Stories by Leela (1 matches)

Serving in Africa

I've believe I've been guided. Christmas Eve/ Christmas day 12.15am. Sitting outside a church unwilling to disrupt the midnight mass inside, listening vaguely to the singing. Out on the cold steps, the distent noise of the party goers, odd flake of snow my mind wondering. By the time my boyfriend came to get me at about 1.00am, I have this solidly wedged notion in my mind. To do something I had never seriously considered before, to break free of this lovely sheltered protected life I have grown to know and accept unappreciatingly. I believe sitting on those steps, I was touched by someone or something that fueled me to get into touch with this volenteer company in Africa. So in less than two months from now I am going to work in a Childrens Orphanage in a township in South Africa. To the great surprise of everyone that knew me when ... Read Full Story >>

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