Stories by Faeanne (2 matches)

De-stressing The School Break

  My kids had been on holiday from school for almost two weeks and it was getting a bit much for me. (If you are a parent you will understand!) I was getting a little impatient with them and I don't like being like that. So, I decided I needed a pick-me-up and the best way I've found to feel happier is to do random acts of kindness!   While I was grabbing some last minute dinner items at the store I picked up a candy bar and asked the cashier what her favorite candy bar was. She thought I just couldn't decide what to get and named one she liked. I picked up one of those and bought it with the rest of my groceries.    After I had paid and was ready to leave I gave her the one she picked out and wished her a good day.   The other candy bar I gave ... Read Full Story >>

1553 Reads

The Fun of Giving Free Flowers

I recently celebrated a new kindness holiday: "Give Flowers to a Stranger Day." It's a monthly holiday that a fellow kindness blogger started a few months ago. I didn't let the fact that I'm on a tight budget stop me. I printed off a free note card I found online, wrote a little message on back explaining it was a RAOK (random act of kindness) and taped it to two simple white flowers I bought. Then I gave them to a mother with a young child coming out of the store. It was so much fun doing this RAOK to a total stranger- I can't wait to do it again next month!

You can read more & see pictures on my blog post about it:

1513 Reads

'Faeanne' Also Commented on These Stories

One Cup Can Change the World

Two Little Hearts - Both For Sharing

Biggest Drive-thru Smile Ever

Facebook Kindness Saves A Family

A Double Dose of Kindness at the Grocery Store

Sixth Graders and the Smile Deck

A School Lesson in Compassion and Understanding

A Hotel Manager Creates Some Magic

A Bag of Chips Changes My Son

All It Takes Is A 10 Second Thought

An Extra Special Restaurant Surprise

My Experiment with Free Hug Friday