Stories by BlissfulLotusFlo (2 matches)

Nature's Beautiful Church

  I love hiking and being outdoors. I loved it even more when I found I could use my passion to help others.   Some of the other moms I meet on the school run are either single parents or have a child with special needs. So, I offered to take their child or children (usually boys around my son's age) on hikes with my son and I. This allows the mother to have some respite care and for herself without having the costs associated with hiring a sitter.   Today I offered my friend  that opportunity and took her son with us on a hike to Paradise Falls.    The weather was perfect, just enough sun but still cool and breezy. During part of our trek we were gently misted with sprinklings of rain that refreshed us and kept us cool as we made it to our final destination - a stunning forty-foot waterfall that cascaded ... Read Full Story >>

5284 Reads

Cooking and Feeding With Love

I love cooking and food, so it's very natural for me to share the foods I make with my friends, family and co-workers.  It's such a profound way to show someone you care about them.  When I cook, I create meals of loving kindness, which I hope will nourish the recipients in body, mind and spirit. 

It is very important to me to use mainly organic and non-GMO ingredients so that when I deliver food to my friends and see them smile and enjoy my cooking, I am reminded that I have shared my love with them. It's nourishing on multiple levels and I am grateful they relish seeing me with my cooking creations.


1956 Reads

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