Stories by LaughingFox (1 matches)

Yard Sale

After my husband died, I had a yard sale to pare down all the duplicate possessions we had, things we didn't use, and the like. I included 2 large tables with free items.

 I saw a young lady, who had brought 2 children with her, struggling to hold items she had taken from the free table. I brought her some plastic bags to hold her items and she thanked me and as we spoke I found out that she had 3 other children at home! There were some items that she kept looking at, picking up, and putting back. I knew she wanted these items but did not have the money to pay for them.

I told her she could just take them. In addition, I had a Weber grill, with a quick charcoal starter cylinder, that I told her she could have. She was so thankful. However, I believe that giving her these items made me happier than it made her!

When I was a child, I had a little book that included a saying I have never forgotten: "Giving's receiving and receiving is giving. That's really the truth that lies behind living." How true!

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