Stories by happytreasures (2 matches)

Angel Cards For My Sister

It was recently my sister's birthday and I wanted to make her a pack of homemade "Angel Cards". I painted a picture on one side of some small blank business cards. On the other side I wrote words of encouragement. I made her a pack of 29 cards, as it was her 29th birthday.

She lives far away from me and as I was about to post them, I got an idea. I decided that each day, I would post one of the cards to her. That way, she would receive one Angel card each day.

So far I have sent 15 of the 29 cards. At first she thought I had just sent her one card, because I didn't tell her what I was doing. Then she started getting more and more cards - one each day. She does not know how many are coming. But when I send the last one, I will let her know what has happened.

Just wanted to share. People love getting mail. This way she is getting an extended birthday gift, lasting for 29 days after her 29th birthday!

2174 Reads

A Congregation of Hugs

   In my Sunday School class, the children (aged two to 13 years) and I made "hug" cards. We placed a picture of an "angel hug" on one side of our hug cards. On the other side we wrote, "Hug someone, then give them this card, keep the hug going."

   When I had sent the children back to their parents with their hug cards, I spent about 5 minutes cleaning up. In the time it took me to clean up and then return to the church, the hug cards had gone from the children to the people in the congregation. There were hugs being given everywhere!

   I had not told the children to do this, assuming they would start by just giving their family hugs. But they went straight to the nearest person and started hugging. The moment I walked inside the church, I got hugged. And it went on from there. It was a wonderful exercise in acting with kindness. I had not seen that many smiles in one place for a long time!

1524 Reads

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