Stories by dreamer22 (3 matches)

Spreading Smiles One Day at a Time

I have decided to test myself every day in a different way. Today's test: practice the art of listening. It is something so simple, yet so important to those that need a kind heart and a good listener. Sometimes, we all need someone to listen with no opinions or recriminations. We all just want to be heard. So I really made sure to LISTEN to the people that spoke to me throughout the  day, no matter how hectic things were. As I was sitting in the break room today, I started a conversation with a co-worker I don't speak to very much. She is such a happy, positve, and energetic lady. She seemed very troubled, so I sat down with my lunch and just listened. She told me of a husband that struggles with pain every day, of a daughter that's been faced with more trials and physical pain than any child ... Read Full Story >>

2341 Reads

Spreading Smiles With Breakfast

I recently received ten complimentary vouchers for free breakfast sandwiches at a popular fast food restaurant. 

I usually make breakfast at home to save time and money and have not used the vouchers. Instead, I have been leaving them (and Smile cards) in places for people to find. I left one in a co-worker's mailbox, handed a few in an envelope to a mother I saw at the supermarket with three small children, and left one by a gas pump.
Those free meal vouchers have brought me more joy from giving them away than I would've got from eating ten free breakfasts by myself! 
Every time I think of someone finding a voucher and a Smile card it makes me smile. I know the people that find them will be happy and who wouldn't enjoy a free hot breakfast?


1520 Reads

Chocolate Hugs to Spread the Smiles

There is so much I want to give and share, but I don't have much money. 
I try to do little things though.  Recently, I bought a bag of Chocolates Hugs and every day I've been placing them, randomly, in co-worker's mailboxes! 
I may not be giving much, but I'm giving, and I know I'm spreading smiles!


1509 Reads

'dreamer22' Also Commented on These Stories

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A Bus Ride To Happiness

The Joy of Anonymous Giving at Christmas

Two Packets of Buscuits And Two Smiles

Sometimes It Just Takes A Penny

You Reap What You Sow

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The Secret To A Lasting Marriage

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Small Change Can Make A Big Change

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A 5 Year Old's Extra Special Birthday Kindness

Learning Kindness From My Father

Trusting in the Kindness of Strangers

Overcoming Obstacles with Kindness

Christmas Candy Compassion

A Schoolbag Full Of Love Makes A Difference

A Second Chance To Help

On a Kindness Mission with my Smile Cards

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