Stories by Maggiep3 (2 matches)

A Valentine's Day Hugging Line

I am hosting a special red Valentine's Day at my place of work for all the seniors who live there.

The majority of them are now single so Valentine's Day can be difficult. We will have goodies, music, and dancing for fun.

Everyone that walks through the door will get a big HUG from me and will then get in the Hug Line to offer a hug to the next one who comes in, and so on.

I believe - 'A Hug Can Heal!'

1496 Reads

Small Acts of Politeness And Manners

Just a simple small act that made my day!

I was in Walmart the other day and the isles were really busy with shoppers.   I was looking at purses (a tough decision :-)) in a small isle and a man came with his cart.  Since the isle was so packed with shoppers, he started to back up and was going to go all the way around to get to the socks which were just ahead of me.

I stopped him and said "Sir, would you like to come down this isle?" and he said "I just need socks". I said "Please come on down, don't go around, there is room for us all!" He thanked me and said "Ya know, most people act like they don't even see you." and he thanked me and smiled.

It was such a small guesture, but it made us both feel good!  Anyone can be gracious and have manners!

1453 Reads

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