Stories by carolec (2 matches)

New Furry Friends

We have neighbors whose adult son has been living with them since losing his job over 5 years ago. He is the 5th child of 6 and he has struggled throughout his life. His dog died in early July and the loss has affected him deeply, understandably. He built his daily life around the dog walks and made relationships in the neighborhood with other dog walkers and owners. His parents do not want him to get another dog because they want his schedule to be more flexible to find work and not worry about walking the dog. It is a hard situation, I can see he is depressed and lonely without his dog. I also see he helps his parents a lot with chores and cleaning. All I could think to help by including him with my family for walks with our dogs, for a BBQ, and to go get a coffee. Then ... Read Full Story >>

3280 Reads

Changing Our Habitat For Habitat For Humanity

It was a day to focus the spring cleaning. We decided to give and donate to Habitat for Humanity to help people in our community settle in new homes. We decided to give half of almost everything in the kitchen, office, living room, tools and bedrooms.

We felt so good knowing it would really help some other families and we also feel so much lighter already with fewer objects around us. The kids got a big kick out of this too and got very excited to be helping box out things and clean.

662 Reads

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