Stories by Tammychi (2 matches)

Smile Cards and the Gentle Man

False happiness renders men stern and proud, and that happiness is never communicated. True happiness renders them kind and sensible, and that happiness is always shared. - Charles de Montesquieu   I volunteered to fulfill Smile Card orders & my first shipment of “to-be” mailed Smiled Cards arrived on Monday. I was very excited & immediately inspected all the contents. My darling husband quietly watched me, not wanting to interrupt my moment, but I could tell he was curious. I told him I would be helping to spread kindness by mailing Smile Cards to members. “That’s great!” he said. Probably thinking, “There she goes again with another one of her causes.”   I showed him all the contents I was to mail, and he mentioned how it was an awful lot to send. “Did HelpOthers provide you with stamps?” he asked. I held my breath, worried that he would be upset when he found ... Read Full Story >>

7431 Reads

A Ripple Effect On The Train Home

Yesterday was a long, but rewarding day. I got to volunteer in the San Francisco Pride Parade. That meant hours on my feet, under the hot sun and with very little water.

By the time I made it on the train to go home, all of the seats were taken and my feet were killing me! I must have been displaying the pain in some way because a very nice gentleman, much older & tired than myself, offered me his seat. I told him I was fine, but he insisted I sit.

While I was feeling guilty for enjoying being off my feet, a young man, who had watched all this, offered the seat he was sitting in to the older gentleman who had offered me his seat. I could not help but smile. One act of kindness led to another. The perfect closure to my day.

1905 Reads

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Postal workers

Postal workers