Stories by hennie (2 matches)

A Lottery Ticket On The Train

My friend introduced me to random acts of kindness and encouraged me to share my stories. So here goes!

Today on my way to work I left a card with a lottery ticket in it on a seat in the train. I sat couple of seats away and waited.
The train was getting cleaned and I saw the cleaner pick the card up and chuckle, so I guess he had read the words, "For you! Yes, you! Open me!" He picked it up and walked past me and then turned around and looked at me. I was pretending to text someone, with a great big smile on my face, trying to be anonymous!
He went out through the doors and I'm guessing he will have opened it by now.
I also put a card with a lottery ticket through the letter-box of a neighbor I don't know that well but is always very polite and waves when ever I see him.
This is so much fun and I can't stop smiling. What great joy a random act of kindness is!


3449 Reads

Spreading Confusion In My Work Place

Yesterday, at work, I went around leaving envelopes on random desks. Inside the envelopes were Smile cards and various gifts, like scratch cards, bars of chocolate, candles, and so on. I sat back to listen to comments colleagues made as they opened their envelopes. Some of them made me giggle.    A few examples were - "I found this card with a ribbon around it, thinking it was something else. I opened it and found a Smile card and scratch card." "How creepy - and kind of nice!" "Can you imagine winning?" "We should leave a Smile card for someone!"   Then a colleague asked if I had left it and I said, "What is it anyway?" Then I pretended to read the card and encouraged them to look at the web-site!    They continued to speculate about who left them and showed everyone who came into the office.   As I left the office I noticed someone else finding a ... Read Full Story >>

2009 Reads

'hennie' Also Commented on These Stories

A Lottery Ticket On The Train

Lesson from the Check-Out Line

Unexpected Ride to the Longboard Shop

Grocery Cart Chauffeur

A Perfectly-Timed Car Tag

On A Rainy Day with Bus #82

A Rare Hug

A Little Statue, A Little Hope

My Friends Are My Family

A Gift of Grapes