Stories by Angel4eva (3 matches)


One day I was walking out of Mcdonalds when a man  deliberately walked into a girl. The milkshake she was holding out of her hands fell on the floor with a SPLAT!                                                                                                                           I quickly went inside and bought a milkshake and went back outside and  gave it to the girl. She smiled and slurped happily while her mum was profusely thanked me!!                                                                                     I felt so warm and fuzzy inside. And yet I walked away as though nothing had just happened. :-) lol Angel4eva ... Read Full Story >>

1934 Reads

Best Buds

When my new neighbour moved in I did not want to meet her as I am shy. So I just watched her move in hoping that one day my shyness would go away and I would be able to meet her because she seemed so nice.

One day my neighbour told my mum that she was having a barbecue. My mum told me and I said I would go. While I was getting changed I started to have second thoughts about the barbecue but I reminded myself that this would probaly be the only chance I would have to get to meet her  properly. So I went  and bonded with my neighbour and had a great time.

So the week after I decided to make her some jelly . But when I gave it to her I ran back to the house because I was still a bit shy but before I got to the door she thanked me. A week later I decided I would make her some biscuits and this time I didn't run away instead I stood there blushing.

And now a month later we are like best buds!!! 

1582 Reads

70 Pence to Charity

I went bowling and was thirsty so I bought a drink and donated the 70 pence change to charity.

When my  dad found out he was furious  and told me off. I don't think that's fair. The children in hospital need the money more than he does. But even though I got told off I think it was a kind thing to do.


Age 10

1480 Reads

'Angel4eva' Also Commented on These Stories

Kindness Karma on a Hot Summer Day

The Eight-Year-Old Flower Seller

Smile Card Surprises At Work

An Unsuspecting Restaurant Table

Not All Skateboarders Are Hooligans!

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Paid In Full With One Glass of Milk

Shopping In The Rain

Snail Mail Surprises

My Nurse's Special Birthday Gift

A Song I Wrote Last Night

I Feel Special When I Speak About Kindness

Remembering Referrals

Remembering Referrals

5 Love Notes To My Grand-mother

Pushing A Cart

Safer For All Children

I Wish You Enough

Few Bills Under A Paper Napkin