3666 Reads
  • Posted by angels_destiny14
  • Jun 4, 2009
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Kindness Doesn't Stop Even At Age 80!

I'm part of a social action group of eight inspiring women (men didn't want to join our group!) and we are looking at a response to homeless women in our city. At present men are catered for in a very small way. We met with an 86 yr old woman, who was asked by the Police to accommodate a single homeless woman, and there was nothing suitable for her.

We have Women's Refuge, but they only accept women with children. This 86 yr old woman now runs a home with 6 beds for single women in need. How amazing is that? Her message to us was "One person CAN make a difference"

2484 Reads

Call The Boss

I had a  conversation with my cell phone company yesterday. 
The person I spoke to was extremely helpful, knowledgeable, and was able to answer all of my questions about various plans. At first, I just thought, 'Good! They know how to do their job.' But then I though about it some more and today I called his boss.  
At first I think the woman was expecting me to complain but I said I just wanted to tell her how pleased I was with the quality of the service I received. The relieved manager told me no one ever calls to say they have done a good job, so I was glad I did!  

10.0K Reads

Thank You For Your Thank You

This morning I received a beautiful hand-made card in the post. The envelope was marked "Thank you!" and I didn't open it immediately whilst I tried to work out who it had come from. Who could be saying thanks to me?   Happily I had a few choices. When I opened it I discovered it was from a lady I had sent a free gift to on eBay.    She was completely overwhelmed by this random act of kindness from a stranger and has since joined the HelpOthers family.   She had made the card especially for me with pink butterflies on the front. It was lovely! The thing that surprised me the most was that she actually used the words "I love you" to me. How wonderful to be such a positive spirit as to love so freely . Most of us are very cautious when using those three words.     I hope she enjoys ... Read Full Story >>

6055 Reads

A Sub Birthday Surprise

We walked a couple of miles yesterday, pushing my little guy in the stroller. He got hungry so we decided to stop for a "sub" for him.   While we were waiting in line a woman came in. She was very irritated and talking about someone who had asked her for money. In her opinion those people needed to get jobs.    We were feeling a little uncomfortable with the situation and I was wondering what I should say to my kids later, especially my fifteen year old daughter. I always tell her we have to be the change we want to see. I was sort of mulling it over in my head when I heard the lady say, "It's also my birthday, and no one could be bothered to spend it with me."  I knew this was my chance, both to help her change her thinking and to help her feel cared for on ... Read Full Story >>

7259 Reads

Mel's Going Away Gift

Several years ago, I was promoted to supervisor.  I was so excited  about being promoted, but little did I know, more importantly, how many valuable life lessons I would learn while in this position.  Early on, I was short-handed and needed another staff member.  Management  and my senior staff joined me in interviewing the candidates and after much deliberation and voting, we hired a guy called Melvin -- or Mel as he liked to be called.  He was a character of sorts -- a retired cop, thick skinned, street smart, tough and rough around the edges.  Mel had much experience in the real world, but I wasn't sure he would be a good fit for the group or the company.  When Mel first joined our team, he teased us relentlessly, cussed up a storm and was loud and aggressive, but after some time we all got used to him and realized that he actually added ... Read Full Story >>

3701 Reads

The Little Girl Who Changed Me

At first, I didn't know what was happening to me, I started feeling sad, bored and empty. I told my mom about my feelings and she suggested that I should start helping others. I was confused because I didn't get how by helping others I could start feeling full and happy. So I thought I should give it a try. The next day, I went to a house called "Las niñas de Jesus". This house is a catholic house for young women that were abandoned or taken by the DIF. When I arrived I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know how to talk to them or what to talk about. I started helping them to do their homework. I started going very often and really enjoying it. One day, I met this little girl in the house of las niñas de Jesus, she started asking me about my parents, my ... Read Full Story >>

3658 Reads
  • Posted by afannafa
  • Oct 13, 2016
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Flowers and Wheel Chairs

I am the Director of a little non profit Youth Centre and we do at least one act of kindness a month with the youth who attend. Just this month the youth handed out flowers to random community members. There was great energy among the kids that day, after we exchange stories on how we felt about the act of kindness we did. A 14 year old male stood up and said "Id like to say something." I was a bit surprised as he is a shy and quite boy but I said go ahead. "Today I gave a lady who was in a wheel chair a flower. She was putting her two kids in the back seat of her car. When I went up to her and said, hello, she was suprised when I handed her a flower. I quickly said Happy Valentines day and started to walk away. She ... Read Full Story >>

3634 Reads

Ichi-go Ichi-e, "one time, one meeting"

I had an "ichi-go ichi-e" meeting on the subway ride home this evening with the gal sitting next to me.

We talked all the way home (a 30-minute ride!). It was like talking with an old friend and many laughs were shared. At the end, I gifted her with a peace dove and shared a touch on her arm and blessed her as I got up to leave the subway car. 

Also had an "ichi-go ichie-e" with a 93-year-old woman sitting at the table next to ours in the restaurant. She was so spirited and joyful that I leaned over and asked her what was her "secret" ,

It's so easy to make friends – all it takes is reaching out with a smile and sharing conversation. Grateful.

12.0K Reads

Post it Note Kindness at the Mall

December kindness for today.  I visited the mall, went into ladies' fitting rooms and bathroom, left positive messages on heart post-its. One of my favorite RAKS (random acts of kindness) to do! Our words matter. They can encourage and build people up, or shame and tear them down. 

When I was putting the hearts on the bathroom mirror a little girl saw me and kept saying, "hearts, hearts, I love hearts!" :)

I left a stack of blank post-its and a pen behind in the bathroom for others to add messages if they'd like. ♡ 

16.0K Reads