Stories by AG101 (6 matches)


It's amazing how one dollar can change the culture of a school. We have a small school of about 30 middle/high school students (It's actually one of a global setup). It can get really competitive and stressful as most of the kids get good grades and strive to be the best they can be. It's good except that a lot of us middle kids felt really pressured.  The feeling was one that had sort of turned into 'every man for himself'. In response, my friend and I set out to find a way to change the culture. We decided that doing things for others was the only way to get ourselves over our depression about school and we stumbled on this website and a few others. On the first day of school we snuck a dollar folded into a heart into one of the senior's lockers with a slip of paper that said, "Buy ... Read Full Story >>

3137 Reads

A Sweet Surprise From My Co-Worker

I love doing random acts of kindness, but lately, I've been pretty busy and have gotten out of the habit. However, I got a completely random act of kindness sprung on me and it totally surprised me! :)

I'm 18 and I work full time so I was sitting at my desk, really bored and tired because it was about 3:00 in the afternoon when my coworker called me (which is weird because she works in the cubicle right next to me). Come out in the parking lot, she said. I thought she had been crushed under a semi or something so I went running out and turns out one of my friends was standing in the parking lot with 2 Starbucks drinks (anyone else loves caramel macchiatos :D) for me and my coworker and a couple of bags of candy including Cadbury Eggs which are my favorite! :)

I was so surprised and happy because I'd had a really bad day that I gave her at least 5 hugs! Goes to show that something simple as taking time out of your day and about 10-15 bucks can really help someone :)

1239 Reads

I Took A Stack ...

I took a stack of sticky notes and put inspirational quotes and messages on each one. This weekend I am taking them with me on my trip to Chicago and am putting them in places we stop at along the way! Such a fun feeling to wonder what the people reading them will think and maybe it's a small step towards change for the better in someone's life😁

889 Reads

Coffee & Kindness - Fill Your Cup With Both

Today I did something I have always wanted to do! I asked the guy at Starbucks how much the person's order was behind me and paid for it and told him to tell whoever it was to have a nice day.

Maybe this is weird, but on some level I hope they just took the gifted drink instead of paying for the person behind them. Learn to accept kindness (and free coffee) when it comes your way!!  Although, there's nothing wrong with paying it forward, I suppose. 

712 Reads

Helping Hands

I am sharing an act of kindness that was done to me. We went kayaking on 4th of July and when we got out at the boat ramp, another big group was getting out of the boat ramp too. We had been having some friendly conversation with them as we all pulled our kayaks and canoes up the ramp.

However, as is the usual summer weather here, a storm was brewing. As we were pulling our kayaks up, one of the people from the other crowd said, "Hey guys let us help them get loaded up. It's fixin' to rain!"

Before we knew it they had grabbed our kayaks, loaded them into the back of our truck, helped carry coolers, life jackets and all our random junk. We all got out safely before the storm started.

It would have taken us a lot longer to do it by ourselves, and this simple act of kindness was timely and beautiful. It proved that it does not cost money, standing or creativity to lend a helping hand.

655 Reads

Doorstep Surprises

 I just thought I'd mom and I have received a ton of random gifts left on our doorstep by friends and family during our shelter-in-place. It is so amazing and inspiring the way people come together and how the best in all comes out during during challenging times.

And, speaking as an American, getting Percy Pigs is a truly special gift.  Seriously, though, these people are awesome and it really lifts me up on my bad days to remember that. Other things we got that aren't in this pic are a box of chocolates, another flower, and a tin of cookies. 

598 Reads

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