Stories by lbilsey (2 matches)

She Got 'Heart Bombed" By Her Colleagues

Here's a great opportunity to let a friend, co-worker or family member know you care... Do a "Heart Bomb" when they least expect it. A colleague did it to me a year ago and I still have the little colorful hearts they papered my desk with all around my cubicle. They give me a warm heart and make me smile each time i look at them. Highly Recommend sharing a "Heart Bomb" with someone this week.

1982 Reads

A Life of Giving

I have had the great fortune to be a part of the magic of the holidays for a number of years now helping gather gifts for those who are homeless and in need. It is always rewarding, but i wanted to thank my colleagues as well who help in this task as well.

So brought some goodies in for everyone to share and will leave with some goodies on desks tonight - the gift is in the giving

713 Reads

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