Stories by heavenlyangel (2 matches)

Naomi And Harry Potter

Today is the beginning of my annual holiday here in the UK. A friend  and work colleague is a single  mum of 2 and struggles financially at times.

She mentioned the other day that her eldest really had her little heart set on the latest Harry Potter but she didn't know where the extra money would come from!

I got the  book last night - gift wrapped it and put it on my coleagues' desk while she was at lunch. I dont know who will have the best holiday this fortnight ...

Naomi or me !! 


1834 Reads

Neighbourly Bond

My neighbour is disabled so every Saturday I buy her some dinner and she tells me all about her sons and that one of them only visits at Christmas. 

I felt so sorry for her. So I am making some home made biscuits for her today and I hope she will like them. I can't wait to  see the look on her face and feel the warmth inside of me.

1724 Reads

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