Stories by Nugget (3 matches)

Kindness Is A Two-way Street

OK, I made a commitment to three acts of kindness this am. An e-card, a post to a community service organization and using social media to spread good news.

I share this not because I want to acknowledge what I did, but that as I did these things, I found that I was not interested in looking at some negative information that might have otherwise caught my eye this morning.

Kindness is a two-way street with more benefits for me, I think, and that is what is being reinforced for me since joining this group. That's my Saturday story and I am sticking to it! LOL!

769 Reads

Pay it forwart at the restaurant drive!

I took the opportunity yesterday to buy the lunch of the person in the car behind me. The cashier was so happy to be able to tell that person and hand them a Smile Card to encourage them to pass on a random act of kindness.

Later, while in line at the grocery store with a full cart, I offered a gentleman and his son whose cart had only three-four items to go ahead of me. It was a small thing but they were appreciative.
I found joy in these small actions - just to see their smiles was great!

538 Reads

Reaching Out

Yesterday I rustled through my greeting card drawer and found some oldies but goodies. I thought about several people whom I have not been in contact with for sometime and a couple that I have.

After two hours, I had several cards ready for to hand off to the USPS, including an anonymous note to the USPS thanking them for their service, which I put in the box along with the stamped mail.

It has been joyful to know these surprise notes are going to be received in the next few days. No expenditure except a little postage; used what I had. And all it took was for me to allow myself some time to think of friends and family.

525 Reads

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