Stories by cfaita (5 matches)

Granny At Breakie

My boys and I went to our special breakie (breakfast) place, and saw a little old lady come in with her son.

She started chatting with my kids, reminiscing about when her grandchildren were little and how she missed spending time with them. You could see that talking to my kids just made her day.
As we were leaving, Gero went to her and told her that she was a great 'Nonnina' which in Italian means 'Grandma'. We decided to pay for their breakfast, and asked the owner to tell them only at the end of their meal. Nice lady!

1289 Reads

A Family Wound Healed

An estranged cousin contacted me asking for my friendship on Facebook. 

I am her only cousin, and a step-cousin at that. She was so afraid I wouldn't accept her friendship request because of a falling out her mom had with my uncle. 

I accepted the invitation and suggested we meet up for dinner the next time I am in her city.

1126 Reads

Bloody Caesars

I am a Canadian living in Italy. Most of my long standing BFFs are from Quebec. Today, I made it a point to find time to call one of my dearest friends, who is fighting cancer.

We have both been through major adversities in the past few years and stopped calling each other regularly, just because life was too consuming. I dialed her number seven times to get through to her and on the eighth try, she picked up.

I told her I missed her and wished we could go out for a 'virtual' Bloody Caesar just like we used to. She promised she'd call me back next week and we could have Caesars and chat by phone. YAY!

1023 Reads

Some Things Can't Wait

 I was working and under a very tight deadline today. Skype rang and it was one of my dearest friends, who is quite ill.

I was tempted not to answer because my work needed to get done. Do you know the feeling?

I picked up anyway and we had a lovely chat. I even got up the courage to speak to her about her illness and my fears related to it. When we hung up,  she knew that  I love her, miss her and can't wait to see her again. Good call, it was so worth my time!

958 Reads

Karma Coffee

Second day of the Kindness Challenge! 

I left some change in a vending machine at the university where I teach. By chance, one of my learners found it and later said "someone left a euro in the coffee machine...hahaha!". It made me smile!

870 Reads

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