Stories by trivedidrishti (1 matches)

Listening Even When You Don't Understand

I'm currently at a unique university, an inclusive campus where 46 speech and hearing impaired students graduate each year. I have been doing one on one sessions with these students to help them get clear on their goals, have a reality check of where they are and have a plan in place for next three months. Every morning, I made it a practice of setting the intention in my heart of "May I be an instrument for them to get what they need right now." And for the last two days , I am seeing a few of them overflowing and sharing in kind. Though they communicate with very speedy sign language that I'm still new to picking up,  I'm enjoying their ability to express themselves so joyously. Today, an incredible thing happened. One girl came at around 11:30 AM and sat down. I started with how we usually do. She can speak ... Read Full Story >>

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