Stories by LindaG1953 (1 matches)

Smiles For Remaining Days

I have this very sweet neighbor who was just diagnosed with cancer. 

She has chosen not to receive any treatment and I try to visit her daily. 

When I received my Smile Cards I was wondering how I could use them to make a difference in someone's life. Imaginary light bulbs flashed as I thought about my neighbor and friend. Mary, I realized, would love some happiness in her life. 

She loves flowers so I bought a small violet and a "Thinking of You" card, then tucked a Smile Card down inside the leaves of the flower. 

That evening I got a call from her asking about the Smile Card. She felt so special. It made her day. It sits in her living room where she can smile at the card every day. 

I am just thankful that I can bring some happiness to such a special and kind lady as Mary. I ask God to comfort her everyday that she is here. 

Thank you sending me my Smile Cards. I will find a way to send her one everyday until she leaves me. 

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