Stories by Momtotwoand2 (2 matches)

Kindness Rewarded With a Book

I've been handing out smile cards for quite a while now with the singular objective of seeing the person smile and today because of that I won a contest which was very cool!

My daily newspaper ran an article about 'spreading joy', and had a contest at the end of an article asking how people spread joy.  I entered and told them all about '' so people could check it out.  In today's newspaper I saw my name in print, I was one of 4 winners.  I won a book about Joy and Happiness!!

How about that??

1930 Reads

Saving a Stranger From a Ticket

Today I was on my way to the dry cleaners , I was putting coins in the parking meter when I noticed the car in front of me was out of time.  Knowing the parking police around here I just popped a nickle in there and gave him a couple of minutes.

1534 Reads

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