Stories by clemsongirl000 (1 matches)

"My main focus was helping ..."

My husband and I were on our way home from Christmas with my family when I noticed a lady, probably in her early 40's, standing in a church lawn near the highway holding a sign that read, "will work for food." When I see these type of things, my heart breaks. Living in a small town, seeing these types of things is rare, despite the terrible economy and unemployment rate. It was Christmas and all I could think about was how this lady should be at home with her family, enjoying the season, but instead, she was begging for work, just to be fed. I know there are people out there who do those type of things for free money or free food, but I didn't care. My main focus was helping this lady however I could. My husband drove us to ... Read Full Story >>

1930 Reads

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