Stories by Sharedtruths (1 matches)

Living out a life-long dream in South Africa

My heart is so full of love and fulfillment, I have been so blessed to be able to live out a life long dream recently. I am so grateful for the support and friendship of a very dear friend of mine, who has helped me with making a kind acts project possible. We live in Johannesburg South Africa, where as you all know poverty and unemployment are huge issues. I have for many years had a dream to open a soup kitchen. To be able to help and feed the hungry. We have created a Facebook page called Shadows, where we have started sharing our kind acts activities with our friends. We are handing out blankets and I am making hearty soup, which we have started handing out to the homeless. There are so many people living on the streets, it is heartbreaking. I have now created a blanket drive and hope to ... Read Full Story >>

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