Finding a Way to Help
It seems even when I am sick and don't get to do much I still have opportunities for kindness. Today my mom and I went grocery shopping. We got through it all and it was about $260 (she buys all of her groceries for the whole month on the 1st when she gets her benefits).
Well, unbeknownst to her the state decided to change her benefit date to the 15th so she couldn't pay for any of it. She came home and I took her back to the grocery store and helped her pay for it all. It means I will probably have to pawn something to pay some of my own expenses but I couldn't let her go hungry for two weeks. I feel good about the decision. Kindness opportunities are everywhere!
- Posted by SOTProject
- Nov 9, 2018
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A Simple Gift for a Fussy Child at the Store
I like wearing things in my hair (wreaths, bows, streamers etc.). I had a big blue bow from one of our christmas gifts in my hair at work today. A customer was trying to ask me some questions about some of our cameras and she had a small child who wouldn't calm down.
I could tell she was very frustrated and I know how it feels to be looked at by other people as the parent who can't control your child, even though every parent knows that you can't always stop a child from fussing no matter how good or bad a parent you are.
I took the bow out of my hair and gave it to the child to play with. She immediately smiled and started playing with it. We were able to finish the interaction without any more mishap and she was very appreciative when I allowed her to keep the bow.
- Posted by SOTProject
- Oct 18, 2018
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There is a gentleman who comes to our Best Buy store, he is in his 50's and he brings his mother along, who is wheel chair bound. The first time I ran into them the gentleman asked if I could help his mother go to the restroom, as he isn't allowed in the female restrooms.
I helped her into the stall, and then waited patiently for her to be done. When she was finished I asked if she was ready for me to open the stall, and she was very surprised that I had waited there for her. I took her back out to the store and she was very thankful.
The next time they came in they just happened to see me again and asked me the same favor. Now every time they come in they look for me and we chat and I always help her if needed. It is the little things that have an impact on people's lives, and I am glad that they remember me.
- Posted by SOTProject
- Mar 13, 2020
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