Stories by Lisha (2 matches)

You All Are Heroes!

I just wanted to thank all of you for spreading so much of joy and goodness in this world. It might sound cliche, but through your stories, I came to realize that there is so much we can do to make people happy and touch their lives in a special way. You all have made me more sensitive. I have started appreciating the small joys in my life. In short, your stories have made me forget my sorrows and helped me become a much happier and better person.

I love you all because everyone visiting this website is a true hero. Please take care of yourselves and others and keep the wheel of kindness moving!!

A big thanks goes to the people behind this website for taking the initiative and giving us such a good opportunity to become more humane.

3395 Reads

How Do Those Who Have the Least Give the Most?

I work in a company in India which has branches in Germany and the UK, so I frequently take business trips to these places.  We have a tradition at the office whereby anybody coming back to India from a foreign country gets chocolates for all the employees. Naturally the chocolates are finished in no time because everyone loves them and tries to grab as many as possible. I had noticed that the housekeeping staff members working in our company (nearly 12, including the security and office boys) never get to taste even a single chocolate. Recently, I came back to India after a month-long trip from Munich and I'd bought a lot of chocolates for the office staff. I called over one of the housekeeping staff members called Babu.  I gave him a packet of chocolates and told him to distribute it equally amongst the housekeeping staff.  His face instantly broke into a wide ... Read Full Story >>

2108 Reads

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Being There When He Needed It Most

Who I Am Makes A Difference

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Anger Management Gift Economy Style

Hand in Hand on a Stormy Night