Stories by hope0546 (3 matches)

Gifts From The Garden

Because of injuries I don't get out much lately. But giving gifts from my garden is something I can do!

I decided to give jars of homemade/homegrown salsa to three neighbors. It was something I could do this morning and I hope it will brighten their day as it did mine!

1834 Reads

Recognizing one's work

I noticed, at the end of spring, that the temps were rising and the guys who pickup the garbage must have been hot. I started freezing three bottles of water every week. When they come around I give them the bottles and when the temps have been hitting into the 90's I freeze 6. Even though it's relatively early in the day when they get to my house they're sweating and obviously very hot. I'm hoping that this small act of kindness lets them know they're appreciated.

1352 Reads

Mail Carrier Thank You

Today I thought about my mail person who makes sure I get the right mail, brings things to my door, and regularly drives around in a vehicle without air conditioning in 90 degree weather. Regardless, she always has a smile on her face.

I left her a thank you note in the mailbox with a little something more. I know it's her job but I wanted her to know that I appreciate it.

1168 Reads

'hope0546' Also Commented on These Stories

A Tribute to My Mother

Gifts From The Garden