Stories by bk12 (2 matches)

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

I was a DJ, playing music for wedding dances, reunions and such. One Christmas, some coworkers wanted to have a dance for a Christmas party. They asked me to be the DJ, and decided to have an admission charge and donate all of the proceeds to charity. After looking around, we found that several children in the area could not afford shoes or coats in the wintertime. There was a local group, the "Resource Council" that worked with WalMart to provide $15 vouchers to needy families for shoes and coats for these families, but there was never enough money to go around. We decided that the money raised would be donated to the Resource Council for this purpose. After thinking about it, I wondered why an endowment fund couldn't be used for this purpose. With an endowment fund, just the interest would be given each year, and the principle would be left ... Read Full Story >>

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Small Price, Great Feeling

    I've started a habit that is very inexpensive, but has been very rewarding!

    We have a grocery store that requires customers to pay a quarter to get a shopping cart. When we're done shopping, we put the cart back in line and get our quarter back. Now, when I leave the store, I start looking for someone just arriving, and give them a free cart and a Smile Card.  Even though the gift is inexpensive, the smiles on their faces are priceless.  I had a person last week that immediately brightened up and said I must've known how bad her day was going. Small price to pay for the great feeling I get. 

1439 Reads

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